Abnormal Security Bureau
Abnormal Security Bureau
Author: Dangtuanviet
Chapter 0: Horror bus.

Ten years ago, on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City.

Under the sky, many children were running around a yellow bus, which looked more like a living creature than a vehicle. However, no one noticed this. The sound of playing around it kept ringing incessantly in a somewhat eerie setting. Either way, it's not something that the grown-ups need to worry about.

This was the picnic they had been waiting for a long time. Adults don't care much, but seeing their children happy made them happy too. Teachers still found ways to keep order. The teacher had a much harder time compared to the parents who only had to look after one or two children.

Besides, there was a mysterious person who was already in the car. Despite his tall body, no one noticed that this person existed. He was like the knight guarding ren's kingdom against the lurking demons.

- Quoc, wait for us! - A middle-aged man wearing glasses spoke up. - You run too fast!

The face had some wrinkles of age. He had a navy blue shirt with a gray jacket and black pants. Next to him was a short-haired woman with a purple music top and a blue skirt. Although the face was light makeup, it did not look bad. They were not city dwellers, but originally from Ben Tre, came here to settle down. Although Quốc did not know what his parents' job is, in general, his family life was quite good. The boy's life generally was also quite perfect.

- But if we don't hurry, the bus will run away! - The child jumps up and talks as he talks, an act that makes adults laugh or even slightly annoyed but was so normal for their age.

From the outside, he's also quite handsome. Round face with short black hair covered. The boy wore a light blue shirt and a briefcase containing supplies for the upcoming picnic. His full name was Dinh Bai Quoc.

- Mother's country is always impatient! - The mother spoke up. She smiled brightly at her son.

- I don't have any. Come on, let's go together. - The boy said and took his parents' hands and walked together to the bus.

- Don't drag your mother like that. - The father said.

- Then I run first! - Quoc said.

- You got kidding me! – The father said with a little displeasure.

Even so, he and his wife still ran after the boy to get on the bus. The two then laughed. After all, this was a rare outing and no one can hate the child they have lost their guts to give birth to and raise from year to year.

- Why does this person look weird…? – Bai Quoc wondered. – Is he an undercover policeman…?

The boy looked at someone who looked tense like he was waiting for something dangerous. This man looked like a trained professional soldier.

Meanwhile, someone got close to the bus driver.

- Can I ask you something…? But stop…!

Some people wanted to ask about the driver due to their proximity, but something invisible forced them to stop paying attention to the other person. All passengers felt the urge to ignore the driver.  Meanwhile, the car started to run.

- There is something freak…! - Quoc said.

- I feel the same way... -  The man said. - I just don't know how to describe it.

- That's right... - The woman said.

During the ride, people began to have a strange feeling as if they were going into the stomach of some kind of creature. For some reason, they got goosebumps. The bad feeling was increasing

At this moment, the sharp winds hit the windows of the bus. The sounds sounded like a horror song and showed no sign of stopping. Then, the window became faint as if covered with white snow even though it is in South Vietnam in the Dry Season. Furthermore, passengers did not know which road they are going through.

Most importantly, the speed of the car started to increase so fast that it was as if it were a race car competing for a championship trophy. People started to feel scared because of the terrible speed.

- Dude, the car goes a bit fast! – One parent spoke up. - The children are scared!

The driver now was showing no sign of stopping or even slowing down. When he saw the destination passing by, a teacher called:

- This is our stop!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. At least they got to where they needed to go, no longer needing to be in this monstrous bus. Most expect to find another car or take a motorbike taxi to go home.

However, the driver did not react at all. He was like a statue.

Faced with this situation, she stood up and walked forward. Anyway, today's picnic was her responsibility.

- Didn't you hear me!? - She asked.

Then, she reached out again and grabbed his shoulder to reciprocate in horror.

The bus was currently being driven by a corpse. It looked like it had been decaying for a while. A paramedic ran over and touched the artery in his neck and it was true that there was no pulse regardless of its appearance, which proved it all.

Everyone in the car at this time was extremely afraid of the body. They were also afraid that the car was going to have an accident. Most importantly, no one can understand themselves not notice that there was a corpse in the position of the bus driver. Many wondered how it got there. They asked themselves if  it had appeared from the beginning, how the car could run a distance like this

- The car is still moving on its own! – Quoc said.

People were now paying attention to the steering wheel and it was true is moving on its own. Operations were being carried out as if an experienced driver was driving. It didn't bother anyone, it just made them panic more.

- Oh my god! What the hell is happening – A person wondered.

- Damn it!

A series of swearing resounded, even though there were many children in there. People continued to scream, banging on the main door and windows but they did not open.

- Everyone calms down! - The mysterious man said – Now, shouting won't help much!

Meanwhile, the engine roared as the car began to accelerate. The speed that used to be high was now many times higher.

Suddenly, it stopped making everyone almost jump out if there were no seat belts. Most importantly, a man in a hat with a black coat suddenly appeared. He did not fly in and out, nor was he hiding in the bus before. He just suddenly came out of nowhere.

- The candidates for our project are here. - The man spoke up and stood still so everyone could see his horrible form.

It was more like looking at guinea pigs in a laboratory than looking at ordinary people. Even so, it was still normally boring with the shape of this thing. A face that no one can forget. Even an adult must be alarmed by that appearance, let alone a child.

The appearance of this name is truly horrible. He had a corner of his mouth that extends too o his wrists, revealing sharp teeth. Each breath and sentence carried a terrible stench as if he had hundreds of dead rats in his mouth. This was a typical villain straight out of a horror movie.

This entity then got on the bus to everyone's horror. After that, the transportable continued to run at increasingly high speeds like a rocket on the asphalt road. It made everyone in the car, especially children, shake violently.

- Who the hell are you!? - Two angry parents rushed over.

Even if they didn't know what was going on, they couldn't accept that their child was in danger from this creature. The love of the parents overcame their fear of what they did not understand.

- Don't be aggressive with him…! – The mysterious man shouted again, but it seemed that everything was not in a time when two parents rushed to grab the other's collar.

- I do not accept rejection! - He said with a bit of anger en he sees disobedient pets.

This guy then waved his hand, blowing the two tall men back to their seats. Even though the bodies of the other two were very tall, there was no way to resist.

- Adults are troublesome…! – He said.

Immediately, after, a series of small panda heads appeared and attacked the adults. Although they looked like panda heads, they were only the size of a hand and looked like they were decomposing. As soon as they were touched by those monstrous things, all parents and teachers stood still like stone statues. In a way, they were turned into stone statues. It was almost only the other man who resisted a little before suffering the same fate.

- Parents! - The kids in businesses scream all the time.

Each of them tried to shake their loved ones but to no avail. They did not understand what was going on. It was just a normal outing. Many wondered why things turned out like this. They didn't do anything wrong. They were all good kids.

At this moment, only Quoc felt angry. He wouldn't allow anything to hurt his family.

- What did you do to my parents!? - Quoc shouted and jumped at the monster.

This’s pretty stupid. Even a normal person, that guy was strong enough to overwhelm a kid like him. Meanwhile, this thing was just not a person.

the guy still didn't react like he was looking at a chained dog barking to the kid's question He even seemed to be amused when Bai Quoc reacted reacrecentlym the rest.

- Then what are you going to do to me!? - The monster with mockery said - Hit me!?

- I can't, but the police will definitely... Vietnam still has law enforcement! – Quoc cried - The police are arresting you!

He also didn't know what he was talking about because he didn't know if the police officer do anything to the creature in front of him. Even if they knew what was going on, the police would probably have to give up on the other entity. For some reason, though, the other thing stopped acting a bit unhappy as if it was really afraid of the Vietnamese police.

- Vietnamese police… a bunch of bastards who always like to interfere in other people's affaire guy affairs an angry voice.

“This thing is fear!?” – The boy thought in his mind. What happened next proved his thinking right.

- On behalf of the Vietnamese people's police force, ask to let go of the boy! - A sound was heard. – What do you want to do here!?

It was a man holding a gun pointing at the man who appeared out of nowhere. This was the mysterious guy who ambushed earlier. This person's eyes are similar to those in the police series that Quoc often watched. Exactly, it was much more iron. Inside there was no fear of this monster.

- This is not something you policemen can interfere with – The beast said – The type of ammo you use can hurt me but that is not enough. You cannot resist the will of the gods.

- This is not a matter that can be intervened or not, this is what an officer of the people's police should do. Those are the five vows that I and thousands of police officers all over the land took when graduating from the police academy. - The people's policeman said. – We, the Unusual Security Department of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, have been following you for a long time! By the way, don't you think I came here alone!?

Outside, a series of police sirens sounded. Through the dim window, one could also see armored vehicles moving. The presence of the police made everyone feel more secure. They did not think there would be a day when they will see the police fight monsters.

- How dare do you think you can beat me!? Do you think I don't have a backup plan?

He said when everything was shaking more and more like the way the plane was about to take off. Looking from the window, even though it was covered in dust, the children could see that the bus was about to take off.

At the same time, they also heard and dimly see a war going on out there, between the soldiers of the people's police force and the non-humans.

Facing the policemen now were a series of creatures a head taller than them with deer horns and blue eyes. The face looked like a mask made of bones. Its chest was full of ribs and decaying flesh. Hands full of claws.

A fierce battle is going on. Gunshots rang out incessantly. Not to mention the screaming.

- Don't joke! - The soldier spoke up and opened fire, but it was stopped by the other thing.

- Ammo has remarkable magical power. However, as I said earlier, it can indeed hurt me but this much is not enough! - The entity spoke up.

Immediately, a wave of power like a tsunami in the small space flew straight toward the police soldier. He was like a man fighting a tsuna. The sound of bones breaking echoed continuously. Even so, the soldier of the people's police still stood firm with extraordinary energy, surprising the other thing itself.

- Why…? Why are you trying so hard? – Bai Quoc wondered. – Is it worth it?

Even so, it was still difficult to stand up to a supernatural being. The police soldier could no longer stand.

- Boy, I know you're scared, but trust me, a Vietnam People’s Police. I and my comrades will save you… - He shouted.

Those were the last words Quoc heard before he was blown out of the car. He didn't know if the Vietnamese police could solve things beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In the meantime, everything started to go dark again. Quoc, too, the children fell into an irresistible slumber. Before they lost consciousness, they saw a white cube the size of a fourth-level house.

- Welcome… to… death…. contest - A horrible sound resounded.


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