
"So that was the power-based sickness I contracted, it was from you!" Dante walked over to her and planted his foot on her chest. Her brown hair was messy and Dante hated it, she was the reason why Dante was burnt alive and eventually killed. It was her, it was her fault.

But he sighed and removed his foot from the top of her head. A black smoke-like aura started to emanate from Stas, he looked up at Dancho was standing away from him. Stas then moved so fast, that he disappeared. Dancho didn't even realise, as Stas was a millimetre away from punching Dancho in the face.

Dante kicked his neck as he realise that Stas had moved. Stas practically moved in slow motion compared to Dante, Stas would fall from the air clutching his neck. He started to gag as Sylvia called his name, in response to this. "Dante, the masked terrorist, comes into my homeroom and attacks me!" Dante looked at him pitifully, he sighed at this statement. He didn't like being called a terrorist.

"Do you know the full story?" Stas was confused about what Dante was talking about. He tried to get up and attack Dante but he just dodged the punches. "Rest. You nearly killed Seth for stopping you! Your girl told you a half-truth and you believed it. It was either knocking out Sylvia or the Death of your most prized engineer! You chose wrong, your right hand!" Stas looked at his Girlfriend with worry.

"Your Right Hand Man, Seth! A man who would follow you to the depth of the earth but Sylvia would rather sit back and let him do all the work but he isn't your Vice Commander! You let her control you and strung you along like some fool!" He looked at him with disgust and hatred. "You liquefied him for stopping you from making a grave mistake and you will have the confidence to see you as a hero. You disgust me. I will take your engineers for a project, I will pay you 10,000 carries."

He started to leave the room as the masked man spoke, "Isak, Haul, Senshi and Dancho, let's go." They all left, his company room was empty except for him and Sylvia. Stas scrambled over to Sylvia and looked at her, "Why did you tell me a half-truth?" She panted whilst saying on the floor. "They don't respect me. I thought you would make them." The engineers including Dante walked down the hall when they took a left as they walked to their headquarters.

A girl was standing there slumped against the wall. She was tall, had black hair and had two bangs coming from her hairline. She was at least 7'3 and she had large breasts. Her uniform was the same as everyone's else but her white button-up shirt was too tight. Dante and the engineers walked past her, she looked up for a second but only at Isak.

"Rama! Who is that outside?" Rama responded, "She said she wants to join our company. I told her to wait until the commander came back. Dante stuck her head out and signalled for her to come in.

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