
Gavin stood stiffly staring at the VVIP room. He tried to regulate his breathing and clear his mind. Once inside. Beatrice and Hazel were already sitting on either side of Caesar. The two women were trying to get Caesar's attention. However, it didn't work at all. Caesar stared boredly at both of them. However, when he noticed Gavin's presence, the old man gave him a genuine smile and a longing gaze. Suddenly, this angered Hazel. The woman clucked and glared.

"I thought you didn't remember family," Hazel said. One eyebrow raised in a dismissive smile. "I thought you wouldn't be successful. It's also great that you were able to get Mr. Park Ha-Neul and Mr. Andreas .... You fox!"

Gavin clenched his hands into fists. Hazel was really annoying. Maybe it was because she had power. So, she could have her way with words. Gavin's annoyed face turned into a normal one. He spread a sweet smile as if he was meeting a harmonious family.

"How are you, Dad?" asked Gavin with a smile as warm as the sun. He could hear Hazel chuckle.

"You turned out all right. I was afraid something would happen to you," Beatrice said, putting her arm around Gavin's shoulders. The man didn't mind at all.

"I'll always be fine," he said looking at Dean who was sitting on the couch playing with his cell phone.

Sensing that someone was watching, Dean raised his head. His gaze met Gavin's. He gave Gavin a sharp look.

"You look fine. Even like a classy unemployed," Gavin scoffed which made Dean react. Fortunately for Beatrice, the woman raised her right hand as if to warn Dean.

Dean turned his face away. He didn't like it when his mom always defended Gavin.

"Look, Caesar! Your youngest son is so insolent." Hazel complained while pointing at Gavin. "No wonder he's corrupt. What the ...." Hazel covered her mouth with her right hand.

"You're on the list of billionaires made from corruption. Oh, no! Family disgrace," Hazel taunted.

"Never mind Hazel. I don't want to see any arguments between you. I'm sick," said Caesar, who had been silent, listening to the conversation between his wife and son.

Gavin gave a faint smile. He walked over to Caesar and sat on the chair Beatrice had been sitting on.

"Sycophant!" muttered Hazel, which could be heard by all three of them.

"I thought you were dead. I wish you good health because without you I'm sure that the company you started would have gone bankrupt. So, get well soon." Gavin looked at Caesar flatly. There was no emotion or expression.

Caesar laughed at Gavin's prayer. He knew that Gavin still cared and loved him. However, his youngest son was too shy to express it.

"I will definitely get better," Caesar said confidently.

"My husband got sick because of you. If only you hadn't embezzled the company's money, everything would have been fine. You've never been good at it. Always causing trouble. Never made this family proud."

Hazel said with a lot of force. As if she was worried about Caesar's health. However, Gavin knew that she was only worried about the dwindling wealth assets. Gavin knew that Hazel never changed. She was always greedy.

"Hazel!" Caesar raised his voice. "If you still want to mess with my son, you better get out. I need my rest," he continued.

Hazel rose to her feet. She walked out. She closed the door with a bang, making Caesar rub his chest.

Gavin smiled at Hazel's departure. She had never been two-faced. She always showed an honest expression on her face. If she hated someone, Hazel would say it. It was different with Beatrice. She seemed kind and motherly, but it was different behind her back.

For now, Gavin would just go along with their game. He would be like a foolish man who knew nothing.

"Come back home. Please." Caesar's eyes glazed over. He looked at Gavin expectantly. Only Gavin and Kiana remained. Proof of the love between him and Euginia.

"If I come back, will you bring mom with you?" Gavin asked, causing Caesar to remain silent for a long time. Gavin knew that if Euginia came back, it would be a disgrace to the Alexavier family.

"No, no, no. You will never accept my mother back. In fact, you boldly threw my mother away and gave up the Alexavier clan!"

Gavin chuckled as he gave Caesar a cynical look. He wasn't going to be swayed by Caesar's pitiful gaze. The old man only wanted a successor and used Gavin as a tool.

"Calm yourself," Beatrice said while holding Gavin's shoulders, as if to bring comfort. However, Gavin was even more nauseous and disgusted. This snake woman was really good at acting.

"You have to accept the truth, sweet brother," taunted Dean who was lying on the sofa. He whistled when Gavin gave him a sharp look. "The world is cruel," Dean continued without any guilt.

Gavin was itching to finish off his stepmother and brothers. Fighting them turned out to be very difficult. Moreover, Gavin only had Robert and Soraya. He really wanted Park Ha-Neul to be his ally. However, apparently it will be very difficult if business matters are mixed up with personal matters.

"So, what do you want to talk about besides that nonsense?" asked Gavin, who had started to calm down.

"I'm ...." Caesar stared at the window. He was hesitant to say what he wanted. However, his heart was always churning to reach out to that person. "Let me meet Euginia. Just this once. After that I will not see her."

Caesar's sad voice sounded painful. It turned out to be this difficult to meet the person he loved. If only Caesar had not thrown Euginia away and accepted all the public criticism about Euginia being a family disgrace.

At that time, Caesar just wanted Euginia to recover and stay away from the media's attention. It turned out that Caesar's actions were very wrong. He regretted everything.


"What reward can I receive?"

"You bastard!" Dean hissed.

"I'll give you two percent of the company's profits," Caesar said confidently. This was all for the sake of the person he loved. "My lawyer will take care of all the paperwork as soon as possible.

Dean wanted to protest. However, Beatrice again gave him the code to keep quiet. Dean was very upset. Gavin had never been given affection in the form of material possessions by Caesar. It was as if Gavin was an adopted son.

Once he graduated from college, Gavin worked as an ordinary clerk. Everything started from scratch and he was taught the hard way. However, if anything happened to Gavin, Caesar would jump into action and come to the forefront.

As for his other children, they were blessed with wealth, but if they were in trouble, Caesar never stepped in to help.In essence, Caesar loves Gavin in his own way.


This morning, Robert's residence was filled with servants and bodyguards. They welcomed Caesar Alexavier. The atmosphere was awkward when Caesar met Robert.

"How are you, Father?" Caesar greeted him kindly. Just like the first time he met Robert. However, not with Robert. The man showed dislike.

The two of them were only fifteen years apart. Caesar was older than Robert. Hence, Robert had been strongly opposed to their relationship.

"How are you, Father?" Kiana asked with a big smile. Her eyes sparkled with happiness when she saw Caesar.

Caesar crouched down. He stroked Kiana's leg. "Good news. I know you'll be fine here."

Gavin smiled at their interaction. He always remembered Kiana's words when they were kids. Kiana had always wished that Caesar was just her and Gavin. She wanted a harmonious family like her other friends.

"Brother, I envy my friends. They go on vacation with their mom and dad. When will we?" asked little Kiana in elementary school. Honestly, Gavin's heart ached when he heard it.

"Come on, I'll show you mom's room," Gavin said.

Caesar complied. He walked behind Gavin followed by a few of Caesar's bodyguards.

They arrived at their destination room. Only Caesar and Gavin entered. There they saw Euginia painting with her back to them. The longing in Caesar's chest was overwhelming. After so many years without seeing Euginia, he could finally see the love of his life.

"Honey," Caesar called with a trembling voice full of longing that managed to stop Euginia's activities. He walked over to Euginia.

"Honey," he called back as he held Euginia. She was sobbing.

Euginia's body stiffened. "Caesar," she said softly. "Is that you?"

Caesar nodded. He released his embrace and looked at Euginia lovingly. His heart felt pierced by an arrow when he noticed the drastic change in Euginia. Her body was getting thinner and her face was no longer well-groomed. Many pimples adorned her smooth face. However, not with her beauty level. She still looked beautiful and attractive.

"I'm scared, Caesar. Don't leave me. Don't throw me away." Euginia hugged Caesar while crying. "Protect our two children, Caesar."

Gavin turned his gaze in another direction. He knew that his parents loved each other. However, Gavin didn't know why Caesar had three wives.

Maybe one woman wasn't enough for a man, was it true?

Gavin checked his vibrating cell phone. His body tensed as a new number called him. Soon a nightmare would come to him.


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