Late Evening:
Old Sidel: The Crimson woods "Great! You let it escape" Mako yelled. Mako happens to be Choryrth's 19 years old older brother and the son of Sareena a well respected woman from the Dallas tribe."Me? I wasn't the one running around in circles!" Choryrth retorted, -actually I'm glad it got away -he thought
"Tch! Guess we're having mountain beans for dinner" he stormed off, "again!" His voice echoed from a distance. Choryrth chuckled, he turned to a hollow rock by the fruit tree where he stood. His eyes flashed white with his hand outstretched towards the rock which levitated, following his hand movement and almost immediately a small brown fuzzy rabbog jumped off and into the bushes."You're safe now" he smiled. Choryrth is a sixteen years old boy from the hidden Dallas clan, he was brought to Dallas tribe eleven years ago with no memories of anything about his past. He's had to grow up with Mako as an Older brother and Mako's mum was the only mum he knew and one thing they had kept from Mako was the fact that he was an Earth Elemental. Choryrth appeared odd because he was white haired and light skinned amidst the dark skinned Dallas citizens. The Dallas tribe is a hidden tribe from the south and a neighbouring village to the town of Old Sidel (the once and former capital of Shouken).
why the tribe is hidden? During the past years the Dallas tribe was charged with committing a great sin, one that jeopardized the existence of the great Lords Mugen and Hesiesh.The Dallas tribe camp: Sareena's hut
Scr~~ Mako stormed in almost bumping into his mother Sareena who had been pacing about the room in a worrisome manner. "Mother?" He exclaimed. "Oh thank goodness! Where's Chory?" She whispered agressively. "He's. . ." "What about me?" Choryrth asked as he entered the hut. "I heard from the fishermen that a small fleet of Red Dragon ships were headed for Old Sidel" she said and shut the windows and the doors. "We didn't hear anything, besides we're fine" Choryrth replied. "No, neither you nor Mako are allowed to leave this camp again. What would I do if they take you away?" She cried. "No one's taking anyone away" Mako replied and made his way for the room. "We'll be fine, besides we're not from Old Sidel" Choryrth reassured. "Which is the more reason you shouldn't get caught" she retorted "after so many years we've finally found settlement in this region, Old Sidel is willing to hide our existence but that doesn't mean we should be careless" "You worry too much, we'll be fine" he kissed her forehead."Stay away from the Red Dragon soldiers especially general Mao" she cautioned.
"Who's this general Mao you always warn us about?" Choryrth asked, making his way to the lamp at the end of the room.
"Only the most powerful tyrant to have ever lived, he has three states under his possession and ten small villages towards the north has been colonized. His competitions are generals Song and Anakin both of whom doesn't seem to match up with Mao himself" Mako explained, placing his sword by the room door and then taking a seat by the centre table while he was at it.
"He kinda sounds cool" Choryrth said and lit the candles on the shelf.
"No he's not, he's taken many lives and he has been a seat of chaos to the on going war" Mako retorted, Sareena sighed and headed straight into the room.
"There's an ongoing war?"
"The Shouken Crystals are loosing power, the Guardians are all cowards" Mako replied with a tone of disappointment.
"What are you talking about?" Choryrth asked, confused.
"The Crystals of Shouken gives life to Shouken, after the great purge the guardians disappeared alongside our hopes and dreams, the Red Dragons have taken over gradually and will soon bring the new world order to place" Mako explained.
"New world order? War? Where's all this coming from?" Choryrth exclaimed.
"That's what the elder yabs about during the tribe lessons" he chuckled
"you'd know if you attend it once""You're crazy" Choryrth laughed
"Aren't we all" Mako laughed along.
"Goodnight. . ."
"We're still going to the Outpost tomorrow right" Mako asked.
"You heard mum, there are Red Dragon soldiers everywhere"
"I wanna get my hands on that map the soldiers were talking about"
"That Map's none of our business" Choryrth retorted.
"You don't get it, it has the plot of the villages and holds that hasn't been fully colonized yet"
"We can save many lives if we get our hands on it" Mako retorted.
"Goodnight Mako" Choryrth replied with a huge sigh and walked into the room.
"I'll do it myself then. . ." Mako muttered under his breath.
Mako is a warrior, a successor of Hakoda the first warrior from the Native Sidel. His father died during the great purge fighting for his clan, his father was sworn to protect the Earth clan when he was ordained the first warrior king but rumor had it that Hakoda was killed by the guardians after he was framed for a crime, another rumor stated that he was killed by general Isaki (general Mao's predecessor), at the course of all this Mako grew up hating those born with elementals and hopes to one day avenge his father's death. How will he start? By jeopardizing the Red Dragons plans in any way he could.______________________________________Late night:Choryrth was fast asleep, sweating and panting, he found himself in a dream, he knew it by the bleakness of the landscape. By testing his voice, he knew he could talk, but wondered why he was having a lucid dream, but was somewhat answered when a bright light shone from the other end, he saw a figure heading into the light."Hello!" He yelled, his voice resonating several times before the sudden silence, he decided to follow the strange figure. It wasn't long until he found himself in a dense forest, the centre was decorated with flowerbeds and a gigantic rock which was designed with markings, some sort of strange language, at the top there was a big light green crystal fixed at it's center. He felt like the crystal was calling to him, slowly he approached it but came to an abrupt halt when he heard a loud growl from behind, he swiftly turned around to meet face to face with a 20 feet tall white dragon which hurled flames at him almost immediately, he screamed loud enough and shut his eyes then there was absolutely silence.
This time he found himself in the middle of a wasteland, dead bodies everywhere like a war had happened, blood flowing like a river towards the Southside, atop a hill from a distance stood a shadow emitting dark energy, it's laughter like thousands of souls bereaved. "We need you" the monotonous voices cried. He saw five shadows all with similar tattoos like his but situated on different body parts and of different colors. The first shadow had a dark green dragon tattoo behind it's upper left shoulder running along the left side of it's spine.The second shadow had a blue dragon tattoo running from it's lower right arm.The third shadow had a red dragon tattoo on the exact same place Choryrth had his, running from it's left chest to it's upper left arm.The fourth shadow had a yellow dragon tattoo on it's forehead andThe fifth shadow had no tattoos but a burning sensation, emitting a strong aura from a crystal like sword. While Choryrth was lost in the figures before him one of the bodies reached out for him."Help us!" He cried, his eyes shedding blood as Choryrth screamed again, he shut his eyes almost immediately.
This time he found himself right where he started from, panting, hoping to get out of this nightmare. Then he saw that strange figure again, he could make out a white garment. "Kamren. .""Kamren. ."
"Kamren. ." The hissy whisper continued just before he saw a reptile like eye which had opened abruptly.
______________________________________Gasps! He woke up and sat up quickly, it was dawn already, he could tell by the chirper birds outside the hut. Mako's sleeping bag was empty and so was his mother's, this is the third time this season he was waking up from such weird nightmare. -It's the same as last time and the time before that, should he tell mother perhaps?- he wondered.Sigh "it's just a dream. . .it's just a dream" he comforted himself, strange enough Mako was one heck of a noise maker every morning but today seemed awfully. . . Quiet.
Outside:"Good morning mother" Choryrth said to Sareena who was busy drying out some seeds at the fields as he approached her.
"Good morning my love" she replied, her attention on the seeds she was drying."Umm. . .Do you need help with that?" He offered.
"No dear, Elder Sharman needs help with the firewood by the stream, maybe you can help him out instead" she suggested.
"Mother?" He called to her softly.
"Yes Chory?" She responded and turned around this time as Chory squatted beside her.
"I. . ." -Do I tell her? The first time I told her she said it was only a nightmare, but recurring nightmares are said to have meanings right? -he wondered.
"You what?" She smiled.
"Where's Mako?" He quickly changed the subject.
"He told me he was going hunting with Mandrin and Gorath" she replied.
"Oh" -Mako isn't even friends with Mandrin, the selfish Hunter's son so why would he? - he gasped.
"What's wrong?" Sareena exclaimed.
"Nothing! I'm gonna go find him" Choryrth replied and sprung up almost immediately.
"You haven't even had breakfast yet!" She yelled while standing up.
"I'll eat it later!" He yelled while heading out of the camp.
As stubborn as Choryrth was he maintained the stay away from the Red dragon rule, yesterday while they were at the Port they overhead two red dragon soldiers talking about the map where uncolonized zones and locations had been marked and are to be given to General Mao when he reaches the boarders of Sidel, now Mako thinks stealing the plans and the map will render all their efforts useless? Who takes such risks? Especially not with the Red Dragons. Choryrth ran as fast as his legs could carry him until he got to the dense woods dividing the main town of Sidel from the Outpost.The Outpost:
He hid behind the bushes but all he could see were red dragon patrols surrounding the area -could he be overthinking things? Maybe Mako didn't come here, the patrol here was tighter than Elder Sharman's robe lacing for a fact -he thought. Just then he felt a light tap on his back causing him to turn around very swiftly, his mouth was immediately covered by gloved arms just before he could release a gasp."Shh! It's me" Mako replied and took off the Red Dragon helmet, yes he was in a Red Dragon soldier's attire to blend in, smart move right!
"What are you. . ."
"Shhh! Do want to get me caught?" Mako whispered aggressively.
"No. . . What you're doing is risky" Choryrth whispered back.
"Not if I look like one of them" He smiled "see that ship by the docks? That's where they're awaiting General Mao's vessel and the exchange will be made by sundown" he explained in an audible whisper
"You're not even listening to me! I'm not here to help you, I'm here to stop you" Choryrth whispered.
"You don't get it do you? If you're not here to help then you might as well stay out of my way" he retorted.
"You there!" A soldier from the opposite side of the bush yelled
"Ah yes! Comrade?" Mako replaced his helmet swiftly before looking straight up, one hand suppressing Choryrth behind the bushes.
"What do you think your doing over there?" The soldier yelled.
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The Outpost:He hid behind the bushes but all he could see were red dragon patrols surrounding the area -could he be overthinking things? Maybe Mako didn't come here, the patrol here was tighter than Elder Sharman's robe lacing for a fact -he thought. Just then he felt a light tap on his back causing him to turn around very swiftly, his mouth was immediately covered by gloved arms just before he could release a gasp. "Shh! It's me" Mako replied and took off the Red Dragon helmet, yes he was in a Red Dragon soldier's attire to blend in, smart move right! "What are you. . ." "Shhh! Do want to get me caught?" Mako whispered aggressively. "No. . . What you're doing is risky" Choryrth whispered back. "Not if I look like one of them" He smiled "see that ship by the docks? That's where they're awaiting General
Age of the Dragons: Shouken's restoration #1Ā Ā Ā Episode 3
"Let me go and we'll all forget this happened" Choryrth negotiated. "Be quiet!" A soldier yelled and shoved him in the stomach, luckily his armour took most of the hit. "Lock him up! The General will be happy we caught a bigger fish" the captain ordered. "Bigger f. . ." He could barely complete his statement before he was knocked out with a rod and at the same time the walls had retracted themselves but Mako wasn't there -he ran away. . .that was the plan right? But why do I feel hurt? -Choryrth thought several seconds before everything became pitch black. Noon: The Dallas tribe camp:Sareena's hut: Slam~ "Mum! Mum!" Mako yelled. "What is it!" Sareena rushed out of the room, Mako was angry but his hands couldn't stop shaking. &nb
Age of the Dragons: Shouken's restoration #1Ā Ā Ā Episode 4
"Who's Kamren mum. . . And what's the Real meaning of this tattoo? You said it was a birth mark" Choryrth said softly. "Just so you know, I can never accept an Elemental as my brother!" Mako retorted before running off. "MAKO!" Sareena yelled. "Go after him, come with me Choryrth" Elder Sharman said. "Chory y. . ." She paused as Choryrth stepped away from her. Elder Sharman didn't waste any more time, he turned around heading towards his hut while Choryrth followed.Sareena's hut: "Have you gone mad Mako! How could you do that to your brother!" Sareena yelled "He lied to me! You two did!" Mako yelled. "We did it to protect Chory!" She cried. "That's the problem! All
Age of the Dragons: Shouken's restoration #1Ā Ā Ā Episode 5
"No way! So if she's some kind of witch I'd die first!""Who's a witch?""Ahhh!" Both boys exclaimed and turned around immediately."What are you two dimwits looking for in these parts? Are you lost?" A shriveled up old lady asked."Umm. . .no, we we're just. . .""Passing by. . ." Choryrth muttered."Well you better get going cause crimson woods ain't a place for you two" she retorted and pushed past them, heading for the cottage."Hold on. . .does she live there?" Mako whispered to Choryrth."That's gotta be her" Choryrth whispered "excuse me! Old lady ma'am!" Choryrth stuttered."What'd ya want?" She paused."I'm supposed to meet the owner of this . . .nice. . .cottage? I was sent by Elder Sharman" he had blinked while talking and the old woman was no longer away from him but right in front of him."Oh lord!" Mako froze on the spot while Choryrth couldn't stop panting."Elder Sharman. . . It's been eleven yea
Age of the Dragons: Shouken's restoration #1Ā Ā Ā Episode 6
Same thing happened with the guardian of the nature crystal but the Earth elemental guardian swore to fight for Pasiap by Mugen's side.Lords Mela, Daana'd and Shiath luckily made their peaceful return to the lower heaven after deciding not to take matters into their hands like Mugen did. Imai sealed both brothers successfully and won the battle but lost more than he could ever bargain; the Crystal palace, his family, his people and he lost his life as well but there was peace at last. The entire Earth tribe was wiped away during the cause and the Dallas tribe lived in hiding from the wrath of Cadigen for betraying their mother tribe. And slowly sought to continue from where lord Heisiesh stopped until Kilgharra was of age. This is as much as I know" she sighed, heavily."This Kilgharra sounds like some cool kid, I mean his heart has been replaced with that of a three thousand years old demon" Mako said."So the new generation had been cursed to right the wron
Age of the Dragons: Shouken's restoration #1Ā Ā Ā Chapter 7
Dawn__Old Sidel woods__"What do you think happened here?" A Red Dragon soldier asked his comrade, both on horseback as they examined the dented tree and the boulder that may have caused the dent."A rock slide?" His comrade replied, confused as to what exactly could have caused the dent."There are no nearby cliffs or small hills, rocks don't move on their own you know" he replied."Hey! You're right! Could this be related to the letter the captain sent to our division?" His comrade asked."Possibly" he replied and dismounted his horse and lit his torch to search for any possible clues until he waved the torch over some stray tracks "there! Horse tracks" he yelled."I'll send word back to the captain" his comrade replied."Not yet, let's follow the tracks and see what we find" he replied, put of the torch and mounted the horse again "hya!" He commanded with a whip around the horses rein, his Comrade followed suite as they rode up ahead following the horse track
Latest Chapter
Chapter 7
Dawn__Old Sidel woods__"What do you think happened here?" A Red Dragon soldier asked his comrade, both on horseback as they examined the dented tree and the boulder that may have caused the dent."A rock slide?" His comrade replied, confused as to what exactly could have caused the dent."There are no nearby cliffs or small hills, rocks don't move on their own you know" he replied."Hey! You're right! Could this be related to the letter the captain sent to our division?" His comrade asked."Possibly" he replied and dismounted his horse and lit his torch to search for any possible clues until he waved the torch over some stray tracks "there! Horse tracks" he yelled."I'll send word back to the captain" his comrade replied."Not yet, let's follow the tracks and see what we find" he replied, put of the torch and mounted the horse again "hya!" He commanded with a whip around the horses rein, his Comrade followed suite as they rode up ahead following the horse track
Episode 6
Same thing happened with the guardian of the nature crystal but the Earth elemental guardian swore to fight for Pasiap by Mugen's side.Lords Mela, Daana'd and Shiath luckily made their peaceful return to the lower heaven after deciding not to take matters into their hands like Mugen did. Imai sealed both brothers successfully and won the battle but lost more than he could ever bargain; the Crystal palace, his family, his people and he lost his life as well but there was peace at last. The entire Earth tribe was wiped away during the cause and the Dallas tribe lived in hiding from the wrath of Cadigen for betraying their mother tribe. And slowly sought to continue from where lord Heisiesh stopped until Kilgharra was of age. This is as much as I know" she sighed, heavily."This Kilgharra sounds like some cool kid, I mean his heart has been replaced with that of a three thousand years old demon" Mako said."So the new generation had been cursed to right the wron
Episode 5
"No way! So if she's some kind of witch I'd die first!""Who's a witch?""Ahhh!" Both boys exclaimed and turned around immediately."What are you two dimwits looking for in these parts? Are you lost?" A shriveled up old lady asked."Umm. . .no, we we're just. . .""Passing by. . ." Choryrth muttered."Well you better get going cause crimson woods ain't a place for you two" she retorted and pushed past them, heading for the cottage."Hold on. . .does she live there?" Mako whispered to Choryrth."That's gotta be her" Choryrth whispered "excuse me! Old lady ma'am!" Choryrth stuttered."What'd ya want?" She paused."I'm supposed to meet the owner of this . . .nice. . .cottage? I was sent by Elder Sharman" he had blinked while talking and the old woman was no longer away from him but right in front of him."Oh lord!" Mako froze on the spot while Choryrth couldn't stop panting."Elder Sharman. . . It's been eleven yea
Episode 4
"Who's Kamren mum. . . And what's the Real meaning of this tattoo? You said it was a birth mark" Choryrth said softly. "Just so you know, I can never accept an Elemental as my brother!" Mako retorted before running off. "MAKO!" Sareena yelled. "Go after him, come with me Choryrth" Elder Sharman said. "Chory y. . ." She paused as Choryrth stepped away from her. Elder Sharman didn't waste any more time, he turned around heading towards his hut while Choryrth followed.Sareena's hut: "Have you gone mad Mako! How could you do that to your brother!" Sareena yelled "He lied to me! You two did!" Mako yelled. "We did it to protect Chory!" She cried. "That's the problem! All
Episode 3
"Let me go and we'll all forget this happened" Choryrth negotiated. "Be quiet!" A soldier yelled and shoved him in the stomach, luckily his armour took most of the hit. "Lock him up! The General will be happy we caught a bigger fish" the captain ordered. "Bigger f. . ." He could barely complete his statement before he was knocked out with a rod and at the same time the walls had retracted themselves but Mako wasn't there -he ran away. . .that was the plan right? But why do I feel hurt? -Choryrth thought several seconds before everything became pitch black. Noon: The Dallas tribe camp:Sareena's hut: Slam~ "Mum! Mum!" Mako yelled. "What is it!" Sareena rushed out of the room, Mako was angry but his hands couldn't stop shaking. &nb
Episode 2
The Outpost:He hid behind the bushes but all he could see were red dragon patrols surrounding the area -could he be overthinking things? Maybe Mako didn't come here, the patrol here was tighter than Elder Sharman's robe lacing for a fact -he thought. Just then he felt a light tap on his back causing him to turn around very swiftly, his mouth was immediately covered by gloved arms just before he could release a gasp. "Shh! It's me" Mako replied and took off the Red Dragon helmet, yes he was in a Red Dragon soldier's attire to blend in, smart move right! "What are you. . ." "Shhh! Do want to get me caught?" Mako whispered aggressively. "No. . . What you're doing is risky" Choryrth whispered back. "Not if I look like one of them" He smiled "see that ship by the docks? That's where they're awaiting General
Episode 1
Late Evening:Old Sidel: The Crimson woods "Great! You let it escape" Mako yelled. Mako happens to be Choryrth's 19 years old older brother and the son of Sareena a well respected woman from the Dallas tribe. "Me? I wasn't the one running around in circles!" Choryrth retorted, -actually I'm glad it got away -he thought "Tch! Guess we're having mountain beans for dinner" he stormed off, "again!" His voice echoed from a distance. Choryrth chuckled, he turned to a hollow rock by the fruit tree where he stood. His eyes flashed white with his hand outstretched towards the rock which levitated, following his hand movement and almost immediately a small brown fuzzy rabbog jumped off and into the bushes. "You're safe now" he smiled. Choryrth is a sixteen years old boy from the hidden Dallas clan, he was brought to