After Alex closed the door of the closet in Azurath, he opened the door in the middle of the light and appeared in his room on Earth. Sakamo quickly changed clothes and made his braid on the back of his head, going down the stairs in a hurry, straight to the outside.
As he was walking to the restaurant, he couldn’t stop smiling. The day was better than he expected at School, and in Azurath, seeing the crazy Mermaid getting a scare by the jealous Shinatobe, put him in an excellent mood.

Related Chapters
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 8.1 – Visits for the night 1.1
Hangaku grabbed Sakamo’s hand and kissed the tip of his fingers. “I knew it… anyone would be lonely in your situation, without parents and being raised in a Shrine, surrounded by a big family of Monks. We are not so different as you may think, in that regard. I am used to being alone since I was little because my parents travel a lot or have a lot of work to do, but I never liked it. Tomiko has been my company, anytime I would feel lonely. I thought… I could be your company, and something more, if you want…” “Well… I would like your company very much. As for the rest, let’s see after we know each
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 8.2 – Visits for the night 1.2
When the movie finished, Takechi bid his farewells and went home, after giving a slight kiss on Tomiko’s left cheek. As the door closed behind him, Hangaku placed one arm over her friend and gently bumped her head against hers. “It’s nice to see you looking this happy. I would never expect you would fall for a guy like him, considering the boys that you are usually attracted to. It’s a nice change, after that bastard you dated last time. Takechi-sama looks too nice to mistreat you, and he seems to really care about you. Now, don’t you be a fool and let him escape, will you?”<
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 9 – Sakamo’s girls
The morning came in Azurath, and Alex slowly opened his eyes when he felt a warmth on his chest. He looked down and saw Shinatobe smiling at him, with her right cheek on his chest and playing with his right nipple with her index finger. “Hello, sleeping beauty. I was trying to wake you up gently, but I guess you were having the most pleasant sleep.” “Yeah… Or it was because
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The morning came and Tomiko’s phone woke her up. She touched the screen and looked at the time, turning the lights on and rubbing her eyes in quick succession. She looked to her side and Hangaku was not there already. “Weird. Where did she go? And where am I… Oh, right, I forgot for a moment. Better if I get dressed, we were supposed to eat breakfast with Sakamo-kun.” Tomiko went to the closet to get her clothes and school bag, and Hangaku’s stuff was not there, except for the new pyjama. She frowned as she was changing, and put her pyjama inside the closet as well while mumbling, “Maybe she wants to st
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Hangaku whispered near his ear, making him blush: - “Their only problem was their vow of chastity, I bet they couldn’t teach you anything about that matter.” - “I… read some books. Tomoe-chan and our friends also helped with some stories and descriptions. I am not that innocent...” Hangaku made a slight smile: - “I wonder how much I am able to teach you in that department… Dating you will be so much fun, fall for me already, geez!” Sakamo laughed: - “Ahahah! Here it is, the Hangaku-chan we all know and love! Where did you go? I was getting worried!” Hangaku laughed with him and Takechi that was walking with Tomiko a few meters from them asked: - “Since when those two are like that? Yesterday he was asking me for help every time she approached him, at his house he let her use his lap as a pillow, and to
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When the class finished, Sakamo was putting his books inside the school bag when he was pulled to his right and saw Hangaku staring at him really close. She spoke in a gentle voice: - “What about my kiss? You didn’t answer my note.” - “You… want one right now? With everyone around us?” - “No, silly! But I bet we can find a place where we can be all alone for a while. If we leave now, we can have some time just for us before the afternoon classes. What do you say? Unless… you… don’t want to kiss me…” Sakamo noticed Hangaku’s sad eyes, behind her forced smile. He gently caressed her face and said: - “I would be a fool if I didn’t want to, but aren’t we going to be in trouble if someone sees us?” - “Probably. Isn’t that excitant? The danger, not knowing if someone will surprise us! Hihihi! Come on already, I told Tomiko to go with Takechi to the cafe
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 11.1 – New Spirit contracts 1.1
Kagu-tsuchi vigorously nodded, as his face went pale. Shinatobe then turned to Suijin: - “The same warning goes to you, pile of muscles!”
Alex Brim, Hero for Hire Chapter 11.2 – New Spirit contracts 1.2
Sarutahiko Okami froze and stared at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows: - “Alex! That’s a very mean thing to say! Just the idea of using my friends as distractions…” Latest Chapter
Curiosities and Names
Nobility:The highest grade is duke/duchess, followed by marquess/marchioness, earl/countess, viscount/viscountess, and baron/baroness. Dukes and duchesses are addressed with their actual titles, but all other ranks of the peerage have the appellation Lord or Lady. Non-hereditary life peers are also addressed as Lord or Lady. The
Hangaku Mae journal
First day of High School
Chapter 101 – Ten years after
Alex Brim was already thirty-five, and for the last two years, he had been living permanently in Azurath because his forever-young look was making people suspicious of him on Earth. So, without informing anyone, he purchased two one-way tickets to Nepal for himself and Hangaku Mae, leaving on his kitchen counter a single note stating that they were going to live in a secluded monastery deep in the mountains for their retirement, leaving behind his stressful work at the Earthquake Institute and as a part-time teacher at Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School.
Side Story: Meeting the Princess 1.1
After nearly an hour of walking, they arrived at the vicinities of the main gate of the Imperial Palace. Sakamo thought it was weird if she lived there, but probably her parents worked there. To his surprise, a group of four men ran to them as soon as they recognised the Princess, and one of them shouted to Sakamo, “Let her go! Why are you holding her hand like that? Why did you kidnap her?” Sakamo felt Hiko trembling as she hid behind him, and he whispered, “What do these guys want? Are they friends of those guys this morning?”
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Chapter 100 – Five years after
The bell rang in Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi High School, and Class 1-A was already in their classroom, waiting for their Mathematics Teacher. Sakamo Ryu entered, and while the students were wondering who was that young man who was going to the Teacher’s desk, he smiled at them.
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Nadyian slowly nodded. “I think I understand. It seems Alex is indeed very powerful. No wonder all these women have become attracted to him.”