
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

Albert asked Ian who was wearing his usual mask and robe. 

"I apologize for not getting your permission beforehand. I felt like this would be the safest spot if we're meeting up in secret, you see."

That was indeed true. There was no other place in the kingdom as godforsaken as this palace, the one of the deceased queen. If it wasn't for Albert sending his own servants once in a while to take care of this place, it would've turned into a playground for the wild animals. 

'To think this would be the fate of the queen of a kingdom...'

Ian couldn't help but sigh at the thought of it. 

"You still haven't answered my question. Who are you? Remove your mask."

"Oh! I cannot do that, I apologize once again. As for my identity, I'm Noah, a prophet."

"A what?"


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