The bell rang in Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School, and Class 1-A was already in their classroom, waiting for their Mathematics Teacher.
Sakamo Ryu entered, and while the students were wondering who was that young man who was going to the Teacher’s desk, he smiled at them.
Sakamo put his bag on top of the desk and placed himself in front of the whiteboard. “Good morning students. I am your temporary Teacher, Sakamo Ryu. You may call me Sakamo-sensei. I will be your Math Teacher while Teacher Kaishu Katsu is on leave because of his new baby.”
One girl with dyed blond hair raised her hand, and Sakamo remembered about another yellow head staring at him with wide-open eyes, just like that girl was doing.
Sakamo nodded with a smile, and the girl asked, “Sakamo-sensei… Are you Sakamo Ryu, Tomoe-chan’s friend and Mae-chan’s husband? Are you really him? Because I am a huge fan of Tomoe-chan and Mae-chan, and I remember seeing you with them at a red carpet event on television a few months ago!”
The entire class gasped. Those names were famous enough, and they all stared at him with admiration because the surprise of seeing such a handsome young Teacher entering the classroom made them unable to recognise who he was.
Sakamo scratched his cheek with an awkward smile and said, “I told the Principal this was a bad idea, but I owe him a few favours from when I was a student in this School. I made a bunch of blunders, and he told me he would punish me when he found it more convenient. I am that Sakamo Ryu, alright, and…”
His phone rang, and Sakamo jolted. The entire class muffled laughter because it was forbidden for the students and Teachers to use their phones in the classroom.
Sakamo went to his bag to silence it while apologizing, “I am really sorry, I totally forgot to turn off this thing!”
He then froze at the name on the screen, and another memory came to his mind. As he was silencing the ringing tone, he raised his head to face his students with an awkward smile. “I deeply apologize, but I have to take this, or she will squeeze my neck when I get home!”
Sakamo hesitated for a split second, and he then pressed the screen, accepting the video call.
The smiling face of Tomoe-chan next to Hangaku Mae looked at him, and they both screamed at the same time, “Kyaahh! Ryu-kun, you look so cool as a Teacher! I so want to hug you! Show me your class! I want to say hello to them!”
“No, you already made a good mess with this call, Tomoe-chan. I could swear I put my phone on silent before leaving my house. I don’t know how it rang!”
The smiling Hangaku Mae raised her right hand with her loose blonde hair floating with the wind. “Sorry, that was me! We thought about this prank last week, and I had to do it or else Tomoe-chan would nag me forever! Point the phone at your class. I want to see them!”
Sakamo sighed and turned his phone around, making his entire class almost explode with excitement. He motioned for silence, concerned that their outburst would draw the attention of someone in the hallway outside, forcing him to apologise to the Principal and owe him another favour.
The class went silent, and they stared at the screen, eager to hear the famous singers and models.
Tomoe-chan approached the phone to her face and said in a loud voice, “Hello everyone! Will you take good care of my dear Ryu-kun? This is his first gig as a Teacher, and he might be a little nervous, so be kind and don’t make him regret accepting the Principal’s offer, or he is going to squeeze my neck because I was nagging him for weeks to accept that job!”
Hangaku pushed Tomoe-chan away from the phone with her head and said, “Ryu, move the phone around. I want to see if there is a cute girl in there that might try something with her new handsome Teacher! Move your hand, you fool, jeez! “
The entire class laughed, and Sakamo moved the phone from left to right. Hangaku Mae noticed a cute girl with dyed blond hair and shouted, “That one! The yellow head! She looks just like me at her age! Don’t you give him any weird looks, girl! I know you, because I once was in a classroom like that one, drooling all over the new kid with a long braid who was introducing himself, just like you are doing! I suppose I can’t be mad at you, because he is so damn gorgeous, but if you push your luck, I may need to visit that School of yours to teach you some manners!”
The blond girl vigorously nodded, her face all red, and Sakamo pointed the phone at him again. “That wasn’t very nice, Mae! You know how much I despise bullies!”
“Oh shush, I was just teasing her! She has a nice taste for looking at you like that, and she also looks like me, so how can I bully myself? Invite them all to have tea with us after School. We are going to shoot a commercial in the city centre, and we could hang out after that. I know a nice place where we can have some tea and cakes, right next to your School.”
“You are speaking about Yoshinobu Tokuga and Makishita Aruka tea house, right?”
“No, I am talking about Yoshinobu Tokuga and Makishita Tokuga. They got married months ago, remember? Sometimes you have your head in the clouds! What are you doing in that Institute and the University, burning your brain cells?”
A commotion was heard behind Hangaku Mae, and the voice of Hojo Masako shouted in the background, “Mae-chan, Tomoe-chan, what are you doing there? Go to your place; we are working here, you lazy fools! Everyone, to your stations, we are filming in five minutes!”
Tomoe-chan appeared on the screen of Sakamo’s phone. “Our overly serious producer is calling for us, Ryu-kun! We will see you all after School in that tea house! Shintaro Nakaoka-chan and Tadasaburo Sasaki-kun are also going. They sent us a message a few minutes ago! Send kisses to your pretty students! We also cleared our schedules to go see Takechi-kun’s show next Friday night, but we can talk more about that later! I want to pull a prank on his show, and I need your help with the details!”
They hang up, leaving Sakamo to face his students all alone. He put his phone inside his bag again, making sure to silence it.
He then raised his head, and a bunch of shining eyes and big smiles were staring at him. “You heard her, right? So, do any of you want to join me in the teahouse near this School? My friends own the place, and for years, that tea house has been a usual hanging spot for students.”
They all nodded, muffling their excitement because Sakamo kept on signalling for them to be quiet. He then looked at the girl with the yellow dyed hair and made a slight bow. “I apologise for Mae-chan’s teasing. She jokes a lot, as for sure you heard, considering that she is always playing pranks on the reporters that keep on following her.”
The young girl spoke with a trembling voice, “I… don’t mind, Sakamo-sensei. She even said I looked like her when she was my age, and that was a tremendous compliment! I just… You are younger than most of our Teachers, even for a temporary Teacher. And Tomoe-chan said this was your first job as a Teacher?”
“Yes, I am a second-year at Tokyo University, and I also work at the Earthquake Institute. I had to find time to fit your class into my schedule, but our Principal didn’t give me any choice.”
Another girl timidly raised her arm, and she hesitated for a while before speaking, “Sakamo-sensei, I remember that at the beginning of her career, Mae-chan was surrounded by speculation and rumours because of her family. She used to be extremely rich, right? And then her father disappeared with all their money, leaving her family in a tough spot. The reporters found out that before that scandal, she was already living with her boyfriend when they were just first years in this School, and that was probably one of the reasons for her father to run away because he didn’t want to face the shame if everyone knew! Do you… perhaps…”
Sakamo scratched his cheek again, as he normally did when he was nervous, a quirk that he never got rid of. “Yeah, we started dating in our first year, and she cut relationships with her family because of me. Well, it was her father that threatened that he would disinherit her if she stayed with me, and he even gave me money to leave Mae.”
“You didn’t accept his money, right? Considering that you are still with Mae-chan!”
Sakamo raised one eyebrow. “Of course I accepted; it was an immense sum of money! I even asked him for a second check, and I invited Mae to live with me, considering that her father was being so generous and giving us money for living expenses for the next ten years! He was furious when Mae said yes.”
The entire class burst into laughter, and Sakamo worriedly signalled for them to be quiet.
The same girl spoke with a big smile on her face, “No wonder Mae-chan’s father didn’t like you, Sakamo-sensei! I read in some magazines that you were an orphan raised in a Shrine in Nakanojo. There is no way such a rich family, like the Hangaku used to be, would be happy to see you dating the family heir! But things turned out okay because you two look very happy in every photo they take of you guys!”
“Yes, things were a little stressful in the beginning, but even with her family scandal, it boosted her career faster than we could imagine. The moment she came forth and explained that she was already away from her family before her father fled with the money, and with Empress Nabito inviting us to every social event, it was more than enough to clean up Mae-chan’s reputation.”
The blonde girl raised her arm again. “Sakamo-sensei, I never saw an explanation of your relationship with the Imperial Family. Every time a reporter asked, no one would answer him! I remember the Empress silencing a reporter with a scary angry face, saying that she wouldn’t speak about personal family matters and that she considered you a family matter. Can you tell us why?”
“I suppose I can tell you I have been a friend of the Imperial Family since I was fifteen years old. A few months before entering High School, I met the Princess first, and the Emperor next. When I first saw the Empress, I could hardly say a thing, because she kept on staring at me in silence. I eventually conquered her, and she more or less adopted me as if I were her son. So, I guess it’s time to end all the questioning. I need to call your names to get used to them so that we can begin today’s lesson.”
A tall and slim boy spoke while rolling his eyes. “Oh, come on, math exercises right on the first day? Can’t we use this time to get to know each other a little better?”
Sakamo made a slight smile while remembering. “I once heard a crazy boy complaining about that to Kaishu-sensei on my first day in this School. Unlike Kaishu-sensei, I won’t threaten you with a low grade, but I will leave you behind when we all go to the teahouse to meet Mae-chan and Tomoe-chan. Even if you are not one of their fans, at least you could use that time to get to know your classmates a little better, like you said.”
The boy gulped and spoke with a trembling voice, “I… don’t like many of Tomoe-chan’s pop songs, but Mae-chan is an amazing rock star. It was because of her that I began learning how to play the guitar…”
Sakamo turned to the whiteboard and wrote a few equations. He then went to his seat and opened his bag. The silence made him raise his eyes and see his entire class staring at the board, completely dumbfounded. He frowned and looked at the whiteboard, so he quickly went there and wiped the equations and wrote simpler ones.
A few sighs of relief echoed in the room, and he faced his worried students with an awkward smile. “Sorry, I guess I am a bit nervous and I inadvertently wrote University Level equations. Those are more adequate for your grade.”
The blonde girl raised her arm. “Sakamo-sensei, that first equation was intriguing. Can you tell me what it can be used for?”
“Well, that was a high-level equation used to calculate probabilities and consequences depending on the number of variables we used. It is also an evolution of these simpler equations, actually. It’s…”
Sakamo noticed that the entire class was listening attentively to him, and he made a slight smile. “I suppose I can explain a bit more about the equations I first wrote when you finish those. It can help you understand the mathematics that you are supposed to learn in the next three years of High School because I know it’s a little frustrating to learn all sorts of equations without seeing practical uses.”
The students were smiling and nodding at each other, and the tall and slim boy spoke with his eyes wide open, “Yeah, that would be awesome! I don’t like math very much, mostly because I can never figure out what all the equations can be used for!”
Sakamo Ryu shrugged. “That’s understandable. I know it’s not very usual for a math class to go on field trips, but maybe next week I can schedule a visit to the Earthquake Institute at Tokyo University, where you can see how these equations can be used in several simulations. I need to talk about that with the Principal and that will be bothersome because he uses every opportunity to make me owe him another favour, but I suppose I can bear with it if that makes everyone more willing to learn mathematics without complaining.”
That was the last drop. The entire class jumped and cheered, and Sakamo slapped his forehead, resigning to become the talk of all the Teachers and students, right on his first day.
Related Chapters
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1
Sakamo Ryu was visiting a Shrine in Tokyo following the advice of his adoptive father, Sakamo Yahei, to see the Capital and find out if he could adapt to a life there while studying in High School.As he was walking along the sidewalk of one of the several busy streets, he stopped near the gate of a Private Only Girl’s Elementary School, wondering why the need for a separation of genders so early. A girl’s scream made him look back in surprise, and he saw a big man in a dark blue suit, dragging a little girl who was kicking and fighting to get free.Sakamo frowned as he heard the girl say, “Let me go
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1.1
After nearly an hour of walking, they arrived at the vicinities of the main gate of the Imperial Palace. Sakamo thought it was weird if she lived there, but probably her parents worked there. To his surprise, a group of four men ran to them as soon as they recognised the Princess, and one of them shouted to Sakamo, “Let her go! Why are you holding her hand like that? Why did you kidnap her?” Sakamo felt Hiko trembling as she hid behind him, and he whispered, “What do these guys want? Are they friends of those guys this morning?”
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 101 – Ten years after
Alex Brim was already thirty-five, and for the last two years, he had been living permanently in Azurath because his forever-young look was making people suspicious of him on Earth. So, without informing anyone, he purchased two one-way tickets to Nepal for himself and Hangaku Mae, leaving on his kitchen counter a single note stating that they were going to live in a secluded monastery deep in the mountains for their retirement, leaving behind his stressful work at the Earthquake Institute and as a part-time teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School.
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Hangaku Mae journal
First day of High School
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Curiosities and Names
Nobility:The highest grade is duke/duchess, followed by marquess/marchioness, earl/countess, viscount/viscountess, and baron/baroness. Dukes and duchesses are addressed with their actual titles, but all other ranks of the peerage have the appellation Lord or Lady. Non-hereditary life peers are also addressed as Lord or Lady. The
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 1 - Quest in Azurath 1
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Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 1.1 - Quest in Azurath 1.1
Alex skilfully avoided the questions by talking the least possible about him while riding his horse next to James Macdonald. “I am used to having my employers doubting my skills in the first job, but then they realize I am way more powerful than the money they paid for my services, and they always hire me again.” “Well, I will be one of them, for sure. Your services were extremely useful, and we completed this extremely dangerous Quest with none of us dying, and… I was told that you are also a powerful Mage, but I only saw you using a sword, daggers, bow, and your shield. I noticed you glowing a little with Magic when you were running at an incredible speed to that Orc, but it was only that time.”
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 2 – First day of High School 1
In the morning, Sakamo Ryu grabbed his new School bag and left his house. His new School was only a six-minute walk, that was one of the reasons why he rented that house. The other one was that the real state agency also informed him that there was a nice family restaurant nearby and a small market. In the street, there was a familiar man disguised in a municipal uniform, sweeping the floor. Sakamo Ryu made a slight nod, and the man returned it. Ryu walked and looked left and right, trying to find a place where he could have breakfast, considering it was still early for School, and he couldn’t eat breakfast at home because he didn’t buy grocerie
Latest Chapter
Curiosities and Names
Nobility:The highest grade is duke/duchess, followed by marquess/marchioness, earl/countess, viscount/viscountess, and baron/baroness. Dukes and duchesses are addressed with their actual titles, but all other ranks of the peerage have the appellation Lord or Lady. Non-hereditary life peers are also addressed as Lord or Lady. The
Hangaku Mae journal
First day of High School
Chapter 101 – Ten years after
Alex Brim was already thirty-five, and for the last two years, he had been living permanently in Azurath because his forever-young look was making people suspicious of him on Earth. So, without informing anyone, he purchased two one-way tickets to Nepal for himself and Hangaku Mae, leaving on his kitchen counter a single note stating that they were going to live in a secluded monastery deep in the mountains for their retirement, leaving behind his stressful work at the Earthquake Institute and as a part-time teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School.
Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1.1
After nearly an hour of walking, they arrived at the vicinities of the main gate of the Imperial Palace. Sakamo thought it was weird if she lived there, but probably her parents worked there. To his surprise, a group of four men ran to them as soon as they recognised the Princess, and one of them shouted to Sakamo, “Let her go! Why are you holding her hand like that? Why did you kidnap her?” Sakamo felt Hiko trembling as she hid behind him, and he whispered, “What do these guys want? Are they friends of those guys this morning?”
Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1
Sakamo Ryu was visiting a Shrine in Tokyo following the advice of his adoptive father, Sakamo Yahei, to see the Capital and find out if he could adapt to a life there while studying in High School.As he was walking along the sidewalk of one of the several busy streets, he stopped near the gate of a Private Only Girl’s Elementary School, wondering why the need for a separation of genders so early. A girl’s scream made him look back in surprise, and he saw a big man in a dark blue suit, dragging a little girl who was kicking and fighting to get free.Sakamo frowned as he heard the girl say, “Let me go
Chapter 100 – Five years after
The bell rang in Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School, and Class 1-A was already in their classroom, waiting for their Mathematics Teacher. Sakamo Ryu entered, and while the students were wondering who was that young man who was going to the Teacher’s desk, he smiled at them.
Chapter 99 – Back to Earth
Anika grumped, with Wenammy, Okami, and Pearl joining her. Alex hugged them, promising to return as soon as possible. He left with Nadyian to his room, and Anika snorted.
Chapter 98 – Facing Viscount Tom West
Nadyian made a slight smile, perfectly aware that the other women were listening to them in absolute silence, as if they were waiting for her reaction. At the end of the afternoon, they returned to the Castle, and when the carriage wi
Chapter 97.1 – Meeting the rivals 1.1
Nadyian slowly nodded. “I think I understand. It seems Alex is indeed very powerful. No wonder all these women have become attracted to him.”