Chapter 177

Chronna and Ethan appeared from a portal. All the people in that place applauded their latest feat.

The young people had freed the universe from their ignorance and also from the yoke of those people who used power to modify everything at their convenience.

In front of them, a long list of people who had helped them now applauded, and calmly they received their good affections.

Chronna walked and, standing in front of the righteous king, said, “I appreciate your help, Your Majesty! You truly are justice!”

The smiling man nodded and, putting his hand on Chronna’s shoulder, said, “Justice is always on your side Chronna. Whenever you need the Just King, call him, and he will justly come to dispense his justice!”

She, smiling, opened a portal and all of them were able to enter and return home.

Calmly, seeing Esther and her baby, she approached, seeing her hug her and then seeing the baby, she said, “Thanks to

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