Doctor's check-up

"Brother.. "

"You're not in your bed, young master.."

"Are you really saying you don't overwork..."

"While working with a fatigued body even right now?"

Ash, Arthur, Adel and Steve, they all looked at Ian with an expression of annoyance and worry. The very fact that Ian seemed to think so lowly of himself and not give a damn about his own health was making them feel uncomfortable. 

The other's were staying silent but their feelings weren't much different from theirs either. Everyone was worried about Ian. 

"What...are you guys doing here?"

Ian asked. Since he had sneaking came out of his room after sending Ash on an errand, he thought that he'd have a little more time in his hand. But the reality was different. 

"We came here after realising that you weren't in your room."

"Shouldn't you be in bed right now?"

Questions after questions poured towards Ian and he had no way of getting out of the situat

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