Writer's POV

"That was a strange plan, Langrid. It could have fucked us up." Aki didn't believe the plan was going to work.

Nothing he believed seemed to work these days; from letting Magda go on that mission believing she was going to come back, to believing Kastian was actually going to win his fight with Ivan, free and fair.

"Yet, here we are with knowledge no other Special knows." Landon was still a nervous wreck.

"You look like shit." Everyone could clearly see Landon shaking yet, Aki purposely pointed it out.

"Leave the kid, Aki, would you?" Micah rolled her eyes.

"So, where do we go from here, Langrid? We have enough knowledge really worth having our memories wiped out this time." Micah turned to Langrid.

"The real transfer of the prototype into Ivan's body has not begun. It's only been tested on him to check if he can survive having such powerful prototype in his body. The Principal is not going to return to Ivan until the next two days or tomorrow, if he's curious to know how
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