A strange city.

A strange city.

Leonel was conflicted about what to do and what lies beyond the floating door. At one point, his mind kept telling him to go through the door and the other adamantly told him not to.

At the end, he steeled his heart and stood firmly in front of the door. He stretched his right hand out towards the door, while scratching his head with his left hand. He couldn't pinpoint how he would open the door and before he could think further he was given a quick answer.

He felt himself pulled brutally inside the door as the door opened and formed a rolling black turnado.

"Ahhhhhhhh '' Leonel screamed on top of his lungs as he felt himself floating in space. Not too long, he fell down on a hot sandy ground, a great contrast from where he came from.

On the vast expanse of desert, the sun beat down like bullets, scorching the sandy floor and bearing down on Leonel.


It has been less than thirty minutes since he arrived here. He had been walking without uttering a sound, but the same couldn't be said for his mind, which was in utter disorder.

As the son of a wealthy man in Britain, he had everything he ever wanted, but he was also fed up with the idea of his father marrying that vicious woman. That was why he had decided to meet his friend instead of going straight to his apartment after moving out.

He had planned to play video games.

Thinking about it now made him realize something. 'Could I be in some sort of video game? Maybe I just need to raise my hands and remove the helmet?' he thought, but he also realized the absurdity in his thoughts.

Even if he were in a video game, he would be aware of the fact that he is in reality and would be able to deactivate whatever machine he was using. However, his situation seemed different, which led him to consider another possible idea.

To contemplate his idea properly, he decided to take a break and rest his feet. He spotted a rock and quickly made his way over to sit on it.

As he sat, he examined his body and realized that it didn't look like his own. He was confident in his physique, having spent countless hours in the gym, but the body he saw didn't match his expectations.

He wondered if he had been transported into someone else's body, an idea that seemed absurd but was the only explanation he could think of. He considered the possibility of being in a cultivation world, a place where he could escape his worries and have fun, much like a video game.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed wounds on the body, indicating that the original owner had been mistreated. This realization distressed him, but he held onto the hope that he would find answers and eventually return to his own body.


"I feel like giving up," Leonel muttered as he raised his face to the sky. Squinting, he stared at the sun, which seemed to be mocking him.

He had been wandering through the desert for what felt like an eternity. He had lost track of time. Was it two days? Three days? He couldn't tell anymore. His legs were numb, and his stomach no longer bothered him. He remembered someone saying that a person couldn't survive three days without water, but he had surpassed that limit.

He was certain that he had been walking for more than three days, and each passing day only confirmed his belief. A person couldn't walk for days without food or water without breaking down, but he hadn't. He still had the strength to continue, but his mind was failing him.

"I'm tired of hoping for something good to come," he once again shouted at the sky. Realizing that he was on the verge of breaking down, he decided to rest and let his mind recover. Maybe he could come up with a plan.

Sitting on a rock, he began to piece it all together again. "A world where the strong are powerful - a world where your physical strength determines your standing in society. A world where power is everything. Wouldn't that be great?"

"Yes, it would be," he replied, affirming his ideas. Being in a cultivation world would allow him to enjoy his life, learn new things, and use his power. He wants to be in a world where he can cultivate to gain his powers and not have to rely on his father's name, being known as a second-generation conglomerate.

The sun was setting once again, and Leonel had long stood up from the rock and continued moving. His renewed hope was based on the belief that he was in a world of fantasy, a world he had only read about. A world where strength equated to power, and one's cultivation determined their standing in society.

As the sun disappeared and darkness enveloped the land, Leonel's vision remained clear, further confirming his suspicions. This world was different, and that's what made it exciting.

With each step, the texture of the soil beneath his feet changed, and time seemed to stretch endlessly. Days turned into nights and nights into days, but Leonel was determined to keep moving forward, fueled by the power he felt within himself.

One day, the silence that had surrounded him was suddenly replaced by the distant hum of voices, the sound of clanking weapons, and the soft breathing of people nearby. It dawned on him that he had finally reached a city.

Looking up at the towering gate, Leonel felt a surge of relief at his stroke of luck. People were bustling around the gate, some trying to enter the kingdom, others leaving. Despite his tattered clothes, he didn't care as he made his way toward the gate.

"Finally, I'm here," Leonel muttered, but his words caught in his throat as he stared in surprise at the humanoid creatures in front of him. They were unlike anything he had ever seen.

His ideas were true, except for one thing: he hadn't thought of them being a different species he had no idea of.

'How did I not think of the different species associated with cultivation worlds?' he thought hard, adding to his confusion as he tried to guess what they were.

Then, his eyes met with the eyes of one of the guards on the upper part of the gate, looking at him with surprise.

Building up some courage so that he wouldn't freak out when the guard got to him, he watched as the guards walked towards him.

But before he could say anything, he was hit on the head and the last thing his eye picked up was being thrown over the shoulders of one of the ugly-looking creatures as they ventured deeper into the strange city.

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