The Demonic Eye

"How did he die? How is that possible? He is so powerful?" Leonel looked flabbergasted as he asked those questions. He knew that he was tired and exhausted but he thought he could have held off.

Like, he was able to still be alive after being stabbed like that.

"Wel…everything is well. I also feel pity for him. He was such a kind man and yet he died." The lady sighed as she said.

"But why didn't I die if he was going to die. I could swear that I suffered more injuries than him?" Leonel asked with a downcast tone.

"You were injured?" The lady asked, confused.

"Yes, I was."

"I find that hard to believe…you were.." she paused and looked at him then stood up from her chair. "I'm coming."

She moved and entered a room then came back with neatly sewn clothes. "These are your clothes," she said as she handed them over to him. "I also thought that it was unusual having those cuts and blood on your clothes even though you were not injured."

"Oh…so I was miraculously healed. That's…" Leonel shaked his head as he said, then his eyebrow raised as he remembered something.

"What about his corpse, have you buried him?" He asked.

"Which corpse?" She raised her eyebrows as she stopped her knitting again to reply to him properly.

"Who else again if not Lord Darkwoods," Leoenel uttered as he rubbed his hand through his hair. He was obviously frustrated.

"He's a demon. Don't you know that?" She asked again with the same bewildered expression on her face.

"I know, so what? Where is his corpse, woman?" He sighed. 'Is something wrong with my questions or why is she behaving this way?' he thought.

"He's a demon so he doesn't have a corpse. His body had dispersed into the air and his soul would have entered the wheels of rebirth by now." She said, "Also, it seems you don't know much about demons. Don't worry, I'm here for you." She assured him.

'Ah…no wonder, that's what I saw in that memory of when the demon king died. How bad? No remembrance of him. The demon king is really a fucker. I should probably kill him and get the damn throne when I get powerful, he has killed enough and that's the only way I can compensate this host for letting me enjoy this world, if there's any enjoyment.' he thought with a cold tone.

All the while when he was thinking, a strange phenomenon occurred. His red eyes changed colors, it turned deep black and this made the woman scared in her seat, unable to utter a word. The eyes even though weren't targeted at her seems as though it could capture all her thoughts, feelings and movement. She felt so alert.

After a while, Leonel came back to his senses and his left eye changed back only for him to meet the woman looking scared. 

He was confused and quickly asked her. "What is wrong with you? Why are you looking like a scared cat?" He cheekily asked.

He just finished thinking about how to end the lives of the people he termed wicked and bad so he could spare a little smile if it would soothe the woman's mind.

"You…" she trailed off as her body shook.

"What? What happened to me?" He asked, somewhat irritated at how she was acting.

"Your eyes.." she replied

"What happened to my eyes? Can't you just say it at once?"

"Your eyes changed colors while you were thinking. For a while, your red eyes changed to deep black," she finally uttered.

"Black?" Leonel scratched his head then he stood up and ran into the room to check it out.

In the room, he stood in front of the large mirror on the wall. And his eyes color was just as it was. No changes.

"Nothing changed." He said to her as he took a seat back on where he stood up from.

"I said, for a while," she replied and then handed him a black eye patch.

Leonel looked at the eye patch with him then raised his head up to look at the woman. He was obviously using his eyes to talk to her and she understood.

"Use it to tie your red eye."

"Huh? Why?" Leonel looked at her.

"Because you are in the human kingdom where you'll be discriminated against by the color of your left eye."

"What is wrong with the color of my left eye?" Leonel asked, still not bothered.

"Because your eye color will make them think you are demonic, someone they should run from." She gently explained.

"What? Are they illiterate? How can they think of that, it's only a color." He softly uttered.

"It's not only a color," she looked at him with a gloomy face, "it truly symbolizes that. What were you thinking of then? I truly felt a demonic aura just by staring into your black eye."

"Just about killing the.." he mumbled but she cut in.

"You were filled with killing intent so it brought out your demonic eye." She explained…

'How does that link?' he wondered.

"So, because people may discriminate against me for having full black eyes and that is why I need to wear this tacky little back eye patch to cover my left eye like a pirate?" Leonel sarcastically stated.


"Who are you? Why are you helping me?" Leonel asked her.

The woman looked surprised as she asked him back, "Didn't Lord Darkwoods tell you?"

Leonel shifted in his chair, his hand in hair as he tugged it frustratedly, "No."

"I'm your new mother. Lord Darkwoods told me to take care of you till you grow older."

"So, I'm stuck with you till I'm eighteen years old?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, till you are old enough to take care of yourself." She said, "I'm Flora, a middle aged widow in this village."

"Ah ... .so what next?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just leave well…"

"What? Don't tell me!" He exclaimed..


Leonel silently laid on the bed in his assumed room as he played with the ring on his finger. Currently, his brain was going through a lot of stress as his thinking raced on.

'Should I link this ring to everything that is going on? I saw this ring in an odd place and when I picked it up, the mark on my forehead disappeared. What is wrong?'

"Leonel! I'm done cooking, it's time for dinner." Mrs Flora shouted his name from the sitting room.

Her voice startled Leonel making him mistakenly hit his forehead with his left hand where his ring was.

A rush of pain coursed through his body as he used his right hand to rub it hard and then looked at the ring.

'Is it connected to the ring?' he thought while still rubbing his head and suddenly a bright light shown, blinding him for a second.

Again, he met himself in the dark space he had met himself before waking up.

"What the fuck just happened?" He muttered.


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