Wait. Willow was beginning to feel dizzy, the smell of blood and ash was starting to grow heavier by the second. It only told him of the amount of carnage the town was under, force-feeding him a spoonful of the fact that this wasn’t a game anymore. His stomach coiled again as he did his best to ignore the screams of terror that filled his ears.
As they waited, Willow could see signs of Rufus descending into hysteria, mumbling sacrificial thoughts about wanting to join his daughter in heaven. His back was drenched with cold sweat as his legs collected dirt. His body itched. Ached with pain. But he simply waited. He honestly didn’t think he could hold out anymore. Thoughts of thirst and hunger filled his head.
There was a saying; Good things came to those who wait. It seemed to be true as Willow’s patience paid off.
Heavy wind rushed past the entire town. A pillar of light penetrated the ash-sullen sky in the near distance. The sound of promised victory resounded. Willow knew that Elm had finally come out.
“We’re moving, Rufus,” Willow said.
“What is that?” Rufus asked. He couldn’t believe his eyes. It seemed as if a god had descended from the amount of power rolling from the pillar of light.
“Does it matter? All I know is that the demons should be distracted. Hell, they should be flying rabid towards the light,” Willow said before he placed a finger on his lips, telling Rufus to be quiet. As Willow had expected, almost all the demons were heading over to the pillar of light, leaving a trail of shrieks and demonic curses. After a couple moments of waiting, Willow and Rufus peaked out of their little corner, inwardly breathing out in relief when they saw that all the demons had moved from the vicinity. Double-checking just to make sure, Willow got up and said, “Let’s move.”
Rufus nodded and followed suit. “To the north we go.” He brandished his sword as quiet as possible, the both of them moving to reunite with the pack - their eyes trying to ignore the ravished remains of their home and the mutilated bodies of their brethren. Along the way, Rufus started to mumble questions to himself. “Why did the demons have to pillage at this time? Just before the Awakening? Not to mention a village way outside the Kingdom?”
Willow decided to just focus on the job right now, leading the both of them through streets and alleyways that would lead them straight to SafeHouse. Willow didn’t think telling him the reason would benefit at all since it might just lead to Rufus straight up blaming his sister and therefore him as well for his daughter’s loss. It was a delicate night right now - the pillar of light may have attracted the demons but he wasn’t foolish enough to think that it would be completely safe. He was sure at least one or two of them - the ones that didn’t see it - would be left behind.
Willow’s breath hitched, immediately stopping Rufus and hiding the both of them behind a corner as he quickly shushed Rufus, gesturing him to shut the hell up or the both of them would get killed. Rufus was shocked but one little peak at the corner and his eyes widened in fear.
Just right there, a demon was feasting on the bloody, mutilated corpse of a human man or woman, the body was far too mangled to tell. Seeing a demon with his own two eyes and not through a screen, Willow could tell he wanted to piss his pants right now. The first thing he realized was how freaking huge it was, despite being a simple air-type demon.
It stood at around 8ft tall, with skin as pale as chalk and a huge wingspan that was proudly unfurled like a peacock around it’s feasting. It’s hairless, bald face was every bit as demonic as it’s presence, with glowing, hollow eyes, a maw that was all fangs and no lips, a maimed nose and a far too thin body that was streamlined for flying. It was mostly all bones and only had hair and meat on its wings and huge quadriceps. Just listening to the damn thing biting onto and tearing the meat of a human from it’s bones around like a dog playing with it’s chew toy was absolutely sickening.
Willow tried to remember what he could about this type of demon. Studying it, he saw that it was mostly of the lowest category of air-type demons in the Demon God’s army, due to its bone coloured skin and any lack of intelligence. Since they were of the lowest category, it also fortunately meant that they were also the common thus made it far easier for Willow to remember their weakness as well. Now most demons were weak to the holy-element but these things were even more vulnerable to it, along with silver/steel-crafted weapons.
Willow had both of them. It was unfortunate that he had to fight the demon instead of re-routing since there were only plain roads where they’d be as visible as day. Quietly, he took a deep breath before coming up with a plan to defeat the demon and move onwards.
In hushed tones, he turned to Rufus and said, “Hold out your sword.”
Rufus also spoke in quiet tongue. “What?”
“Hold out your sword. That thing,” Willow pointed at the demon. “Is weak to steel-crafted weapons and holy attributes. I have a holy-type emblem skill that can be enchanted onto your sword.”
Rufus’s eyes widened in shock as he realized what the boy was trying to say. “You want me to fight the damn thing?! Hell no!”
Willow winced. He couldn’t blame the guard for his cowardice as even he himself was going to piss himself from fear. “There’s no choice! All the routes back all lead to the main roads where we might as well be sacrificial sheeps! This is the only route that allows us to meet up with the others in privacy. Besides, you’re the only one who can fight out of the two of us.”
Rufus stayed silent. Willow continued, “Besides you don’t have to worry. It’s focused on eating right now meaning you can just swoop in behind it and strike him in the chest. One strike. That’s all it takes to kill it. Don’t you want to get revenge for your daughter?”
Willow knew manipulating the man like this was low but he had no choice. He considered himself far too valuable to get killed from something like that.
Rufus gritting his teeth with hardened resolve. “You’re sure I can kill it in one strike?”
“One strike,” Willow nodded. With a holy-enchanted, steel sword and a clean strike to the chest from the back? The demon stood no chance. If they actually managed to kill it, the both of their emblems should somewhat evolve as well considering that they were both only still novinces to their emblems. No matter how small, being a little stronger would go a long way in this apocalyptic nightmare.
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PreviouslyWillow knew manipulating the man like this was low but he had no choice. He considered himself far too valuable to get killed from something like that. Rufus gritting his teeth with hardened resolve. “You’re sure I can kill it in one strike?” “One strike,” Willow nodded. With a holy-enchanted, steel sword and a clean strike to the chest from the back? The demon stood no chance. If they actually managed to kill it, the both of their emblems should somewhat evolve as well considering that they were both only still novinces to their emblems. No matter how small, being a little stronger would go a long way in this apocalyptic nightmare.“Fine. For my daughter,” Rufus said, before holding out his sword over his heart like a knight. Willow held his right hand out over the sword and closed his eyes, focused. It wasn’t as hard as he thought to draw out his ability for the first time. It felt natural, as natural as having to breathe or moving an arm. In the game, it was stated that
Am I Lewd Enough?? Chapter XV: And So It Begins (6)
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Previously“My most beloved one,” The Demon God whispered lovingly. She sniffed. His pheromones had mostly quelled. Satisfied. At least for now. She parted her lips, letting her long, long reddish tongue out. First, she licked his cheeks, tasting some of her own cum before seductively slurping up his closed, puckered lips. Tasty. Separating them, she then moved on to let her thick, long tongue inside his damp mouth that she had so brutally fucked just before. “Mmffn!” Willow felt the thick tongue intruding into his mouth but didn’t resist and simply let her do whatever she wanted. He relaxed, feeling her unsatisfied long tongue move even further in to conquer his mouth, slipping down into his throat which would have made him choke. . .if he even had a gag-reflex in the first place. God, how long was her tongue?Luckily, her tongue stopped at the near-ends of his oesophagus. With a hand cupping one of his fat arse-cheeks, and another holding his waist, she didn’t move for a while, simp
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Am I Lewd Enough?? Chapter XIX: The Birth Of The Celestial Hero (3)
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Am I Lewd Enough?? Chapter XX: The Birth Of The Celestial Hero (4)
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Chapter XLI: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (6)
Previously“Have you done it?” “What?”“Have you. . .Have you tried to get her out of your body?” I asked with bated breaths, afraid that my question might be stepping on her tail. I was ready to apologize when I saw her hands tightening into fists. “Have I?” Ivanka’s tone was drawn with anger. “I’ve done everything I can—I’ve drank a phoenix’s blood in hopes of reincarnating without her but the curse pulls me back. I’ve eaten a piece of the World’s Tree, in hopes that my body would be cleansed of her but all it did was make my spirit stronger, fusing it and me even closer together.”She gave a defeated sigh, relaxing her fists. “I’ve even brought my accursed mother back from the nether realm but she only laughed as my chalikars tore her soul essence apart.” She traced a veiny, red tattoo slithering across her toned stomach. “She brings nothing but destruction and carnage,” Ivanka whispered. “And I had hoped that keeping you inside the house would protect you from her but that was
Chapter XL: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (6)
Previously“But these robes are too mangly,” He muttered. “[Adjust].” It surprised him how natural it came for him to manipulate the Dress. A quick Whoosh sounded as the Dress collapsed into itself before a pure white dress appeared on me but he wasn’t satisfied. “It’s a little too frilly. Make it a bit more minimalistic please. [Adjust].”Another Whoosh sounded again as a more practical outfit appeared on him. It was still the same white dress albeit a lot. . .less. There were no frills or anything of the sort and instead, it was something akin to a white, one piece skirt that accentuated his waist and hips, topped up with long, white stockings that really made his thick thighs pop out, with the long, black scarf around his neck. “Much better,” Willow nodded, satisfied. Just then, his stomach growled when the smell of an English breakfast wafted into his nose. He didn’t know how on earth, Ivanka managed to make an English-themed breakfast in a fantasy world but he was too hungry to
Chapter XXXIX: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (5)
PreviouslyInstantly, Willow’s hips thrashed around like a fish stranded on land as the most intense orgasm hit him like a truck. “Urghhh! Cummhing, cumming!” Rather than Nightmare’s grip loosening like he hoped, it tightened as her tongue moved like a whip, lashing and solely focusing on his G-spot, gulping down the wave of heavenly nectar like a dehydrated camel as his little penis shot droplets of cum down her mother-like breasts. If it was possible, his smell was at it’s sweetest, long since surpassing nectar and entered well into the domain of drugs, drugs that could even affect a goddess-level being such as herself. It was like he had used her Eye against herself since the only thing in her mind was to devour as much of his drug-like nectar into her stomach and was she getting stronger? It felt like she was gulping down the world’s essence with how her body felt full and elevated, ascending after every gulp. Thus, she couldn’t help herself when she also came just by drinking hi
Chapter XXXVIII: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (4) [Double-Chapter] [18+]
Previously“Ah,” Nightmare snapped her fingers. A metaphorical light bulb appeared above her head. She figured out the puzzle. A dangerous-looking smile graced her lips. Now she knew why her sister had marked this feminine male and why it would feel so good plundering him for herself. If her theory was correct, he would feel good enough to risk a war against her sister, or the whole seven realms for that matter. Willow tried to think of something, anything that could get him out of his current predicament despite the haze of lust clouding his mind. For one, he knew that Nightmare and Ivanka were two totally different entities to the point that they don’t even recollect each other’s memories, as if twins sharing a single body, living two different lives with two different morals—one thriving under the sun and the other waking under the moon. What one did was completely unrelated to the other, which was also the reason as to why Nightmare could technically assault him despite the contr
Chapter XXXVII: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (3)
Ivanka, the fallen and former goddess of the elves, the silver-haired maiden of war, the old witch in the woods were some of the many names she had been given in her long, long years of life. But there was a specific title that struck out, to those who played the game. Nightmare. The single entity and goddess who had thrown the seven realms into chaos whenever night fell and her other self came out–a split personality of the stoic elven goddess terrifying enough to be qualified as a sister of the Demon God. There were two things Nightmare was known for, fucking and killing. Willow was the incarnation of the Maiden, praised to be the most beautiful thing in all the seven realms. He knew which of the two would happen to him if Nightmare caught him awake. He didn’t know the exact details of the deal Ivanka and the Demon God made but he knew Nightmare wouldn’t care less about their contract since she could be considered another identity. In fact, there was a scene where Willow had utte
Chapter XXXVI: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (2)
Previously“I’m standing?” Willow said, confused. “I apologize but I don’t understand your question.”Ivanka just stared at him in silence and the mood quickly became awkward. He looked up and saw that it was peak noon which meant Ivanka was in her day form right now, the quiet kuudere who practiced her swordsmanship at the training grounds. He changed the subject quickly. “So, is this your place?” Willow took a good look at the new location he had unlocked. Ivanka’s Home or otherwise known as the Witch Of The Wood’s Hut. Her home had definitely been built in the ‘cabin in the woods’ theme, with a sprinkle of action-fantasy on top like how this entire place was actually inside Ivanka’s personal space-time domain.There were three major spots in this domain of hers, her home, the training grounds with magical, living dummies which was the cause of the noise before, and finally the little vegetable farm she was growing in front of the cabin. Of course, he knew from his experience withi
Chapter XXXV: A God? A Fallen Angel? An Elf? (1)
PreviouslyWillow woke up with a slight groan. He got up to his knees and stretched, enjoying the satisfaction of hearing his nubile bones crack. He felt great, like he had just awoken from a thousand year long sleep. . . until he opened his eyes to see that this was definitely not his room. “Ouch!” Before he could panic however, his brain started to cramp from the influx of memories that rushed him, providing him with a recap of everything that had happened. Oh crap, he was still in the game but that wasn’t his biggest worry right now. “El-?!” He stopped himself from screaming his sister’s name—stopping himself from committing what would have been a huge mistake. He checked the room that he was in and other than the pelted head of a manticore above a dead fireplace, he was alone, aka, no Demon God that would rape him as of right now. He needed to take this chance to plan his actions. But before that, he couldn’t help but wonder where he was. For some reason, he couldn’t help but f
Chapter XXXIV: A God’s Eternal Plan (10)
PreviouslyShe smiled and drank from the cup again. Then, she placed it down and looked into Ivanka’s stoic, silver eyes. “. . .You’re confused. You smelt him and you just can’t remember when. Or, where.”“Right,” Ivanka replied. She wasn’t that shocked with her sister’s ability to descry simply from a slight shift in her features. It’d be weird for the Demon God to not have such a mortal ability. “And?” Ivanka almost rolled her eyes when she saw Nyx reach for her drink again. Another thing she remembered about her sister was how dearly she loved theatrics. . .and suspense.“Do you still not understand?” Nyx covered her mouth, stopping herself from chuckling when Ivanka’s eyebrows knitted tight in concentration. Then, she figured it out. “No,” Ivanka was absolutely baffled. “This early?”Then, the table and chairs all disappeared but Ivanka wasn’t so weak to get caught up in the suddenness. The instant the chairs disappeared, a similarly sized chair had been crafted from a stump that
Chapter XXXIII: A God’s Eternal Plan (9)
Previously“Mmn.”The Demon God released her ocular ability, eyes returning back to it’s magenta color. A gentle smile came up to her face when she saw how Willow tousled and mumbled in her arms like a baby. “Adorable.” Now that she was closely looking at him, without any Celestial annoyance, she could now clearly see that he indeed held her soul. She sniffed his neck. Smelt like her too. Honestly, in all of his incarnations, other than his first, this was the longest she’d been with him. Perhaps her first sister’s godly curse was weakening? Regardless, she wasn’t one to ignore a chance when presented with one. “Mine,” She held the frame of his small face, swooning inwardly at how his entire face fit in one palm. Oh, how many wars had been incited due to this beauty? How many heads rolled to lay a claim on this body? To think that the simple, pure soul resting on her arms was the cause of a heavenly war and her banishment to the nethers.This time, it would go different. She promise