
"Keep your shoulder down. We fight as a unit, and if you're going to fight with us, you'll have to learn how we fight," Alice barked at Agashi as he struggled with implementing the Lugina fighting stance.

"What's the point?" He shrugged, putting down his shield and letting his shoulders drop.

"Do not drop the stance," Reiki screamed at him, prompting Agashi to resume the stance, ignoring the painful ache in his muscles.

"Again," Alice barked, watching as Reiki put her best fighters through their paces. They would be the ones to accompany Agashi into demon territory.

"You know where he's headed, don't you?" Reiki asked her as soon as the last maneuver was practised.

"If the map he drew for us is any indication, I know he'll be in for a nightmare," she responded, throwing a nut in her mouth and chewing quietly.

"Do you think he's ready?" Reiki persisted, turning to inspect Agashi's form.

"That's enough for today," Alice yelled, the soldier nodded and walked off with their shields while Agashi sank to the ground with exhaustion.

"There's your answer," she said, smiling at Reiki.

Alice walked over to Agashi, throwing some water on his face.

"I bet you thought this was going to be a walk in the park, didn't you?" She laughed as Agashi struggled to his feet.

"Are you doing this because it's necessary, or do you just hate me?" Agashi demanded.

"Walk with me?" She commanded, ignoring his complaints.

Agashi let his shield fall to the ground and turned to follow her.

"Pick it up. That shield is your lover from this moment onward. I better not find you without it," she warned.

They walked in silence for a while before they entered one of the enclosures in a secluded area of the camp.

"I'm not permitted to be here. Is this some sort of trick?"

"You wanted answers, didn't you?" Alice countered calmly, not stopping to indulge him.

They entered a room that housed three large cages. Agashi could tell right away that two of the cages were empty, ichor drenched the floor of the cages, but the third was occupied.

"I'd advice you to keep your distance. They hate human scent," Alice warned, standing a distance from the occupied cafe and staring at it, as if she could see something that Agashi couldn't.

Agashi stood frozen, his breath catching in his throat as he watched the massive Heshni in the cage. Its eyes glowed with an unusual intensity as it sniffed the air, sensing their presence. Agashi's hands trembled as he glanced in Alice's direction, his heart racing with fear.

"Don't tell me you're scared. You wanted to know if learning our fighting styles was necessary. Do you still think there's no need?" Alice chuckled.

"I didn't think they'd be this..."

"What? You thought all the demons were the size of the sub-level brat you killed?"

"I saw the Heshni. I thought..."

"Well, you thought wrong. This was captured on one of our expeditions to the territory your map is pointing. We don't know what else is out there, so when next I tell you how to fight and how high you should hold your shield, I better not hear a single complaint," Alice snarled, walking away and leaving him facing the Imprisoned Heshni.

It was indeed a formidable creature, towering in stature with muscles rippling beneath dark, armored skin, surprisingly agile and nimble for a beast it's size. Its eyes burned with an intense vengeful fire, and its horns curved menacingly above its head.

"Wait up," he called, hurrying to meet her.


"You summoned me, my lord," Jarl Hishna hissed. His bad knee meant he preferred not moving around so much, but he didn't dare refuse a summon from Urug.

"You failed me once, Jarl," Urug began, still burdened by his annoyance at Agashi's decision.

"I brought you a gift, my lord Urug," Jarl interjected, sending the need to dispel Urug's growing dissatisfaction.

"The traitor, Roku," he continued, placing the severed head at Urug's feet.

"Well done, a fitting response to your failure. You will not fail me again Jarl," Urug threatened, his clawed finger pointing at his commander.

"The boy has accepted the title. He will come for the helmet first. Bring me his head."

"With pleasure, my lord," Jarl smiled, rising to his feet and making an extra effort not to limp as he left Urug's presence.


Alice stood at the threshold of the bloodlake waiting for the Sibith horn to sound. Hesitation flickered across Agashi's features as they waited; this was the day they would venture north following the map to find the helmet.

"It's time to see what you're made of Ur'ul Thuk," Alice chuckled as the last Sibith warning horn's blast woke the arena.

"You better not mess this up," Reiki threatened, walking by as he inspecting the line.

The last Sibith horn blasted and the gates opened. This arena was quite different from the one the lower class hunters fought in, the gates on the other side opened at the same time and as they charged, the demons rushed through the other gate.

"Hell yeah. None of you has permission to die today. Kill those black eyed beasts and feed them their swords, and don't you dare stop till every one of them is dead and rotting on the ground. Earn your credits Lugina," Reiki screamed.

Agashi watched the well oiled machine that was the Lugina fighting unit weave through demons similar in size to the one Alice had shown him earlier. They were the same size, but these were different, not as nimble as the one in the cage but were every bit as ferocious.

"You're doing good," Alice shouted in his direction. His bangle was buzzing as his accrued credits reflected. With each thrust and slice of his sword, the value grew. After the first wave was done, Alice found him.

"That wasn't so bad you know?" She laughed.

"What happens now?" Agashi asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Now, we charge through the gates immediately the Sibith horn sounds. Try not to die Ur'ul Thuk," she laughed, pointing towards a horse being led in his direction.

"We're riding through. Protect the horse. If you manage to get it killed, you'll walk the rest of the way," Reiki told him, handing over the reins with a wicked smile on his face.

A look around confirmed Agashi's thoughts. All the selected fighters would be riding with them, Alice as well.

"I never thought I'd be going beyond the Arena for a Bloodtooth," a soldier grunted beside him.

"You have something against Alice?" Agashi asked, tightening his grip on the reins as he mounted.

"Nothing of the sort. It's a shame her father tainted their bloodline; the coward," the soldier spat.

"I'm sure he was only trying to protect his loved ones, we can't judge anyone," Agashi retorted.

"Why haven't you tried to protect yourself?"

"Well, I... can't..."

"Exactly what I thought. You've earned a lot of respect among the lower class hunters, but the Lugina will be watching closely to see if you're worth the hype. We follow Alice because we know she is, regardless of what her late father did. Call me Boyd," the soldier finished, shaking Agashi's hand.

"He's dead?"

"We don't have time to talk about that. It's almost time," Boyd answered.

The familiar noises of demon tongue had already started filtering through the gates and Agashi drew his sword.

"I've been ordered to keep you safe," Reiki announced, riding up to Agashi and nodding at Boyd, who clearly wasn't there by coincidence.

The fighting soon resumed and while the rest of the Lugina cleared a path for them, Alice and her best fighters rode into demon territory, departing the arena.

"Did she tell you what's waiting for us?" Reiki queried as they rode, a naughty smile perched on his lips.

"Why do I have a feeling you'd like nothing more than telling me yourself?"

"The demon guarding your fancy helmet is Jarl Hishna, commander of the Heshni," Reiki laughed.

"You're not trying to scare him, are you?" Boyd interrupted.

"Look at him, he's already scared. Alice better be right about you or I'll skin you myself."

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