Death, they say is inevitable. All humans must face this end.

To some, it's the end. While to others, it's the beginning of another journey.

The formal belief there is no more hope for the dead. While the latter argue that death and life are the same. We live to die and die to live again.

Whatever we decided to believe or disbelieve, we will all know when we reach the other side.

Yet one of the greatest fooleries among humans is our endless wants, knowing we all have but few years to live.

Little wonder one of the wisest men that ever walked the surface of the earth opined that.

'I will eat, drink and spend my time with the woman that my heart desires. I will not be too righteous, so I can live longer. Not be too foolish, so I can avoid unnecessary death. But I will enjoy myself while am young before old age arrives, and death sneaked on me.'

Today is the final rite of prince El Capone, and the mafia king's palace was filled to the brim with uniformed men and colourfully dressed inh
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