Actions and Their Consequences
Rick and his knights were currently accompanying Ian in his journey or adventure or just roaming around aimlessly, whatever he called it.

And right now, they were standing outside the village where the people of the Cat tribe lived.

They were trying to save the lives of the countless people living inside that village right now.

And Ian, the most important person of their party, was trying to reverse the algorithm of a giant shield that was large enough to cover the whole village and which was also the cause of the villagers suffering.

Damon, as he explained what Ian was trying to do, managed to gather some mana and stabilise his condition.

He and Ash had helped Ian by lending him their mana and they were the only two people capable of doing so since both of them were connected to Ian by a soul contract. But that was a secret that the other's didn't know of.

"Wait a moment."

Louis cut him off while he was explaining some things to Rick as he grabbed him by the arm.

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