The two men were discovered missing the following morning, and a search party was instantly organized to search for them. Hours later, the searching party returned with empty hands, as the men were never found.

Their pictures were posted as missing in every nook and cranny of the island, and a large reward was offered to anyone who have any information about the men's whereabouts.

An inquiry was set up about their sudden disappearance, but those investigating soon met lots of bottlenecks when all the witnesses suddenly vanished into thin air.

Days later, the men's file was kept aside, as other matters of urgency soon arise, and the whole group of merchants, soon engrossed in their newfound challenge.

A letter suddenly arrived from El Capone, and he had requested the foreign merchants to present him the sales record for the past ten years of their transactions, and the amount they had been selling a kilogram of opium to their respective customers.

Secondly, the foreigners were ins
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