A Dead End

"Hmm... So it's fine like this?"

Ian wondered as he walked. It was a question but also an affirmation at the same time. 

"Isn't that.. troublesome.. brother..?"

Ash asked from the side. His eyes were glued to the two baggage that Ian had on each of his shoulder. 

Ian smiled helplessly as he shrugged. For some unknown reason, the wolf kid was unusually attached to Ian. 

And it wasn't just to the level of simple attachment, he was obsessed. Sticking to Ian all the time without saying a word, showing no signs of opening up to the others of his team and getting jealous and overprotective over Ian, these were the things he was particularly good at. 

Even a few hour ago, he was constantly growling and glaring at Ria because Ian was carrying her. And he only stopped after Ian took him from Damon and put him on his shoulder. 

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