It was on the seventh day of the second fortnight in the month of blood that hell was let loose.
Daella happened to find herself at the mouth of a mysterious cave which was carved out of the earth like a hole in the mouth of a demon.Inside the cave was blackness.She sensed an eerie feeling, warning her of the dangers that might lie in that darkness. It could be a beast who tears one into shreds or a ghostly demon who possesses one's soul and takes charge of their body.But the princess feared no man, not even her own father.What else could be waiting beneath all this darkness that could be worse than a man? Such were the thoughts that shaded her reasoning.So she headed into the cave. An action that would bring forth the fulfilment of a prophecy. A great prophecy which had eluded fulfilment for more than two hundred years.In the hall of prophecies, on the isle of witches far beyond the white mountains, written by the hands of the gods with the ink of destiny, plain for all to see:"The enemy of Albane, the enemy of men, the one by whose hands waste shall be made of all that thrives shall be freed by the one who bears a crown.”As she walked into the cave, it was lit by its own walls with each light appearing at every step she took.In the deeper parts of the cave, she found a round pool. It contained a boiling substance.It was a thick liquid of extreme cohesiveness, with a colour which seemed to be a combination of red and yellow shades, boiling with a loud breath as though it was somehow alive.As she moved closer to the pool to observe it better, suddenly, she stepped on something.In the moment of a twinkle, arrows shot out from within the walls of the cave, flying in her direction.But they could not harm her.She was protected by the armour she wore on that day. The very armour she had sworn to hate. The armour of Queen Meredith.At this point, she looked around cautiously and studied her surroundings.The boiling sera, as it would be called, had attracted her initially, drawing her towards itself and making her oblivious of what surrounded her.So now she paid attention.The place was indeed a lair crafted out of great skill and mastery, with intelligence and brilliance and of course, sorcery.Round as it was, sculptures of heads of lions hung out from its walls. The stone lions had their mouth wide open as if they were ready to feast on an unfortunate prey.On their heads stood the lanterns that illuminated the cave, and from their mouth shot the arrows.The princess was only lucky that the arrows could not pierce through the ancient armour she wore, no matter how many times she triggered their release.When she returned her gaze to the boiling pool, it was surrounded by a visible line of ash which was dark and shiny. It looked quite ordinary, like a person could just cross over it, but it was a different test.Sorcery is always a different test.Deceptive, destructive and intoxicating, those are the power of sorcery.None of these descriptions that forged the pride of sorcery would elude the princess Daella, daughter of Morrys II, and princess to the throne of Meredith who made her way to cross the magical boundary which bordered the sera that boiled from the rest of the natural world.Once she tried to cross, voices and noises, terrifying shouts of men, covered her eardrums as if telling her not to.But she would not budge, she felt so drawn to the sera and whatever lay inside of it that she kept on trying to cross. The line surrounding her beacon blocked her path as if it was raised to form a barrier, and deprived her the same way a wall deprives an invader.By common reasoning, she would have understood that sorcery was at work here, but following what had happened to her earlier tonight, and due to the anger and frustration in her, she decided not to back down.But one does not duel with magic, or it consumes like it did Daella.After a short-lived mystical struggle with the magical protective barrier, it brought her into unconsciousness, throwing her down to the ground.Did the line serve its purpose? Protecting mankind from the evil it held captive?No! It was Daella who lost, who had won in the end. A victory she would curse in times to come.While struggling against the magic of the great barrier, she had bled and her blood had touched the ashes that made up the line.The blood of an Arnold, blood of great magical history.The great family whose blood had sealed Zathryon, the Red King, against his will. That same blood made him free again, two hundred years after it was prophesied.While the princess lay down unconscious, the Red King rose in his dark might, after the multitudes of birds that rose before him from the depths of the boiling sera to announce his resurrection.Black birds, all once mortal bats. But as the years had passed, their souls had boiled with that of their master and now together, their souls boiled with evil.All of mankind would curse this day. The day when the mightiest evil was let upon the surface of the earth. The day when the blood of men becomes a delicacy, to be feasted upon. The day when his presence is felt again.For he is back, the red king of Albane, and his little red party.Higher and higher, the bats flew into the night, to every corner of Meredith, to be seen by the lowborn and the nobles, the lords and the saes, children and adults, men and women, and even the witches and wizards from the isle and the reach.Flapping their wings in unison. Parading the skies of Meredith. Echoing the sounds of hell. And announcing the dawn of a new age - An age of terror.Related Chapters
Age Of The Red Demons The Princess Hath Done This!
The avian chaos had stopped in the mid of day, but a lot of things had been said while it lasted, and would go on long after it had stopped. The people were talking about what they had witnessed the night before. It had been a night of merry, a night when they celebrated their Prince Daerys’ turning of age. It was a joyous occasion and the people of Meredith stayed up all night to wine and dine.Until they saw bats in the sky. Until they saw the blue moon grow dark and the skies turn red. Until they saw a cave light up in the middle of the mountain and red figures float out of it with blistering speed. All these were the gossip of the day.Some said it was nothing, maybe just some random wild birds brought by the wind. Some said it was more than that, they said it could be a warning about an impending danger. “Animals can sense danger,” they said.Some, however, knew exactly what it meant though they dared not believe it. Those who were learned and those who had knowledge of the R
Age Of The Red Demons I Am Heir..
When the lords had gone, King Morrys called for the princess. When she appeared in the throne room, the king was seated on his high throne.When he was meeting with his council, he sat amongst them, on the round table that was at one side in the throne room. But now he was on his throne, elevated above every other thing in the throne room.Heaven only knows what thoughts were going through his mind as he waited. Did the princess actually free the beast? He shouldn’t ask directly. No, he would not.Princess Daella announced herself as she appeared through the great doorway which was always open. She walked slowly towards her father but when she saw the look on his face, she stopped. “I heard you asked for me”, she said, while bowing.“I did,” the king lifted up his gaze. “Our family have always been the heroes of these lands right since the time of Arnold in the days of Albane. We have always being the ones to restore peace and calm when there is turbulence.”“Of course, your majesty”
Age Of The Red Demons The Beginning
Morrys the second was not the type to dance and waggle around problems. He sought for solutions immediately he was faced with a situation.The king ordered for all his council lords and historians. It was an urgent meeting. A decision had to be met, and that too in due time.The meeting took place in the throne room where they had met earlier, but this time, his majesty remained on his throne and the lords and historians took their seats in their various positions on the long opposite rows on both sides of the palace.When all had been seated, the king began, “It may be true that my daughter has released Zathryon and that beast walks on this land as we speak. At that, a solution is what I seek. Does anyone of you wise lords have a proposal as to what can be done before this gets out of hand?"Lord Roberts spoke first, “Your majesty, the dark spies I sent out to the blind cave are not returned so I have sent more men, but I have a reason to believe that the Red King has begun to strike
Age Of The Red Demons The King Journeys to Vail
Ever since the soldiers of Meredith had been lurkng around the old palace, the Vailesh soldiers had been on guard. They had suspicions that Meredith might be planning an invasion and so their general sent a message to their king.King Horon received their message and he shared in their suspicions. But word had been spreading in Vail that the red king was loose in Meredith. The traders from Meredith that came through the sea had been selling those stories along with their goods. How the blue moon had burnt away the grave of the red king. How the red birds had lifted his body in the sky for all to behold. How the princess of Meredith had flown with him away from sight.Everyone had their own story to tell, each one different from the other. False stories they all could be. The king of Meredith was not one to trust, he had always coveted a chance to override Vail. To be the greatest of the four lands. Wasn't that why he hated the wizards for pledging to keep balance? This could be his s
Age Of The Red Demons The Burning Flame
It had been a fortnight since the Red King was freed or, for the peace of King Morrys, Zathryon was freed, because no sa or lord dared call the name Red King to the ears of his majesty. He bore nothing but hatred for it.The journey from Meredith to Vail was a long one with an horse, and even longer for the king who did not ride alone. With him went his guards and servants and every kind of person that lived in the palace. Sa Greith rode with him too, and General Arthogan, who also came with a number of his men. The historian brought two pupils as well, and they all joined the king at the part of the big river over which land flowed. They continued the journey together from there.It took a fewer days to get to Vail by taking that route and when they made it to the great city, they were received with jubilations as per royal custom and more importantly, fear by virtue of the horrific rumours.The Vailesh people were in fear of the stories that came from Meredith, but now that the kin
Age Of The Red Demons The Flower Village
"A time of fear! A time of horror!The one in red, the one of colourHe seeks our bows and longs our lordHe deems our souls and wants our blood"The songs of the moon were first heard in Vaile before they found their path across the little waters to the highlands of Meredith, the rainbushes of Hailey, and the plains of Hayden to be sung by maidens and be heard by the young Saes. To be taught by traders and be learnt by children. The verses grew in length with every person who recited them, and new words came into its lines everday. Indeed, it was a dynamic work of literature with no soul having a right to its originality.While its lines sang in the markets at the time of the moon, the primelord waited patiently in Meredith, coveting his thoughts. The four kings debated days long on the right course of action, along with the wizards of the reach, the witchmother from the isle and other men of magic, while the crowned prince rode eagerly to Maeve. Prince Daerys and his men rode cont
Age Of The Red Demons The Wizard
"We have come to you for a cure! We mean no harm!" Smaragdus tried to calm the angry crowd as they armed themselves with sticks and stones. They were determined to protect whatever it was that they surrounded. "He is the prince!" He pointed to Daerys who was still on his horse, "He has journeyed all the way from Arnold to help you!""We do not need his help, we have a wizard!" Said a voice from among the crowd."He is our saviour and you shall not have him!" Cried another.And another and another till their voices were lost in one another and it became noise.Was it true they had a Wizard in their midst? The prince searched with his eyes but could not find a peculiar figure, at least not one who looked like a wizard."Is your wizard that great? Then why does he hide behind you?" Daerys demanded, "And why does he let you come together in this way? Does he not know that the burning flame is a plague?"His last question sent an air of panic to his listeners and they murmured in response.
Age Of The Red Demons The Magic Posion
"I am Ul Thera, son of the previous grand wizard, and guardian of the red orb.""Why have you come into Meredith?" Daerys asked as he kept a fixed gaze on the wizard who seemed to wear a smile. "I have been walking the other lands for the past few years, minding my own trouble and keeping out of this territory," Ul Thera continued, "But I could not ignore the pull of strong magic that I felt as I passed around this land. We all know Meredith for her laws, believe me, the presence of magic within her territory was worth the trouble."The prince rose and made his way back and forth. Should he even listen to a wizard? What if the plague was his doing? He stopped and faced Ul Thera again. "And what have you found?" The wizard rose as well, "It is poison!" He said, "One among the breeds of flowers in Maeve has been poisoned with sorcery." "Poison.." The prince muttered after him, as well as the other men who were in the room with them. "How is it?""Sa Trodden had asked the same question
Latest Chapter
Special One
The tension has sparkled to tall heights within the hearts of Percival and Agnos, the son of the undying witch. Together, they sought to know what Daella had in the dark with the red king. "We should find out what it is they are discussing." Percival said as soon as he had pulled Agnos to his side, away from Brienne the beauty.But that did not stop the tavern girl from scooping her ears onto the most quiet air around her, just in case their secret words would escape in her direction."This is our chance to succeed in this quest. If we find a way to know his plans from here, it may save us the journey of a thousand miles." It was true what Percival perceived. Zathryon may be helping them by his being in that place. What if he would spill his evil ambitions against the king's army in that one meeting? Then the prince and the general, with the rest of their men might be able to return with their lives."You believe that the princess is a part of his plans?" Agnos murmured, still bewild
"My heart is blessed to another. There is none of it you can own". Daella said into the red face of Zathryon.Zathryon released a slight smile, reaching his face again into the cup lifted before him. He could sense her heart burning with rage for him, and he wondered why she was still seated before him."Why have you not told the world about me?" He asked her. "Your father, his lords and soldiers. A word from you and your people may stand a chance in defeating me. Believe me, if I am dead, my cause is too. My demons will not fight without my command. And no command shall I give with my head off my shoudlers"."But will you actually stay dead?" She returned to him a question in place of an answer after which the red king wore a pink smile. Then Daella proceeded, saying, "When I put you down, you will never again be able to rise. It will be forever."Her words would indulge a rustle of fear in the heart of any person especially with the way she chose to utter them. But Zathryon was not
The mother of witches stood before the huge waves of the ocean, staring into their vastness as though she could see the future written in their ever rising currents.Behind her was her closest sister, Teresa the second in rank of the witches. Or the second sister as they were called. Teresa knew very well what Marina was thinking about. She knew her so well that she could almost read her mind."The princess of Meredith". Teresa started, taking her place beside Marina and joining her in the sight seeing of the waters. "What will you do about her?"The waters raised to huge heights and dropped again with force, letting away huge splashes and smashes. The waves kept roaring with the wind, but none a single drop was fierce enough to cast a daint on the clothings of the two witches."She has brought these evils upon us, but the waters show us nothing of her future. We know not what problems she shall bring upon us next." Teresa continued. "Her mother once was a bone in our necks of ice, an
Red Fear
Daella walked up the stairs with her face closed to the ground. She did not expect that she would encounter Percival at this tavern."What has he come to do here?" She wondered, climbing up the stairs. He came so close to seeing her face when she collided with him. That would have been a disaster; No one should know that she was meeting with anybody today.As she appeared before him, her host pointed to her a place before him to sit."Please, princess. Sit". He said, rising to pull the little chair before her table so she could sit. After that, he returned to his own place opposite Daella."The entire kingdom is on the lookout for you. My father has developed sleepless nights and my brother is riding with an army to fight you. But you are here, within the sniff of our own noses, drinking and smiling as if all is well". She began, staring in his red eyes."But all is well". He replied. "The wine here is good. The air is nice too. And I have become more popular with the women of Meredit
Two Companions
While the witches paid their last respect to Ircane, her body laid within her cave of flowers. Her son Agnos sat beside it in tears while Percival stood by his side, consoling his loss.Her body now lay beside the little stream of water that flowed in the cave, adorned by the flowers she had nurtured for all her years. There she would stay for years to come without decay.Ircane's body had vanished mysteriously from Ghosti'dor the moment she breathed her last. Anyone would have thought it was the work of Ul Thera, but the wizard was no where to be found.Agnos had thought that his mother would return with the wizard who was his father by her side for he did not know his name nor could he recognize his face. But what he got was only disappointment. His mother, who was supposed to have learnt the art of immortality, dead before him. No wizard, no father. He was now completely alone in his world of mystery. Not completely alone anyway. Percival put a hand on his shoulder."I'm sorry th
Red Delusion
In Hayden, Cynthy had almost lost her dear life. She barely escaped from the magical grips of the tall and powerful man who tried to prevent her from entering her new life of freedom.He had appeared from nowhere and offered her revenge."The king of Meredith is neither just nor grateful," he had said. "Is he not deserving of punishment?"A question to which she could not find a voice to reply since her strength was numb and her tongue seemed tied by whatever magical powers this man possessed."Oh! Do you want to decline my offer? I know that the desire for revenge still dominates your heart from within. Why must you deprive yourself of such justice?"She struggled to look in his eyes. His magic had a stronger hold than the thickest chains.And she mumbled, forcefully but audibly. "L-o-v-e".Zathryon chuckled. "Oh love, our excuse for being weak. You know, I also believe in love. In truth, I have a lover among your kind. But at the same time, I know of some good ways through which lov
The princess woke up from another nightmare. She had kept awake all night, falling into a dreamy land of despair each time she fell asleep. At this point, she could no longer keep count of how many dreams she had had tonight.Sitting up on her bed, she checked around for her dear maid but then she remembered. Cynthy would have been by her side the moment she jumped off from bed. She missed her so much at this point.To make matters worse, her last nightmare was all about the maid herself. In her dream, she saw her friend in Hayden, struggling with the pains of death. Bitten by a particularly powerful red demon, she only escaped by the breadth of a needle string. And as she stumbled around the city, unaware of her destination, night robbers got in her way, carting away with the gold the prince had given to her.No one helped her, and she was lying behind an old tavern, dying slowly.It was at this point that Daella woke up. She had no idea why she had seen so many things in her dreams
Over the cold waters on the isle of the witches, the trees mourned for the death of the undying witch.The witches felt a force like never before, rushing against their heart and telling them that they had just lost one of their own. They knew what had happened, but they could not help but be suprised."I know I am supposed to hate her, but isn't she an epitome of witchery? Who knew Ircane never left this world until now? Such a powerful witch she was! The heavens shall sing her name!". Teresa exclaimed in awe or respect. Marina was by her side as she said these things and to the witch mother, Teresa's words were far from truth.The witch mother had always known that the undying witch still lived. That Ircane was always alive within the walls of Meredith which in perfect irony was the worst place for a witch to hide her face. She could always feel her powerful presence anytime she used the power of the isle. Whenever she commanded the waters or used the plants. Ircane's aura always fo
Death Of The Undying
Once upon a long time ago when men were boys, when the old was young and when the wise was foolish, Soatio the great chief of the night fell in love with Ircane the undying witch.She came to him as a priestess, eyes dazzling like the shine of the evening stars. Hers was the most beautiful face he had ever beheld. He could not help but think that all his motives in life were encompassed in her life with him.He thought that her white face was all that the blackness of his skin required. That her balls of light would balance his whorls of darkness. That her love was all he needed and all his dreams would be fulfilled.This he believed to his heart, but she was no goddess to make true his wishes. She never bore the same affection that he endured. In the end, she was only a witch who had come to him to learn a secret that can only be found in Ghosti'dor. He gave her everything she asked for and the ones she could not mention. She used him so much, and she used the secrets she stole from