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"The next category is Warrant Officer there are 5 Warrant Officers ranks. There aren't only 5 spaces for Warrant Officers there can be up to a hundred of Warrant Officers. The lowest rank in this category is Warrant Officer W-1 and the highest in this category is Master Warrant Officer." Stas looked around the talk was boring but necessary. Stas was bored. "The next category is Company and Field Grade Officers. The lowest rank is the Second Lieutenant from this point you will get a jumper with visible shoulder pads. You will still keep your blazer but from this point, it isn't necessary. The ranks from Second Lieutenant up until Colonel are different but there will be no physical changes. But from the Second Lieutenant rank to the General rank you will get a metal insignia badge. Now for the last category is General Officer. From the rank of Brigadier General, you will get a trench coat with epaulettes. Depending on which rank you are the amount of stars is different. A Brigadier General will have one sliver star. A Major General will have two stars. A Lieutenant General has three stars. Because I am a General I have a black trench coat with four silver stars. So you rank you must do missions alone or in a company and you will rank up. You can band together to form a company. You will get a vehicle if you get a company. You can rank up and earn money to get resources and make armour and weapons. All of these missions will be offsite. They will be assigned to you by the second army's Brigadier General until your army gets a Brigadier General. You will be given a rank from the first six ranks from a strength, speed, endurance, and intellect test and you will fight each other the next day. You can get up to 36 points and you will be assigned a rank and the highest ranks will have an advantage over the other students. To get to the General Officer category, you will have to work hard and be the best."

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