"Of course, teacher, accompanies us? I'm going to prepare dinner, and he is invited", Adrian replied, looking at the teacher with an accomplice look to prevent her from going to reject her proposal and that she could spend more time next to her mother outside the academy.
He tried, but the professor blushed, and only nodded without saying anything, behaving like a small boy who was afraid to spend time next to the girl he liked.
Adrián smiled and looked at Ally.
"You come? After dinner, I accompany you to your home so you can rest calmly", said Adrián.
She nodded.
"Yes, I would not like any more problems with my parents, if I decide to stay one more night with you in your home", she replied.
Adrián nodded.
"I agree, I don't want more problems than I already have with them".
Then, Adrián helped Ally getting off the stretcher, he took her delicately from the hip, and charged her as if she were a baby until she left her on the floor.
For her part, Professor Nichols looked at Roxanne, she was approaching the shore of the stretcher to get off, but he interrupted her, turned the stretcher, and offered her hand witter hand to the director of the academy To take it and could be sure that if he went down the stretcher and fell, he would be willing to receive it.
Roxanne looked at him with a raised eyebrow, surprised by his gesture, but said nothing. With a sigh as resigned, she accepted her hand and descended with grace, although she could feel the slight tension in the fingers of Professor Nichols.
"Thank you"; she murmured, looking away.
"Always", he replied in an almost inaudible tone.
Adrián, who did not miss the moment, smiled with malice and took Ally hand in hand.
"Well, we better leave before it becomes later".
The night had already fallen when they left the academy building. Roxanne and Professor Nichols walked a few steps behind Adrián and Ally, who talked in a low voice. Roxanne could feel the teacher's presence too close, as if he doubted whether he should speak or stay silent.
"I hope you like homemade food", he suddenly commented, breaking the awkward silence.
"If you prepare it, it will surely be delicious", Nichols replied without thinking, and instantly regretted, remembering that Adrián commented that he would be in charge of preparing dinner that night.
Roxanne stopped dry and looked at him, surprised. I did not expect such a direct response from someone who was always so formal and reserved. Nichols felt how heat raised to the face and looked away so that she didn't realize it.
"I say... huh... I mean that...
Adrián turned to look at them and couldn't help laughing. Ally did it too, realizing that what spoke with Adrián on his way was true. Between Professor Nichols and Roxanne, there was a more than professional and colleagues relationship.
"Professor, he is sweating. Do not get so nervous", commented the boy, fun, waiting for his mother to capture his intention with that comment.
Roxanne shook his head and continued walking.
"Come on, we don't have all night", he said, hiding a slight smile that the teacher had never taken out on her.
Professor Nichols swallowed and followed her silently, wondering how he had ended in that situation that, although uncomfortable, caused her strange happiness that she never experienced until she was in her adolescence.
They arrived at the house, Adrián ran along with Ally to the kitchen, both would be in charge of cooking, on all the way they remained talking about what they were going to cook, it had to be a delicious menu if they wanted to help Roxanne recover his energy, and If they also wanted to impress the teacher who would accompany them to dinner that night.
Meanwhile, Roxanne and Professor Nichols stayed in the room. The woman sighed and dropped on the couch, feeling more exhausted than normal, in addition to the walk to the house had not been short, they were always long and in her downturn, obviously, she would like to rest, by So much, she crossed one leg on the other with obvious fatigue.
"It has been a long day", he said, massaging his temples.
Nichols watched her with a mixture of admiration and concern. Roxanne was always strong and determined, but at that time she seemed vulnerable, as if it was finally allowed to relax a little far from the academy and her problems that, each time, became bigger.
"You should rest more", he said gently, sitting in the armchair in front of her.
Roxanne released a mild and sarcastic laugh.
"And who will take care of everything if I rest?"
"Adrián does well, I have seen it fight, I have analyzed it. The boy has talent, if he proposes it, he will be able to occupy your place in the academy when you decide to retire", Nichols replied, pointing to the kitchen where laughs and the sound of pots colliding were heard.
Roxanne smiled, proud of her son, because she had already been considering what Nichols commented on inheriting his position to Adrián when he decided to retire, but then set his gaze on Nichols.
"And you? Always so chivalrous, or only when you think someone can fall from a stretcher?"
The professor blinked, surprised by his playful tone. Carraspea and removed in his seat, nervous.
"Only ... I just try to be educated".
Roxanne narrowed his eyes, as analyzing it.
- You don't look like the type of man who gets nervous easily.
- You don't seem like the type of woman who needs help to get off a stretcher - he replied, crossing his arms.
There was a moment of silence. Then, Roxanne released a soft laugh.
- Touché.
Nichols smiled just, but it was enough for Adrián, that he had left for a moment to look for some condiments for the season of dinner, immediately, he caught the atmosphere between them.
- Let's see ... - he said leaning on the door frame with a cunning smile - How much are two two here?
Roxanne rolled her eyes.
"Nothing that interests you, Adrián. Go to continue cooking, they are adult conversations".
"Nothing? Adult conversations?", he repeated with fake disbelief. "How strange, teacher, his face says something else".
Nichols felt a chill. His expressions were revealing more than they should at that time.
"Stop bothering your guests and come to help us, that this is not cooked alone", Ally interrupted from the kitchen.
Adrián let out a laugh and returned with her.
Nichols sighed, relieved, because he did not intend to give more answers than he could. But Roxanne, fun with the teacher's reaction because she never knew that side of him so far, she couldn't help looking at him with a glimpse of fun in her eyes.
"I think Adrián is having fun at your coast".
"I think he enjoys getting into others' matters", Nichols replied, looked back again.
Roxanne smiled and, for the first time in a long time, felt that that night would not be like any other.
Related Chapters
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 56
The aroma of homemade food began to fill the house, wrapping the atmosphere with a warm and familiar air. From the kitchen the voices of Adrián and Ally were heard discussing the exact amount of condiments they had to use, while from time to time they ranged and the occasional mocking comment. And when they were silent, it was because both teenagers were kissing, and they did nothing to hide it.In the room, silence became comfortable. Roxanne closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of not having to be alert, not to be thinking about strategies, training or problems of the academy, as well as having to be going through that moment when I would know that she needed to use her Magic to save those who needed it. Nichols, meanwhile, watched her with dissimulation. It was rare to see her like this, so relaxed, so human, not always fighting the unknown and the enemies, or taking control of what would happen to the academy."What do you look?", She murmured without opening her eye
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 57
That afternoon ended up being perfect for everyone. Roxanne never imagined that spending quality time with Nichols would be just what he would need to recover. Professor Nichols knew her very well, and knew how to be entertained for her, making her laugh, telling her good stories, and spending quality time with her. That night, Nichols thanked Roxanne for the invitation to dinner, assuring him that the boy's dinner had been delicious. In addition to that, he had also enjoyed a delicious coffee by his side. With those compliments, Roxanne felt very happy, since before, no one had taken the daring to be direct with her, many people who knew her, used to give her respect, treat her only for the most important and professional issues. Until now, no one else had thought about approaching her, as much as Nichols had achieved it.That night, Roxanne had planned to go to a bath, wanted to relax to sleep, but he could not do it since he heard the desperate screams of a person who didn't eve
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 58
"I think the best thing we can do is look for Adrián, the boy can feel safer if he speaks directly with him. Don't you think?", Professor Nichols offered. Roxanne nodded, agreeing with him. "Do you know where Ally's house""Yes of course. His father is a great friend of mine, from time to time I am going to visit him there to take a drink while we talk about our affairs. So, I'm going to look for him, stay with the boy. I promise not to take".Professor Nichols left, leaving Roxanne and the boy alone. "Do you want to keep talking about what happens in your human world?"The boy looked at the woman with insecurity."Do you want to give me more ice cream first? It is delicious. He died of hunger".Roxanne looked at the boy with regret and decided to offer him something better so he could be calm. "Don't you prefer to prepare a sandwich? With that you will be more satisfied than with ice cream..."The boy smiled from ear to ear, and his eyes illuminated."Come, accompany me to the ki
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 59
Soon, the wait ended. Professor Nichols had brought Adrián back home, and to Adrián's surprise, his peace, his tranquility, he was not returning, on the contrary, things would begin to get more ugly for everyone from the moment Adrián had no choice but to accept his new challenge. Roxanne did not want this to happen, she was nervous about it, she did not want to lose her worshiped son, not since the last time what almost changed it suddenly happened. The worlds are so unpredictable, magic was a world so great that it was never known what fate could get in your way if it was not careful.Adrián's mother had a lot of terror of knowing what could happen in the event that Adrián returned to his world after so long, after having reincarnated in another life where he was not the same, where he had awakened new powers to know how to live here with those who were now his new family despite having some closer than others.Adrián met the boy, immediately recognized him as a reincarnated soul,
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 60
Hours spent, everyone was gathered at the Colosseum of the Darkside Specialists Academy. Students, parents, teachers, Roxanne, being the director, and her trusted teacher, Professor Nichols, were there.With them, Adrián was also, and by his side, he remained the boy who came from his world, from which he had come to ask for help in this new world to recover his life that he liked to live so much and not have to resign himself to die and live a new life without knowing what he could have done something to rescue what would remain of his world.Adrián's plan was accepted by all, and it was that the specialists were divided into groups of five people, there were many and the world of Adrián, above all, the main city where chaos was becoming much larger and heavier, they would need the support of all, and control, discipline and disobedience were the key points to be treated at that meeting, because no one could go as well as and on top of the giants without being unharmed Even, dead.Th
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 61
Adrián ran until he could hide inside the forest. He had left the academy, his body flew with the flying skate that he had always used to climb to school that was so high in the air.The forest...That place was your favorite place to think. He needed to think a lot. Lately, too many things have happened in their lives, their most loved beings have been hurt because of their fault. Adrián could not afford to continue hurting them. If nobody wanted to help him with a mission as important as it was to save the world in which he was born first and that he had enjoyed him, a good life, where he had received all the love of the world, Adrián if he cared to save him, and he would do it not only for him, but also would do it for Lucas, the boy who had died to reincarnate and come to this world to ask for help and recover his family and his life before.Adrián turned and turned in the forest, kicked the trunks of the trees to take off his rage of the moment, without measuring the conseque
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 62
On the other hand, Adrián looked around, wondering where he had been transported thanks to that mysterious portal that came out of nowhere, and that was how he deduced, everything around him, he seemed too much to the last thing he remembered from the earth.Immediately, the portal disappeared, it was magically, but for Adrián, living those experiences were no longer new, because he was already accustomed to them, in fact, and since he reached his world, Adrián lived much more strange and amazing things than he ever imagined in his past life that would be real."All this...", Adrián murmured as he looked around, analyzing everything he saw, because the memories, immediately, had appeared in his head. "I seem a lot to me...""Land?", Listen to Adrián that, mysteriously, someone speaks to him.That voice seemed to be that of a girl, a small girl, at least about 11 years old, and then, when Adrián looked for her to know where they were talking about, she found that the girl approached wa
Adrian's Awakening: Wake up in the magical world 63
Adrián was stunned. I couldn't believe what I saw. Since when did the world I knew become this?Before it was different, now, everything was chaos. It seemed that there would be no remedy to use to save it. Perhaps…?Was everything being the work of an alliance among its most powerful enemies?An alliance between the woman with silver hair and purple eyes, along with the monk who had felt betrayed by him, and who now wanted to take revenge on what he most preceded?Indeed, Adrián was realizing his mistakes. Those assumptions had no failures in their logic. They can be real. Adrián had betrayed two powerful beings who were now being very powerful, and were attacking him where he hurt the most, in his ancient world. Definitely, this was not the battle of the specialist students of the Darkside Specialist Academy. This was the battle of Adrián Evans, a boy who previously lived a normal life, but because of a terminal disease, ended up dying and his reincarnate soul in a new world
Latest Chapter
Adrián was stunned. I couldn't believe what I saw. Since when did the world I knew become this?Before it was different, now, everything was chaos. It seemed that there would be no remedy to use to save it. Perhaps…?Was everything being the work of an alliance among its most powerful enemies?An alliance between the woman with silver hair and purple eyes, along with the monk who had felt betrayed by him, and who now wanted to take revenge on what he most preceded?Indeed, Adrián was realizing his mistakes. Those assumptions had no failures in their logic. They can be real. Adrián had betrayed two powerful beings who were now being very powerful, and were attacking him where he hurt the most, in his ancient world. Definitely, this was not the battle of the specialist students of the Darkside Specialist Academy. This was the battle of Adrián Evans, a boy who previously lived a normal life, but because of a terminal disease, ended up dying and his reincarnate soul in a new world
On the other hand, Adrián looked around, wondering where he had been transported thanks to that mysterious portal that came out of nowhere, and that was how he deduced, everything around him, he seemed too much to the last thing he remembered from the earth.Immediately, the portal disappeared, it was magically, but for Adrián, living those experiences were no longer new, because he was already accustomed to them, in fact, and since he reached his world, Adrián lived much more strange and amazing things than he ever imagined in his past life that would be real."All this...", Adrián murmured as he looked around, analyzing everything he saw, because the memories, immediately, had appeared in his head. "I seem a lot to me...""Land?", Listen to Adrián that, mysteriously, someone speaks to him.That voice seemed to be that of a girl, a small girl, at least about 11 years old, and then, when Adrián looked for her to know where they were talking about, she found that the girl approached wa
Adrián ran until he could hide inside the forest. He had left the academy, his body flew with the flying skate that he had always used to climb to school that was so high in the air.The forest...That place was your favorite place to think. He needed to think a lot. Lately, too many things have happened in their lives, their most loved beings have been hurt because of their fault. Adrián could not afford to continue hurting them. If nobody wanted to help him with a mission as important as it was to save the world in which he was born first and that he had enjoyed him, a good life, where he had received all the love of the world, Adrián if he cared to save him, and he would do it not only for him, but also would do it for Lucas, the boy who had died to reincarnate and come to this world to ask for help and recover his family and his life before.Adrián turned and turned in the forest, kicked the trunks of the trees to take off his rage of the moment, without measuring the conseque
Hours spent, everyone was gathered at the Colosseum of the Darkside Specialists Academy. Students, parents, teachers, Roxanne, being the director, and her trusted teacher, Professor Nichols, were there.With them, Adrián was also, and by his side, he remained the boy who came from his world, from which he had come to ask for help in this new world to recover his life that he liked to live so much and not have to resign himself to die and live a new life without knowing what he could have done something to rescue what would remain of his world.Adrián's plan was accepted by all, and it was that the specialists were divided into groups of five people, there were many and the world of Adrián, above all, the main city where chaos was becoming much larger and heavier, they would need the support of all, and control, discipline and disobedience were the key points to be treated at that meeting, because no one could go as well as and on top of the giants without being unharmed Even, dead.Th
Soon, the wait ended. Professor Nichols had brought Adrián back home, and to Adrián's surprise, his peace, his tranquility, he was not returning, on the contrary, things would begin to get more ugly for everyone from the moment Adrián had no choice but to accept his new challenge. Roxanne did not want this to happen, she was nervous about it, she did not want to lose her worshiped son, not since the last time what almost changed it suddenly happened. The worlds are so unpredictable, magic was a world so great that it was never known what fate could get in your way if it was not careful.Adrián's mother had a lot of terror of knowing what could happen in the event that Adrián returned to his world after so long, after having reincarnated in another life where he was not the same, where he had awakened new powers to know how to live here with those who were now his new family despite having some closer than others.Adrián met the boy, immediately recognized him as a reincarnated soul,
"I think the best thing we can do is look for Adrián, the boy can feel safer if he speaks directly with him. Don't you think?", Professor Nichols offered. Roxanne nodded, agreeing with him. "Do you know where Ally's house""Yes of course. His father is a great friend of mine, from time to time I am going to visit him there to take a drink while we talk about our affairs. So, I'm going to look for him, stay with the boy. I promise not to take".Professor Nichols left, leaving Roxanne and the boy alone. "Do you want to keep talking about what happens in your human world?"The boy looked at the woman with insecurity."Do you want to give me more ice cream first? It is delicious. He died of hunger".Roxanne looked at the boy with regret and decided to offer him something better so he could be calm. "Don't you prefer to prepare a sandwich? With that you will be more satisfied than with ice cream..."The boy smiled from ear to ear, and his eyes illuminated."Come, accompany me to the ki
That afternoon ended up being perfect for everyone. Roxanne never imagined that spending quality time with Nichols would be just what he would need to recover. Professor Nichols knew her very well, and knew how to be entertained for her, making her laugh, telling her good stories, and spending quality time with her. That night, Nichols thanked Roxanne for the invitation to dinner, assuring him that the boy's dinner had been delicious. In addition to that, he had also enjoyed a delicious coffee by his side. With those compliments, Roxanne felt very happy, since before, no one had taken the daring to be direct with her, many people who knew her, used to give her respect, treat her only for the most important and professional issues. Until now, no one else had thought about approaching her, as much as Nichols had achieved it.That night, Roxanne had planned to go to a bath, wanted to relax to sleep, but he could not do it since he heard the desperate screams of a person who didn't eve
The aroma of homemade food began to fill the house, wrapping the atmosphere with a warm and familiar air. From the kitchen the voices of Adrián and Ally were heard discussing the exact amount of condiments they had to use, while from time to time they ranged and the occasional mocking comment. And when they were silent, it was because both teenagers were kissing, and they did nothing to hide it.In the room, silence became comfortable. Roxanne closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling of not having to be alert, not to be thinking about strategies, training or problems of the academy, as well as having to be going through that moment when I would know that she needed to use her Magic to save those who needed it. Nichols, meanwhile, watched her with dissimulation. It was rare to see her like this, so relaxed, so human, not always fighting the unknown and the enemies, or taking control of what would happen to the academy."What do you look?", She murmured without opening her eye
"Of course, teacher, accompanies us? I'm going to prepare dinner, and he is invited", Adrian replied, looking at the teacher with an accomplice look to prevent her from going to reject her proposal and that she could spend more time next to her mother outside the academy. He tried, but the professor blushed, and only nodded without saying anything, behaving like a small boy who was afraid to spend time next to the girl he liked.Adrián smiled and looked at Ally."You come? After dinner, I accompany you to your home so you can rest calmly", said Adrián.She nodded."Yes, I would not like any more problems with my parents, if I decide to stay one more night with you in your home", she replied.Adrián nodded. "I agree, I don't want more problems than I already have with them". Then, Adrián helped Ally getting off the stretcher, he took her delicately from the hip, and charged her as if she were a baby until she left her on the floor. For her part, Professor Nichols looked at Roxanne,