Collection of Troublemakers

"I followed your scent."

Rio said casually, munching on the snack in his hand.

"My scent...?"

Ian asked back, a little baffled. He almost felt an instinctive need to sniff himself at that moment; which he didn't, thanks to his godly self-restrain.

Unlike Ian's huge reaction, Rio seemed pretty unbothered. He made it sound like not a big deal. He simply nodded his head and confirmed Ian's doubt, even adding some extra information along the way.


"It's very sweet."

Rio added, taking a big bite out of the candy apple he was holding in his hand, confusing Ian even more.

'Which one is he talking about exactly?'

'Ian thought to himself.

'Better left unknown.'

The Phoenix shared a portion of his knowledge he collected from thousands of years of living a peaceful life. Ian, after a long time, found something in common between himself and the Phoenix as he nodded his head in agreement.

"So.. What are you doing here? I mean, how did you- ah.. this is really hard to put in words.."

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