Tomiko felt her cheeks turning hot and said, “Sakamo-kun? Yes… he sure is...”
“Tomiko-chan, you know very well I was not talking about Sakamo-kun… I meant Takechi-kun, or Takechi-sama, like Sakamo-kun calls him.”
“Yeah… I guess he is… kind of sweet… I am used to having boys flattering me, but the way he says things… and the way he looks at me… it’s like… if I am the only girl around. It’s… kind of nice. Most of the time, boys get distracted by Hangaku-chan boldness and prettiness, but he didn’t look at her ever since he sat next to me, not even once. It was like… if I was the only girl in the World. It… made me feel very special...”
Hojo Masako disguised a smile and glanced towards Takechi to check how far he was. “He is not like the type of guys that are always after you. He is a little shorter and chubbier than most of them… and the fact that you noticed he only had eyes for you is interesting.”
“I… know he is like that, but the way he smiles with his eyes glowing… I could swear I felt my heart stopping a few times… don’t… say anything to Hangaku-chan, ok? She won’t stop teasing me.”
“Don’t worry, I would never babble about such a thing, but you could spend some time with him to know him better. Maybe he is a hidden gem under that squishy belly of his.”
Tomiko narrowed her eyes. “Don’t say things like that! You should be the one getting worried because by the looks of it, Hangaku-chan will catch Sakamo-kun and you won’t stand a chance.”
Hojo Masako quickly looked up towards the exit and saw Hangaku still clinging to Sakamo’s arm and the girls in the cafeteria looking at them with jealous eyes. “Even… if I wanted, I could not compete with all those girls. They are all staring at him, and they know nothing about him, except that he is pretty. We also know little, but what we already know, it’s amazing.”
Takechi returned and heard the last part. “Tell me about it. I just met him this morning, and it felt like I knew him for years. He made me feel at ease with him and the way he helped me with those guys outside was unbelievable. I just didn’t understand that phone call he made. Maybe he belongs to a Yakuza group, and him being raised in a Shrine by Monks is just his cover story.”
Hojo raised one eyebrow. “Do you really think he lied like that? He doesn’t look like that kind of guy, he looks… I don’t know, genuine, I guess?”
“Yes, I think the same. Even my grandma liked him when we met him in the morning, and she even invited him to have dinner at our restaurant. My grandma is an excellent judge of character, no one can fool her.”
Hojo Masako spoke while walking with Tomiko and Takechi, “Maybe he likes to keep his things private, that’s why he looks mysterious. And strangely, that only makes me want to learn more about him! It will be a little difficult, now that Hangaku-chan is targeting him. For instance, if he lives alone, to whom he turns when he gets sick? Or needs help with something? What about his lunch and dinner? He will always bring boxed lunches bought in a convenience store like today? And he will eat dinner all alone, every day? Won’t he feel lonely, being raised in a Shrine and always surrounded by his brothers?”
Takechi glanced towards Hojo Masako and tried to speak casually. “My grandma is going to make boxed lunches for him every day. They already agreed on that this morning. As for dinner, he said he was going to use my family restaurant as a canteen. I guess you could make one boxed lunch for him one of these days, or we could all join him in my family restaurant and have dinner with him so that he doesn’t feel lonely. It would be a good idea not to let Hangaku-chan or any of the girls in School to know this, or Sakamo-kun will be flooded with invitations for dinner or to join another table for lunch.”
Hojo slowly nodded with her face turning red. “I… could do that because I prepare my lunch at night to bring to School, I could make one extra. And… if I warn my parents, it’s ok if I go eat in a restaurant with my friends, and… I could walk him home one day if he lives in the direction of my train station, and…”
Hojo placed both hands over her face. “What I am saying? I could never be so bold, and I don’t have Hangaku-chan’s courage! I don’t even know him very well! What if he thinks I am crazy?”
Takechi answered, making Hojo peek between her fingers. “From what I saw, he also thinks you are interesting. He had trouble getting rid of Hangaku-chan, but he kept on glancing at you. Maybe it’s not so farfetched as you may think, having him interested in you. I mean, if you are indeed interested in him, that is. It wouldn’t surprise me if you are. I knew all the girls in School would be interested in him as soon as I met him. Even I would be after him if I were a girl. Well, I also got confused this morning and asked if he was a girl because he is too pretty for a normal boy and has that beautiful long hair.”
Tomiko Hari laughed, “Ahahah! You actually asked that? What did he say?”
“He smiled and said that he was flattered, but I was not his type. I was never dumped in such a polite way, that’s for sure! Now that I think about it, he also asked if we could pretend to be a couple so that girls would leave him alone, but I said despite him being such a pretty girl, he was not my type!”
Hojo took her hands from her face and asked with a suspicious smile while looking at Tomiko Hari, “Really? What is your type then, Takechi-sama?”
Takechi Hito smiled at Tomiko as well and answered, making her smile back with a glow in her eyes, “Purple hair, small glasses, a beautiful smile and a voice that takes me to the moon and back, when she whispers near my ear.”
Tomiko answered with a gentle voice, “Thanks, you are very sweet…”
Hojo Masako tapped their backs and spoke before running along the corridor, “I am going ahead, take your time and talk some more but don’t be late, or the class is going to start without you guys!”
Tomiko stared at Takechi and asked with a nervous voice, “So… Do you have a girlfriend? And… Do you live with your grandma? It’s just the two of you?”
“I… don’t have a girlfriend. I also live with my mother, father, and younger sister. And you?”
Tomiko took a slow breath and spoke with a few cute giggles in the mix, “Well… I also don’t have a girlfriend… Hihihi! Nor a boyfriend… and… I live with my mother and father. I don’t have any siblings, but I always wanted a younger sister.”
“I… think you would love my younger sister, she is very cute. People say she is cutter than me if that’s even possible!”
“I… wouldn’t mind meeting her… and… talking with you some more, without being worried about arriving late to class.”
Takechi made such a big smile with his eyes glowing that Tomiko had a hard time not hugging him again. “I would like that! If you don’t mind being seen with a short and chubby guy like me.”
“You are not that short. And… You are not that chubby… and… I never worried about what other people might think.”
Takechi kept on smiling while walking next to Tomiko, feeling like the luckiest boy on Earth that could even talk so casually with such a beautiful girl that seemed to like him as well.
While they were still talking in the corridor and walking slowly to their classroom, Sakamo told Hangaku Mae to enter their classroom, and Hojo Masako arrived just in time to see Sakamo entering Takechi’s classroom while Hangaku was biting her lower lip and putting her hair behind her ear and taking it out again to repeat the movement like she normally did when she was nervous.
Hojo stopped near her on the left side of their classroom door and asked, “What’s the matter? Why Sakamo-kun is going to that classroom?”
“He… said he wanted to be sure that Takechi-sama was safe if he was not around… he looked angry… his eyes… he had the scariest eyes… I just asked what he would do if Takechi-kun was bothered again, and he told me to go to class that he would be back in an instant...”
Before Hojo Masako could say a thing, a loud bang came from Takechi’s room, and they rushed to the door and leaned on it, trying to hear what was happening. They heard Sakamo’s voice, and they trembled.
“Why you didn’t help my friend Takechi-sama, you bunch of cowards? Do you all have a death wish or what? I bet that if it was any of you, he would be the first to jump to your rescue, even if he was beaten to a pulp! Don’t you dare to say those guys are dangerous, because I am a thousand times more dangerous than they will ever be! From now on, you will all be responsible for Takechi-sama well-being when I am not around, understood? Or I will find out where you live, and I will beat to a pulp every single member of your family! Not even your dog, cat, or parakeet will be safe from my wrath! Understood?”
Hojo and Hangaku heard a boy’s voice, that went silent after the noise of a powerful slap and chairs falling to the ground. “Who do you think you are, to come here and…”
Slap! Thump! Crash!
“Anyone else wants to complain? Don’t you dare pretend to be courageous when you let those three bullies drag my friend out of here! There’s no point in crying because even the girls are at fault and I won’t have any problems beating you up for being cowards like this sample of worthless boys in here! You disgust me, you ugly pieces of dog shit! You should all feel honoured for having such a great guy like Takechi-sama instead of abandoning him when he needed your help! What kind of classmates are you, anyway? It’s better for your health if I don’t need to come here again, because if I do, you will all leave this room in a stretch, straight to the Hospital! Understood? Answer me, goddammit!”
Hojo gulped, and she heard a bunch of voices trying to speak almost at the same time, “Yes… We will protect him… I swear… I am sorry...”
Then, Hojo stared at Hangaku when she heard Sakamo again, “As for you, you lousy Teacher, you are the worst of them all! You saw Takechi-sama going out with them, and you already said that you knew those three were not good news and still, you didn’t do a thing. I guess you are more afraid of three kids and their friends than you are proud to be a Teacher. I wonder if you are going to be able to sleep at night after this. If you have children and a wife, I bet they would be very ashamed of you, if they knew you are a lousy coward that doesn’t care about the security of the students under your charge!”
An overwhelming silence followed Sakamo’s words, except for a few sobbing from the scared girls and Hojo Masako pulled Hangaku Mae to their classroom door, and they arrived there just when Sakamo was opening the door of the other classroom, closing it with a loud bang that resonated in the corridor. The noise made Takechi and Tomiko look in Sakamo’s direction, and Takechi ran to him, asking with a worried look, “What happened? Why were you in my classroom?”
Sakamo faced him with his face red and answered, “I was just scolding and scaring your coward classmates and Teacher. None of them helped you when you asked, and they even dared to say that to my face, those worthless pieces of shit! Not even your Teacher, because he is scared of those bullies and their friends. I told them to protect you when I am not around, but I don’t trust them. From now on, you will always be near me during breaks, ok? On the days that I can’t go or come to School with you, I will have some people following you to make sure you will be safe.”
Takechi Hito slowly nodded. “Ok… but who are the people that will follow me? They are Yakuza?”
“No, nothing like that, but they are just as dangerous, or even more. I will see you in the next break, alright?”
Takechi nodded and opened his classroom door, facing a bunch of scared looks upon him and the muffled crying of the girls. He went to his place in silence, wondering what Sakamo said to make them be like that.
Outside, Sakamo took a deep and slow breath to calm down and entered his classroom, making a slight nod to the worried Hojo Masako and Hangaku Mae. Tomiko Hari entered right after him but before she could ask what happened, the History Teacher arrived and told them to sit, and class began.
Related Chapters
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 4 – Fixing the mess
When the short break in the afternoon started, Sakamo left before Hangaku could catch him to ask what happened in the other classroom, and waited for Takechi in the corridor. As soon as he came, Sakamo signalled so that he would follow him. “We don’t have much time, but I had an idea, and we need to go talk with the Principal. What would you say if you could change to my class, considering that your classmates are a bunch of morons that don’t deserve your company?” “I… don’t know. I was with most of them in Middle School. But… Yeah, they were never great friends. They always mocked me or laughed at my expenses, and because those three joined my class in this School, things became even worse. Do you think the Principal will let me join
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 5 – Coffee-house
When classes ended, Hangaku Mae quickly grabbed her bag and went to Sakamo, who was completely focused on a strange set of equations and a list. She took a glance at it and pointed to the list of to-do things. “What is this about, ‘send email to Doctor Teruko-san regarding results from new simulation’? Or this ‘collect data from new site’? I am not even asking about all these equations! You were not following class, were you?” Sakamo looked up, surprised by the sudden appearance next to him. “What… I mean, no, I was following the class in the beginning, but I got bored because I already knew what the Teacher was talking about, and I got distracted with this. The class finished?”
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 6 – Shubuyaky Tomoe’s request 1
Sakamo got up and went outside the coffee-house, with Hangaku wondering what happened. As soon as Sakamo leaned on the wall outside, he asked, “I am all alone. You look too serious for my taste. What’s up?” Shubuyaky Tomoe looked like she was about to cry, but she held in her tears to explain, “My agent told me a few days ago that a major movie studio was casting a female lead for a new action movie, about the life of the legendary swords woman, Tomoe Gozen. You know I got my name because of her, right? Of course, I would want to act like her in a movie, right?”
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 6.1 – Shubuyaky Tomoe’s request 1.1
Hojo Masako slowly nodded and glanced at Hangaku, that was still talking with Tomiko and Takechi before continuing, “I could be wrong, but I suspect you are even more interesting than everybody thinks, and when she knows you better, she will not leave you alone, if she likes what she finds out. She is sweet, and she always puts all her strength and heart into her relationships. At least, try not to hurt her…” “No one ever accused me of hurting a woman. I never did such a thing, actually. I am more worried about her hurting me!”
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 7 – The real Shinatobe
When Sakamo opened the door, the familiar faint glow was on the other side, instead of his house corridor. He crossed the door frame and closed the door behind him. Another door appeared in front of him, and when Sakamo opened it, he exited the closet inside his rented room in the Adventurer’s Guild in Azurath. He quickly tied his long hair in his usual low ponytail while on Azurath and frowned at his room door.
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 8 – Visits for the night 1
After Alex closed the door of the closet in Azurath, he opened the door in the middle of the light and appeared in his room on Earth. Sakamo quickly changed clothes and made his braid on the back of his head, going down the stairs in a hurry, straight to the outside. As he was walking to the restaurant, he couldn’t stop smiling. The day was better than he expected at School, and in Azurath, seeing the crazy Mermaid getting a scare by the jealous Shinatobe, put him in an excellent mood.
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 8.1 – Visits for the night 1.1
Hangaku grabbed Sakamo’s hand and kissed the tip of his fingers. “I knew it… anyone would be lonely in your situation, without parents and being raised in a Shrine, surrounded by a big family of Monks. We are not so different as you may think, in that regard. I am used to being alone since I was little because my parents travel a lot or have a lot of work to do, but I never liked it. Tomiko has been my company, anytime I would feel lonely. I thought… I could be your company, and something more, if you want…” “Well… I would like your company very much. As for the rest, let’s see after we know each
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 8.2 – Visits for the night 1.2
When the movie finished, Takechi bid his farewells and went home, after giving a slight kiss on Tomiko’s left cheek. As the door closed behind him, Hangaku placed one arm over her friend and gently bumped her head against hers. “It’s nice to see you looking this happy. I would never expect you would fall for a guy like him, considering the boys that you are usually attracted to. It’s a nice change, after that bastard you dated last time. Takechi-sama looks too nice to mistreat you, and he seems to really care about you. Now, don’t you be a fool and let him escape, will you?”<
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Curiosities and Names
Nobility:The highest grade is duke/duchess, followed by marquess/marchioness, earl/countess, viscount/viscountess, and baron/baroness. Dukes and duchesses are addressed with their actual titles, but all other ranks of the peerage have the appellation Lord or Lady. Non-hereditary life peers are also addressed as Lord or Lady. The
Hangaku Mae journal
First day of High School
Chapter 101 – Ten years after
Alex Brim was already thirty-five, and for the last two years, he had been living permanently in Azurath because his forever-young look was making people suspicious of him on Earth. So, without informing anyone, he purchased two one-way tickets to Nepal for himself and Hangaku Mae, leaving on his kitchen counter a single note stating that they were going to live in a secluded monastery deep in the mountains for their retirement, leaving behind his stressful work at the Earthquake Institute and as a part-time teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School.
Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1.1
After nearly an hour of walking, they arrived at the vicinities of the main gate of the Imperial Palace. Sakamo thought it was weird if she lived there, but probably her parents worked there. To his surprise, a group of four men ran to them as soon as they recognised the Princess, and one of them shouted to Sakamo, “Let her go! Why are you holding her hand like that? Why did you kidnap her?” Sakamo felt Hiko trembling as she hid behind him, and he whispered, “What do these guys want? Are they friends of those guys this morning?”
Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1
Sakamo Ryu was visiting a Shrine in Tokyo following the advice of his adoptive father, Sakamo Yahei, to see the Capital and find out if he could adapt to a life there while studying in High School.As he was walking along the sidewalk of one of the several busy streets, he stopped near the gate of a Private Only Girl’s Elementary School, wondering why the need for a separation of genders so early. A girl’s scream made him look back in surprise, and he saw a big man in a dark blue suit, dragging a little girl who was kicking and fighting to get free.Sakamo frowned as he heard the girl say, “Let me go
Chapter 100 – Five years after
The bell rang in Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School, and Class 1-A was already in their classroom, waiting for their Mathematics Teacher. Sakamo Ryu entered, and while the students were wondering who was that young man who was going to the Teacher’s desk, he smiled at them.
Chapter 99 – Back to Earth
Anika grumped, with Wenammy, Okami, and Pearl joining her. Alex hugged them, promising to return as soon as possible. He left with Nadyian to his room, and Anika snorted.
Chapter 98 – Facing Viscount Tom West
Nadyian made a slight smile, perfectly aware that the other women were listening to them in absolute silence, as if they were waiting for her reaction. At the end of the afternoon, they returned to the Castle, and when the carriage wi
Chapter 97.1 – Meeting the rivals 1.1
Nadyian slowly nodded. “I think I understand. It seems Alex is indeed very powerful. No wonder all these women have become attracted to him.”