The construction of the low-cost building in lower Greenwich resumed and men and women were seen attending to the instructions of the engineers and doing as they instructed.

Hundred of foundations was laid with stones and cement. And hardwoods, planks, and iron roofing sheets were imported, and then arranged until they will be needed.

Because some section of the labourers works in the daytime, while the other section work at night, the site is always beaming with lights from the big generators placed at various locations. With this, there seemed to be little or no difference between night and daytime.

As the work progressed, those that had already completed their payment were offered an uncompleted building as their portion and were informed to be fast in completing their payment, so the house will be completed in time for them Io pack inside.

In truth, seeing is believing.

The whole inhabitants of lower Greenwich emptied their purses and safes, and they all packed all they have to
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