Corner's POV

"My lord!"

Corner called out to Miller as he ran behind him. Miller was only there for a few minutes, ordering the knights and informing them of their next mission before he keft to do more paperwork in his office.

It was another one of those days where they were too busy to even take a ten minute breather. But even so, it wasn't normal for Miller to ignore Corner. That was the only unusual part.

And this has been going on for the last month, a whole month. He wouldn't avoid him usually, unless when Corner brought up the topic of Ian.

It all started a month ago. Miller called for Corner in the middle of the night, making him run to his chamber only in his pajamas.

It was unusual, for his lord to call for him with such urgency in the middle of the night, unless it had something to do with Ian.

And just like today, he went running in that night as well, wondering if there were news about Ian, or even better, if the kid was finally back.

But unlike what he had expected, the scene bef
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