When Anne had finished her story, Jack was stumped for words. All made much more sense now, how his mother had always been so adamant about her lack of strength, how she always told him to never enter the ocean again and even why she and Edward had decided to leave behind the days of pirating and live in seclusion, as fugitives. But all that raised so many more questions. "Who was my biological mother? Why were the leviathans of the deep after us? And how was it all related to the cataclysm of floods of all those years ago?" Just thinking about these questions was making Jack's head hurt, when finally he was able to mutter something, it was a sacred and guttural response.
"A-Am I not... human?" He muttered.
"I don't know." Anne answered. "And I don't really care, I raised you to be one, so, no matter what happens to us, you must promise me to not let go of that humanity of yours, regardless of what you truly are."
"Don't tell me... the government is coming for you guys?!"
"Yeah it is."
"Then I'll fight with you!"
"You won't. The one who is coming to take us away is not someone any of us can handle, she's an S class who could kill us all with the snap of her fingers. But you have no fault in our past sins, plus, you must survive and uncover the mysteries of your birth as my instinct tells me it is related to the very survival of all humanity. But there is no more time. Just know that we love you and will always be with you in spirit." She got up and walked to the room's door, where Jack could see Ed waiting at the door with his most precious possessions in hand, his two intricately carved swords. They were ashen gray with intricate skull carvings on the blades and the hilt enveloped with sea monster hide. They gave each other a deep look and Ed approached.
"Hey kid, Anne said all we had to say basically, but also know that we have faith in you. We kept quiet as to not make you too prideful, but you have a true talent for combat, maybe it is your inhuman side, but the speed at which you understood our teachings was nothing sort of terrifying. Always trust that instinct of yours and it will get you far." Edward said as he handed him his swords. "They are yours now, try not to hurt anyone innocent with them, and when we are gone, go to the blood academy and look for a man named Mayfield, he will get you in there to finish your training." Tears streamed endlessly from Jack's face. "Keep your identity as ours and that mermaid's son a secret, as many might try and take advantage of that."
A loud banging began at the front door. Anne walked to the only wardrobe in the room and stood beside it.
"NO! I won't leave you guys alone! I will hel-" Before Jacks voice could go any louder, he was thrown by Edward into the wardrobe, which was opened and closed by Anne in an instant. "Stop this! Let me out, please!" He banged at the door, but Fortune had already tied a chain around and used her water powers to fuse it shut.
"Be quiet!" She yelled at him, using her bloodlust to suppress the teen's voice. "And don't worry, we have each other so well never truly be alone.
The banging at the front door mas substituted by a large crash, the door had been broken into. The couple sat at the foot of the bed and embraced each other in a passionate kiss for a few moments until a large woman, almost 2.1 m in height, showed up on the door frame. She had a deep dark and long hair which went all the way to her waist, was wrapped from neck to toe in bandages and dark garments. In her hand was a great black war-hammer with wings carved on it's sides. Staring at the couple with fierce and resentful black eyes was a beautiful battle-torn and scar filled face. With a frown, she uttered:
"The famous Ed and Anne, first-mate and captain of the Fortune pirates who ravaged the sea before the great flood, never knew why you stopped just when your advantages on the sea grew larger. But to think that the murderers of my older brother would be living in a shitshack in the middle of nowhere all lovey-dovey."
"So you're that hammerhead's sister? "Huh. Fate sure is in the air tonight." Ed said nonchalantly.
"Yes, and I'm here to avenge him." She said this as she moved closer to the couple.
Anne raised an eyebrow. "Just like that?" she asked: " No trial or all of that usual boring bureaucratic shit?"
"You scum don't deserve any of that." said the mysterious girl.
"Indeed, but let me give you some advice, woman to woman... all that goes out comes back, and if you so choose to kill us here and now, that will eventually turn on you, and a fate much worse will come. We are prepared to face the consequences of our actions, are you?"
"There will be no consequences, for after you perish, no one shall be around to even remember who you were, much less connect me to your deaths."
"Oh, young one, the world will remember. Our love is proof of that." Edward replied with a sly but sad smile.
"How foolish, It's time we end this. Remember my name in the underworld, for it is Hella." The hammer of wrath rose in the air. In that last split second, Anne and Ed gave a glance at the wardrobe and said together: "I love you!"
"No. No. No! NO!" Thought Jack as he saw what he feared most. The hammer was enveloped in a powerful blue energy, striking the bodies of those he loved most. As Jack heard the horrible sound of metal hitting bone, blood spattered everywhere; gruesome cries rang in his ears as a feeling he had never felt before rose from the depths of his soul. Anger.
An anger so bloodthirsty and terrible that his entire worldview was crashing down. The teen punched and clawed at the unbugging door until his hands were bloodied and torn, much like the massacre happening in front of him. Animal like instincts of survival and rage kept swelling up inside him, but that was not all, as a different energy also trashed and turned, bringing unthinkable pain to every inch of his body as it spread. Many would know what that process was, the awakening... when one had drunk enough monster blood and absorbed a lot of its foul energy, new powers were born, or, as the name implied, awakened. But Jack knew none of that, in his entire life, he had never consumed even a drop of monster blood, and the reason for that was simple. Ed and Anne knew from the beginning that he already had beast blood in him,much more than any rich elite child could ever get their hands on, he was, without knowing it, the perfect specimen of a blooded being.
Outside of the closet of fear and pain, the woman had completed her task, her mission, and stood there for a few seconds in silence, wondering what their last words had been about."Who says I love you to their killer?" She pondered the things they had said before the end and wondered whether they were being sincere or just wanted to screw her mind up before dying. But something interrupted her thought process, a surging of energy she could barely understand, and it came from the very same room she was in. A quick scout told her it came from the closet, and holding tightly on her weapon, she approached the wardrobe while inside Jack saw something weird pop up.
It was a game window, much like those he saw on advertisements the few times he had gone to the city. But, unlike those, it was all glitched out, but he couldn't care less as the anger of having the one he most wanted to kill in the world standing right outside his hiding place was too much.
[Awakening Process]]
[4#$¨&* %]
[@#$$&@! Inherent Trait Computed]
[Extraordinary Blood Amounts Seen]
[*%#)(% Skill Added]
Hella stretched her hand toward the chains.
[Warning: Too much power is being assimilated by the host]
[Warning: The Skill *%#)(% Is Getting Out of Hand]
The cold blooded killer broke the chains easily, and was about to open the door when Jack finally reached his breaking point, he couldn't care less about the pain, about all those messages and symbols he couldn't understand. All he felt like doing was ripping the throat out of the person in front of him. So he made a choice, one based on instinct and one that would save his life from a terrible fate, he took the initiative and opened the door himself.
[Warning: Skill *%#)(% Has activated on it's own]
Hella stood outside the wardrobe, tense and perplexed, after what had happened inside. When she was about to open the door, it swung itself open with massive force, making her jump back a few meters on reflex, only to find herself standing face-to-face with an almost empty furniture piece shaking violently with only some clothes inside it.
"Was I... seeing things?" She wondered, but that feeling of something being horribly wrong stuck with her. "But that burst of blood energy was so intense... have their words really affected me that much?" Her preoccupied thoughts were becoming increasingly louder in the empty cottage until she was interrupted by a shy and somewhat afraid voice behind her.
"M-Miss Hella...?" She turned around to see a young, thin man in a black suit with worry stamped all over his face. "A-Are you done with the mission?"
Taking a couple of moments to calm her frenzied brain, she sighed and said:
"Yes. Let's go back to the agency and get that report done already. Just have some of your underlings investigate this place thoroughly to make sure we haven't missed anything."
"Is it really necessary in this rundown place?" confusion and a bit of laziness showing in his body language.
"Yes. I've got a bad feeling about this, and you know how good my instincts are."
He nodded and walked out of the hut, where a shiny silver spaceship with a world logo stamped on its side awaited patiently. Despite all of its luxuries and comforts catering to Hella's every need, a deep sense of unease pervaded her being. With another sigh, she tried to relax. "Well, at least I finally got my revenge, so this closure isn't all that bad." The airship flew into the dawn with its dark reflection shimmering in the dark, still, light-enveloped sea.
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Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 4: The Fall
It all happened so fast that Jack didn't even properly process it until he was about to crash to the floor and become mush, moreover he couldn't even tell if there was a floor in this damned place. Starting with the fact that he was so angry that when he opened the door of the wardrobe, ready for a fight to death (most likely his) with Hella, Jack found himself falling, not to the floor. But endlessly on an entirely new enviroment he had never seen before, a beutiful sky filled to the brim with stars and two moons shining light in his surroundings, grey towers of stone and cyclopian magnitude were all arround him, some had paths, other bridges interconnecting them and many other things which, as he aproached terminal velocity became increasingly dificult to pay attention to the details.Next the survival instinct kicked in. Jack had never been in a situation like this but his beast brain imediatly took action to somewhat increase the chances of his survival, he opened his arms and leg
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 5: Cute Girls Are Falling From the Sky?!
Of course, it didn't trigger his instinct, that which was falling on top of him was no threat. When Jack came to, he felt something really soft on top of him, I't was quite dazzling, a beautiful girl with brown hair dyed white on the tips around the same stature as him was laying on top of him unconscious. "I guess she fell from somewhere up above." Moving to the side he sighed. "As if my own survival wasn't enough worry." He thought in frustration, but he knew he couldn't just leave her there and go exploring, so he dragged her wounded body inside the cave and left her by the place where he himself had collapsed some time prior. "Well... guess I ain't leaving this cave anytime soon, so I might as well explore it" Jack had neglected doing so as his previous state was in no way prepared but now he was limited in it as to not endanger the passed out girl. At least she seemed to have a bow equipped on her back, so she wouldn't be a burden when she woke up, in addition to that she would m
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 6: The Sound of Humanity
Jack was, rightfully so, in a deep sleep, he had overcome massive disadvantages, used his ability not once or twice but four times in his first test. Thus, he lost a lot of blood in the process, anemia took away all of his energy, and this time, despite the tiredness, he dreamed. He dreamed he was back on that fateful shore training with his mother and father as he always would, and there Ed commented while they exchanged blows, both of them using the same pair of swords:''You are a really mad Casanova, aren't you? Ignoring your instincts to save a damsel in distress sounds like the kind of crap I'd do in my younger years!'' A wide smile was stamped on his face while Anne looked at him from the side, she was definitely not pleased with the comment.''Oh really? So that's the kind of life you led before meeting me, huh?'' A terrifying smile stamped on her face.A deep sense of feeling at home swelled in Jack, who couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. ''Don't listen to him, Jack''
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 7: Exploration and New Limits
Into the dark cave system, the unlikely group had just passed where Jack's frenetic battle had taken place, thus venturing in unknown territory from then onwards. Of course, both were already on high alert and ready to take on any fight that presents itself. Our very hero was already walking around with both blades drawn and ready for action, while Laura, after spending some time fixing her bow, was also with it drawn and an arrow in hand ready to cover Jack from a longer range. Through the shifting stone pathways they found a couple of bifurcations, but after relatively quick deliberations they'd move on with no worries, as the combination of his powerful instincts and her non-hearing senses could more or less guess what was in the other path. Mainly, they tried to keep heading upward as their objective to return to human civilization hadn't changed and avoiding unnecessary fights as no one knew for how long the exploration would go. Lucky for Laura, the way was relatively well lit
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 8: The Battle of Monstrocity
Jack and Laura were both dumbfounded at how fast things had developed. An all out war between two species of beasts, which was a relatively rare occurrence, was happening right in front of them. The fungi-infected creatures left a trail of dead birds and blood on their path, yet, the birds were unrelenting and had a huge numerical advantage.They held on to each other firmly as several thoughts raced through each of their minds. ''How are we even going to get out of this hellhole? We could try and wait for the storm to pass, but that leaves us too vulnerable in here.'' He honed in on his instincts to get a clearer view. ''No, every second we spend in here is a risk we are taking to either be found out or get caught in the crossfire.''Meanwhile, more than ten birds were flying around the great spider monster and breaking its tough carapace relentlessly with their beaks. ''Thin Laura think! In the academy, they said that beasts of lower levels hardly have a capacity to think and strate
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 9: The Forest of Whispers
Back to the forest of mushrooms, Jack had just finished absorbing the blood and taking some meat off the bull's carcass, so they could later have something to eat, though he didn't know if it was edible. But it was better than risking it with the alternative that was the mushrooms themselves, still, he wanted to get some meat off the birds too as he didn't trust giving the fungi infected bull's meat to Laura. Who, noticing his movement, began doing the same with the bird carcass and absorbing as much blood as she could, this time with our hero as a lookout.Meanwhile, he took the chance to better scout their surroundings, as his instincts whispered to him that it was safe. He walked back to the battlefield of the beasts with extreme care, chancing upon their previous hiding space, still filled with blood. Since he was pretty fast in absorbing it, he went inside once more and stayed there for a few minutes, paying attention to the distance, the monster corpses were no more as he assume
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 10: Fallen of the Mushroom Forest
Horror beyond compare was coursing through their veins. ''What have we just seen? This monster is capable of infecting other monsters with its spores?! What even is the level of that thing?!" Jack thought.Anna, like him, was convinced that this creature belonged on the fallen level. Not just that, it was of a pretty rare fungi type, this was for sure its main body, but even she was unsure if destroying it would kill all the others.She couldn't tell, but the forest had been plunged into a deadly silence, no monster sounds in the distance, no soft humming of the mushrooms around her. All life was holding its breath, and that included the pair, who had been doing so without even noticing. Only the tranquil, flowing sound of the great river besides them continued to pour over the environment as if in defiance of the horror in front of them.After what seemed like hours, the two monsters appeared to be having a private conversation.For a moment, Jack had the fleeting paranoia that the t
Abystella - The Star of The Abyss Chapter 11: Nature's Will
Many things were going on in Jack's mind. First, he thought of survival, how am I going to guarantee the great wolf's progenitor survival on this place if even his own was not a given. ''But if leave it here just to die, I would be cruel.'' And surprisingly that was something he had grown to despise in the modern world, needless cruelty. ''Plus, and again, Anna would hit me in the afterlife.''Also, if what the ancient wolf had told him was true, he would gain a companion who would stand side by side with him even in the battlefield. ''So it's decided... the problem is the two fallen level monsters I'll have to kill, even if on a lenient time limit.''The second thing he considered was actually something that he felt. That if he was to accept his hidden skill might not stand quiet. And that terrified Jack, but at the same time he thought about the unthinkable benefits he could attain.''Hurry on, pup. I feel the infection accelerating its spread. Either accept or scram!'' The wolf roa
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Chapter 17: Pyromania
After the battle, the pair was collecting blood and absorbing it as much they could in as little time possible. The reason for that was the lack of knowledge on when the fallen bird lord would return and the fact that from their latest fights, they had gotten some much higher quality blood than with these mere danger leveled beasts.Jack was aware that he was almost at the 3 start awakened level. Thus, he tried gaining something with the creatures, but it felt as if the low-levelled energy the danger beasts could provide was only a drop in the ocean.When he was done, Jack went to Laura and asked:''Hey, ready to move on? I don't want to spend too long in here. This place gives me the creeps.''She nodded, and they left the monster corpses behind, resuming their ascent in the great tower.Jack kept the lighter on in one hand, despite his mistake in the previous fight, for Laura's vision was too good of a scouting tool to give up on. After all, it didn't matter if the beasts saw him if
Chapter 16: Unnatural Questions
The cave trembled, both Jack and Laura were sweating buckets as they saw what emerged from it, the fallen level bird monster.''This makes no sense!'' Jack thought. ''What the hell is it doing here? Is this cave its nest?'' He frowned deeper and deeper. Both were in no condition to fight it like this, Jack was able to kill the fungi fallen because he had the advantage of the environment.But with the bird, even if they managed to somehow lure it into the water, it could just kill them from the air.The ground was shaking with every step that it took as the crawling got nearer and nearer to the pair. Jack prayed it wouldn't notice them, as they were anything but well hidden, the simple act of the bird looking to the side would already spell doom for them.It was getting closer, both could feel it. Jack decided on a couple of plans in the few seconds of time left for them to think.They could see its enormous face peering out of the cave now, and Jack went into action, willing the surro
Chapter 15: A Brether for the Broken
It was the equivalent of dusk in the small cave ecosystem, the red fungi had stopped glowing furiously, and the cave was somewhat in darkness as now both sides of the lake had nothing but the reflections of the far away mushroom luminescence to light it up.Just when the fight got to a point where neither Jack nor the scorpion could be seen by Laura due to both being completely submerged, it was over, an overwhelming pressure came from the water and all she could see were two blades of water shooting upward from the dark patch of water where the beast's body could be hazily seen.Then blood, massive amounts of it, spread through the surrounding water, and she prayed that it was over.Concurrently, Jack was just floating underwater, no strength left to move, pain was the only thing that could be felt, but only in the physical sense as in his mind he felt at ease. ''Somehow that was one third of my promise kept, Silva... Now I have to kill the other one and take care of your child, I gu
Chapter 14: The Wrath of Nature
Everything seemed to happen so fast, basically none of the involved could have foreseen how it would've ended, even the Fungi Scorpion Fallen. Unbeknownst to all others, it was only a few steps away from becoming a Scorpion king or a true disaster as humans would classify it.It was so close to overcoming all the beings it knew of in this world, and when presented with an unusual snack in the form of some small humans, barely matured and perfect for the consuming.Hell, they might have even been that last step it was looking for. No it felt it, neither of the young in front of it were ordinary, yet it only came to this full realization after the fight had progressed.In the second, Jack yelled Laura to go on without him, all seemed bleak, yet he charged without thinking much as his objective was stalling for time, not killing the thing, he needed his partner to get as far away from them as possible thus he gambled.They were only 8 meters away from each other, the fungi fallen tore do
Chapter 13: The New Divide
The creatures didn't go near the river, but to say the deadly stampede had no effect at all on their current situation was not true. As many beasts would pass by, making so, the floor and their hiding shroom would tremble with the massive force of dozens of monsters and destroying everything in their path. One of which hit the mushroom they were on full force, making it sway and shake from side to side.The pair used all of their forces to not fall off the unstable platform by using a weapon to dig deep into the fungi meat and keep their position safe and steady.Jack was undeniably having an easier time than Laura, despite her being a few stars above him, his strength was much higher due to the changes happening in his body and his status as a melee fighter.''This could almost be a theme park ride in the human world, if not for the risk of death underneath.'' He thought. ''Please just pass by before we fall and have to fight without necessity.''After a few minutes of instability, t
Chapter 12: A Risky Path to Thread
Laura couldn't help but feel astonished at Jack while they walked, and he spoke. Such a thing was only possible because her field of view had expanded, allowing her to read his lips even if she was behind or beside him.Yet what truly surprised her was that in a single night of hunting he had finally broken through to the two star awakened level and even scouted ahead, finding a somewhat hidden trail besides the river and below the canopy of trees. They kept on walking, surprisingly much fewer beasts could be seen on this path than the one further away from the river and the view of the large body of water was calming in a certain way, as if instead of attracting thirsty monsters it kept them away. The water was translucent and deep, and even Laura could barely see the other side of the river, which spoke in lengths on how big it was.''Seems like the forest is safer during the day.'' He said. ''Probably means that the plains are safer during the night, which explains how both of the
Chapter 11: Nature's Will
Many things were going on in Jack's mind. First, he thought of survival, how am I going to guarantee the great wolf's progenitor survival on this place if even his own was not a given. ''But if leave it here just to die, I would be cruel.'' And surprisingly that was something he had grown to despise in the modern world, needless cruelty. ''Plus, and again, Anna would hit me in the afterlife.''Also, if what the ancient wolf had told him was true, he would gain a companion who would stand side by side with him even in the battlefield. ''So it's decided... the problem is the two fallen level monsters I'll have to kill, even if on a lenient time limit.''The second thing he considered was actually something that he felt. That if he was to accept his hidden skill might not stand quiet. And that terrified Jack, but at the same time he thought about the unthinkable benefits he could attain.''Hurry on, pup. I feel the infection accelerating its spread. Either accept or scram!'' The wolf roa
Chapter 10: Fallen of the Mushroom Forest
Horror beyond compare was coursing through their veins. ''What have we just seen? This monster is capable of infecting other monsters with its spores?! What even is the level of that thing?!" Jack thought.Anna, like him, was convinced that this creature belonged on the fallen level. Not just that, it was of a pretty rare fungi type, this was for sure its main body, but even she was unsure if destroying it would kill all the others.She couldn't tell, but the forest had been plunged into a deadly silence, no monster sounds in the distance, no soft humming of the mushrooms around her. All life was holding its breath, and that included the pair, who had been doing so without even noticing. Only the tranquil, flowing sound of the great river besides them continued to pour over the environment as if in defiance of the horror in front of them.After what seemed like hours, the two monsters appeared to be having a private conversation.For a moment, Jack had the fleeting paranoia that the t
Chapter 9: The Forest of Whispers
Back to the forest of mushrooms, Jack had just finished absorbing the blood and taking some meat off the bull's carcass, so they could later have something to eat, though he didn't know if it was edible. But it was better than risking it with the alternative that was the mushrooms themselves, still, he wanted to get some meat off the birds too as he didn't trust giving the fungi infected bull's meat to Laura. Who, noticing his movement, began doing the same with the bird carcass and absorbing as much blood as she could, this time with our hero as a lookout.Meanwhile, he took the chance to better scout their surroundings, as his instincts whispered to him that it was safe. He walked back to the battlefield of the beasts with extreme care, chancing upon their previous hiding space, still filled with blood. Since he was pretty fast in absorbing it, he went inside once more and stayed there for a few minutes, paying attention to the distance, the monster corpses were no more as he assume