
Nelson closed his eyes while leaning back against the headrest of his bed. He had agreed to help Sethis with his task, but he didn’t know the full extent of it yet. The who and the why were still unknown to him, but he had a terrible feeling about all of this.

The gemstone that powered up a magical spell of some kind, the request to put someone to sleep. The knowledge that Sethis wanted to be a God… was all connected, but Nelson couldn’t figure out the complete picture. Sethis had assured him, within the next few days, his assignment would be clear.

Nelson knew that this meant his time to find something tangible to report back to Fenryn and Vaughan was growing more limited by the day. He knew he had to up his game if he hoped to get the information he needed.

Listening for any sound of movement, Nelson waited until almost all the people within the mansion were asleep. All except Sethis, it seemed, and the odd guard here and there. It was the perfect moment for Sethis to sneak into his
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