Chapter Three

“Get him! Get him!” A thin feminine voice shouted in the street as two men quickly grabbed Jamal’s arms.

He struggled to set himself free, looking perplexed.

“What’s this? Let me go!” He rebuked but the men overpowered him.

The woman walked over to them and crossed her arms, standing gallantly before them.

“It’s you again? The rumor of theft has been spreading since morning but I never knew you would have the mind to do it again.” The woman pointed a finger at him, speaking arrogantly as crowds started gathering.

“Madam, I don’t know what you are talking about.” He was already tired and hopeless coming back from Mia’s place. He was heading back home to drown in his sorrow since that was his birthright before crossing paths with these people.

“What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about!” The woman cried out in anguish, he looked scared.

Shortly, the men searched him and brought out a silver wristwatch from his pocket, Jamal shook his head continuously as he tried to step back.

“Not again. I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it.” He retorted in full vim.

“That lady must have gone cool with you but I won’t.” The woman took the watch from the man and started dialing a number on her phone.

“Madam, I was just walking back home. I don’t know you and I didn’t steal your wristwatch. Please, investigate this before pointing fingers at me.” He said.

“You will explain that at the police station.” The woman scoffed curtly.

“Police station? No, madam. Please, don’t take me to the police station.” He begged as a big frown enveloped his face. He was at her mercy because he couldn’t afford to have any criminal record.

“Your begging won’t do anything. You’re nothing but a mistake to humanity. Being poor isn't enough and now you choose to be a thief.” The woman yapped, walking away from him.

“There!” He suddenly freed himself and pointed at a car in the street. She gave him a disgusting uninterested look.

“We can check the dashcam to see if truly I’m the criminal.” He suggested confidently as a small smile rested on his lips.

He finally had hope that at least his name would be cleared after watching the dashcam.

The woman agreed after a few persuasion from the crowd and the men opened the car to check the dashcam.

After a few minutes of watching the video and sharing it with some people present, the woman started laughing.

“I was a fool to believe you in the first place.” The woman commented.

“I don’t understand.” He raised a brow. By this time, the crowd had begun shaking their head in disbelief, insulting him and spitting on him.

“The video is valid evidence that you really stole from me.” As soon as the woman’s statement finished, police sirens could be heard in the street. Jamal wished all this was a dream.

“Two complaints in one week, young man you are truly a misfortune.” The officer shrugged as he removed the handcuffs and threw him in the empty jail.

“Sir, please believe me. I know nobody wants to trust what I’m saying but I’m a victim here.” He tried to explain everything to the officer, grabbing the bars.

“Stay quiet. You will be out whenever the woman wants.” The officer informed him curtly and left to his desk.

Jamal fell to the dirty ground as his eyes slowly became wet, memories rushed like adrenaline into his mind and he tightly closed his eyes. He tried to succumb to the pain even when it was impossible.

Jamal was released later from jail, his skin had tanned and he had grown thin. He returned to his apartment to quickly settle himself and prepare to retrieve updates from college but found his belongings outside.

“This is your receipt. You can move in immediately.” He saw his landlord speaking with someone who looked like a new tenant.

“Sir, I thought I had explained everything to you.” His voice was dried, though he struggled to speak.

“Explain what? Do you think I have no idea that you have been fired?” His landlord sneered in disgust. "You are a jobless man now." The landlord reminded him of the awful truth.

“I’m still looking for a job - -” He was rudely interrupted.

“I can no longer accept you, Jamal. Take your things out of my compound if you don’t want further embarrassment.” The landlord began. “At this state and rumor spreading in the city, who would employ someone as wretched and useless as you?” The landlord raised a brow, staring at him in mockery.

“The thing is - -” The landlord threw his clothes in the gutter, forcing him to keep shut.

“If you don’t leave, I will do something worse!” The landlord threatened seriously.

Jamal had one option which was "suicide". He couldn’t bear it, he felt no one wanted him, no one loved him and no one trusted him. He dragged his belongings on the evening street, looking for where to rest his head.

Suddenly, a black limousine cornered him and he staggered backward, looking afraid and confused. A middle-aged man stepped out of the car and approached him. Jamal looked back and front, doubting if he was the one the man was aiming at.

“You must join me, someone important wants to see you.” The middle-aged man informed him with utmost respect.

Jamal cleared his throat, about to speak but wasn’t allowed to do so as some guards in expensive-looking black suits pulled him into the car.

He marveled at the sight that welcomed him after a long peaceful ride, before him, was a gigantic five-storey landscape mansion, a very vast compound, different models of cars everywhere, lights, waterfalls, and guards surrounding the entire mansion. Jamal couldn’t tell what was going on, he had no connection with anyone and the place he was in didn’t look like his college.

“We have arrived.” The middle-aged man’s voice resonated in the atmosphere and Jamal nodded.

As soon as he stepped down from the car, every guard that was present bowed to him.

“Welcome back, young master.” Jamal froze in shock.

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