While everyone was busy with their own lives in this vast multidimensional universe, have you ever just stopped for a minute and wonder?
Have you ever pondered about one of the most important questions in life―like are there really other dimensions or worlds apart from the one which you are currently living?
Ah, wait, no, no, there’s a much more important question, and that is, who the hell delivered pizza at the asteroid where the little prince was casually chilling or under the lost city of Atlantis?
Was there one? Does such a thing exist?
Well, look no further because you’re about to meet him.
“Hello there, space fellow or some random creature, you have reached the voicemail of the space pizza delivery guy, please hold online as I take the previous orders.” A teen’s voice echoed at the other end, “Please hold the asterisk on your phone, and you’ll be directed to my official line after a minute.”
Wait, if you’re thinking of what I’m thinking, don’t. Don’t try it right now for fun if you’re not going to end up ordering, got it?
An average-looking guy ―in human profile―with his signature two arms and two legs, a perfect set of two oval bluish eyes and ears, thin lips, and tall nose noticed the overflowing orders on his phone.
He sighed as soon as he saw all the pizza orders piling up. Without hesitation, he ended up shutting his phone down.
“Aren’t you supposed to answer that?” Einstein asked as he scribbled down random and complicated equations. He was barely paying attention, “What was your name again, young man?”
“Ethan,” he replied, “Ethan Young.”
Fun fact, our legendary space pizza delivery guy protagonist was indeed Ethan Young. His name, you might ask? It was taken from his age―Ethan Young was eighteen years young, and he has been for quite a while.
“Uh, Mr. Einstein, can I ask what year and possibly, dimension it is? I stumbled here by accident,” Ethan scratched his head as he adjusted his space specs to see clearer.
“The year and dimension?” Einstein raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Ethan. He was wearing an odd pair of clothes too, whereas Einstein wore a formal suit and tie.
However, Einstein was used to being different, so he didn’t pay Ethan any mind. He continued with his scribbles and answered, “It’s 1905, and as for the dimension… Princeton, New Jersey… er… Earth, I suppose?”
“Ah crap, they told me not to loiter around and make interactions with anyone other than the timekeepers,” Ethan said as he immediately adjusted his multidimensional smartwatch to get out of that timeline. But before he could get a chance to leave by teleporting himself out, Einstein turned around, which caused Ethan to dropped the portal out.
Einstein curiously asked, “By the way, how did you get in? Are you working?”
“Ah, ye- yes. I am… uh… working,” Ethan covered up the portal he dropped earlier behind his back as he continued to stutter, “Yes, that’s right… working.”
“You seem young.” Einstein sat down facing him, “What kind of work do you do?”
Ethan gulped hard as he tried to change the topic, “Aren’t you going to finish your equations?”
“It’s finished,” Einstein replied absent mindlessly. But he looked like he was not done thinking.
“Ah, I see,” Ethan replied casually. It was not surprising for a scientist to always think. Sometimes he wondered how they could sleep in peace. Wait, did Einstein even sleep?
“So?” Einstein pressed after some time, “What’s your job? You seem rather… interesting, so I got curious.”
As Ethan heard that, he felt a sense of confidence and pride just surging through his entire body.
Ethan had completely forgotten that he had to leave. Instead, he proudly stood up as he cleared his throat and explained, “I am officially entitled to have the bragging rights to the most awesome and coolest job out there.”
Einstein seemed rather invested in listening to Ethan. Einstein even grabbed a bottle of cola nearby, he tossed another at Ethan, and the two gulped it down like water.
With a couple of big gulps, the two of them finished it. Ethan burped as he laughed weirdly. Ethan remarked, “Whoa, that’s some… soda you have.”
“I think it’s yours, Ethan. I found it inside your bag,” Einstein remarked, “Fascinating.”
The two of them were wobbling; they couldn’t stand straight as they felt that insuppressible feeling of high.
Visions were getting blurry, and somehow they were lost in their own world, laughing without a care in the world.
Einstein immediately grabbed a pen and started writing on the floor, “I get it. My equation―I finally got it. All those people are so satisfied with what is already known. Light comes from a source, but they always fail to ask beyond what they know.” Einstein said as he continued to scribble equations as if they were random numbers in Ethan’s point of view, “Light is a wave, an electromagnetic wave, radiation, they exist in tiny particles. We live in a quantum universe.”
Ethan was so out of it, he remarked, “Oh yeah, yeah, I’ve read it somewhere. Tiny particles- photons, right?”
But in reality, all that Ethan could really see were light rays as they danced around in the air along with the rhythm of Einstein’s voice as he explained his light theory― which all sounded gibberish to Ethan.
Ethan felt like he was one of those human high school students he would visit from time to time despite the fact that he wasn’t allowed to.
Ethan felt like he was one of the learning science and from none other than Albert Einstein himself.
For him, though, it didn’t make any difference. Ethan still doesn’t understand a thing.
Einstein snapped his fingers, “Photons, yes, that’s a good name for it.”
“Ah yeah, right, 1905, it hasn’t been established yet,” Ethan said upon realizing what he has done.
“I just now need a new method to count and determine the size of an atom in the given space to prove that atoms actually exist to support my theory.”
“Yeah, this is your year. Cheers!” Ethan finally remembered the year. He snapped out of it and remarked, “Oh right, damn, it’s 1905.”
Let me get you a short history lesson- to the humans and nonhumans who’ve read this, the year 1905 on Earth was the time when Einstein established his famous E=mc^2- one of his greatest legacy but then again. This was also the year the most famous Coca-Cola scandals about the addition of addictive cocaine in their drinks were made known- well, allegedly.
Ethan finally realized this year and nodded his head in defeat. The two of them have just gulped a whole bottle of it.
Colors were starting to emerge from the surroundings, and he just laughed.
Einstein didn’t know it at the time yet, but he’s about to learn his theory of relativity- which explained actually how Ethan and the rest could travel through time.
Ethan thought about it and muttered, “Did I somehow become the reason how you came up with that time concept? Damn, I’m part of the secret history?”
However, Einstein was busy to hear him. He stopped in marvel and laughed happily. Einstein raised both his hands as if he was making snow angels on the floor, and he asked, “What’s this? What did I just drink?”
“Do you feel happy and excited?”
“Very much, yes.”
“That’s how you know it’s working.” Ethan continued as he lay down beside Einstein as well, “It’s 1905, Coca-Cola’s rumored and famous year. It’s in their brand name.”
“Cocai-“ Einstein realized, “Oh, that’s why.”
“Truly a fascinating year.”
They were both laughing so much, Einstein said, “Now I know why this became a global phenomenon.”
“Yeah, enjoy it. They’re going to ban it a few years from now.”
“Why do you talk like you’re from somewhere- some time distant?” Einstein was still pumping with excitement as he continued to expand his theory through the elegant systems of mathematics and science.
Ethan remarked, “You know what? Now that I think about it, you’re probably an irregular as well, and you’re very much ahead of your time.”
“An irregular?”
But then, before Ethan could say anything more, a shining blue portal appeared before him. It sucked him inside as a hand popped out of it and grabbed him by his collar.
Related Chapters
Adventures of the Space Pizza Delivery Guy Chapter 2: Irregulars
Einstein, just in time, fell asleep on the floor with his equations that he didn’t saw the portal.As Ethan opened his eyes, he glanced at his watch. The year he was taken to was the year 2020.The chief, head of the time police as they called them, injected a serum that woke Ethan up. Ethan sobered up and snapped out of it as his vision became clearer. He glanced at the familiar face that stood in front of him, and it was Chief 102.“Ethan Young, once again, you’ve caused quite a commotion. You just leaked to a human about a piece of confidential information.”Ethan scowled before he tried to complain, “Hey! I never said anything―”He cut off Ethan and nagged, “Irregular. You mentioned the word Irregular. It is our sole duty to ensure the timeline remains as it is supposed to. If I hadn’t gotten you on time, the superiors would surely punish you.”Ethan found it unfair. “Oh, come o
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Adventures of the Space Pizza Delivery Guy Chapter 4: Co-Deliverywoman
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Adventures of the Space Pizza Delivery Guy Chapter 5: Cloud Atlas
With that, Ethan and Chronna set on a journey to a distant timeline, in the year 3042, to deliver pizza. As Ethan entered the coordinates to Cloud Atlas on their teleporter machine, Chronna asked, “By the way, Watt said that we’re irregulars, so isn’t it dangerous to mingle with other timeline characters like you, do?”Ethan scoffed, “Not really. You can pretty much build a family with someone else at some timeline, but the moment you leave that timeline, they will forget about you and everything you said or did to them. That’s how it is for irregulars.”“That’s kind of sad. Not being able to leave a mark.”“Well, you do leave a mark.” Ethan said, “To the people who love you, you will always leave a mark. Lost love will always still be love.”Ethan made final arrangements. He grabbed a pair of space specs and gave Chronna one. He explained, “Wear it, and it allows us
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It was true what Ethan said. Time as it always was. It was an endless and eternal curiosity for everyone―even irregulars. It was a concept very familiar to most, but no one couldn’t really define or understand it. They were barely scratching the surface of what time really was. But for time guardians, time didn’t really exist; no, to be more precise, Time Guardians did not work like those from MDWD. For Time Guardians, time had existed, existed, and would exist all at once. So for a Time Guardian to have said that, was completely absurd and so that statement baffled Ethan while Chronna had a lot of questions running in her mind right then. The Time Guardian replied, “Yes, that is true, but right now, I…
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Chapter 177
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Chapter 175
Chronna looked at Ethan, and without being able to say a word, she squeezed her hands when Ethan tried to touch her face. The woman saw him and in a display of tremendous anger.She shook her head and then said, “No!! Nerd! No way! I won’t let that happen, I won’t let you do it, and I won’t, no, that’s out of the question!”Ethan looked at her and raised his hands to calm her down.The young woman closed her fist and hit it on her face as she said, “No! There’s nothing you can say to make me change my mind. There’s not one damn thing you can say that’ll make me just say, okay, Ethan, go and die. No!!”The screams attracted a huge crowd of people. Lulabay and Chloe entered the room.Chronna, with her weapons raised, looked at Ethan, who, with the blow to her face, tried to say, “It’s the only way, Chronna!”But the young woman submerged in despair said, &ldquo
Chapter 174
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Chapter 173
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Chapter 172
Lulabay and Chronna looked at the guard. Chronna took out two daggers from the inventory, one she gave to Lulabay and the other she took, zipping up the delivery man’s jacket.She knew perfectly well how hard that material was and saw Lulabay say, “You have to beat this guy!”She lunged at the guard with a lunge, but Chronna’s spinning knife deflected Chronna’s just before she kneed him in the stomach.Then, swinging the knife horizontally, she slashed at the girl, but the knife edge hit the blade—jacket without penetrating it.Chronna stepped back while Lulabay, who had more combat experience, stepped forward.The young woman attacked specific places, but the man defended himself efficiently.Their arms were crossed, each one holding the knife tightly when Lulabay dropped down and attacked the guard’s ankle who, supporting his weight with his hands, saw her suspended near the floor only for a second
Chapter 171
The guard looked at Ethan, his hand was bleeding, but the young man smiled to the side. His companion tried hard to hold the rope in a better way to ensure that the king did not fall from the height.The soldier looked in that direction, and calmly Ethan said, “Do you want to go get him?”The man clenched his hands in anger and, seeing Ethan, said, “I just have to wait a few minutes, and you really won’t last much longer!”Ethan was smiling as he said, “I’m glad you feel so safe!”And with those words, she pounced on him.The man holding his remaining knife hard tried to slash at Ethan twice, but Ethan dodged quickly, ducked, and delivered a heavy blow to the torso causing the guard to back up, Ethan leaping into the air and kneeling into the guard.The face to the lair which was retreating fell on a chair.Getting up quickly, he launched a kick at Ethan’s face, which he dodged, bu
Chapter 170
Elena looked directly at Jayle. The man had tested her speed and her strength, and without a doubt, the woman was superior to him.The clouds gathered around her, and she said, smiling, “Being completely honest! I deeply doubt that I can beat you!”She smiled at this statement, and Jayle quickly and, using her leg movements, took two steps forward and flicked the sword to Elena’s eyes.She whipped her head around just in time though the blade grazed her cheek a bit as Jayel masterfully flipped her wrist landed six strikes in two seconds.Elena brought her sword up and her armor-clad arm, parrying them both and then swinging a mighty saber straight at Jayle’s head, yelled.The man jumped back as the sword hit the ground and knew Jayle saw an opportunity.He moved quickly to make a stab at Elena’s chest, and she deflected the tip of the sword with a strong swipe outwards, almost ripping the sword from Jayle’
Chapter 169
Ethan looked at the guards outside the doors to Etherion’s room.He could use one of his stun grenades to take them all out and rush in to take over the king, but that wouldn’t draw any attention.It seems like what he needed was to be able to draw enough attention for Mila and Lualbay to free Chronna.Breathing calmly, Ethan looked at his watch and, coming out behind the column, began to walk calmly towards them.One of the soldiers saw him and, with some nervousness, raised his hand, prompting everyone to point their weapons at Ethan.This, without flinching for a second, threw a strange device to the ceiling, which was embedded in it and forcefully generated a powerful but small gravitational field that pulled all the weapons towards him.All the soldiers had been disarmed at that moment when Ethan, smiling, said, “It sucks to be you!”With speed, one of the soldiers advanced, closed his fist, and tried to h