
With a sudden swoosh of magical air, the gauntlet shut down. The chill that had seeped into Kael's bones began to recede, and he noticed the ice shards above him melting away into nothingness. Wearily, he staggered to his feet and exited the gauntlet, his head hung low in disappointment.

As he made his way out, Kael noticed that Master Tiberius, Master Elara, and his friends had all been watching his attempt at the gauntlet. To his surprise, they all appeared impressed. However, he couldn't bring himself to share in their feelings; all he could focus on was his sense of failure.

As he approached the group, Master Elara stepped forward to speak with him privately. Her wise eyes seemed to pierce through his self-doubt, and she offered him words of consolation. "Kael," she said gently, "remember that failure is a part of learning. It is only through failing that you can grow and improve over time. If you never failed, you would never face challenges that force you to evolve and overcome
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