A Broken Potato

"ugh... can't.. breathe.."

Ian's peaceful sleep came to an end at the suffocating pressure he was getting from all sides. 

As he slowly opened his eyes, he finally knew why.

'I told them it'd be uncomfortable...'

Ian removed Canis from his chest, then untangled Eli from his leg and finally Jet, she wasn't on top of him like the other's, thankfully. 

'Come back.'

He summoned them in and let them sleep a bit longer right next to his heart. 

"These four..."

On his left, Ash, then right next to him, Arthur, on his right, Damon and then next to him Albert, all four of them were stuck closely to each other and clinging to Ian. 

'I'll let them sleep a bit longer.'

Ian quietly got off the bath and went to the washroom to take a shower. He was pr

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