Embarrassed Villain

"It was so cool..."

Ian said as he made an amazed expression, putting all the stage lights on Arthur. The other's also remembered the unforgettable scene that they witnessed inside the cave as they looked at Arthur.

"You're over praising me, young master..."

Arthur said, trying to act as modest as he could.

"Not at all! Everyone here is a witness! Right, Corner?"

Ian tried to bring other people into the conversation as he looked at Corner. He nodded his head in agreement with Ian.

"It also seemed pretty durable. What exactly was it?"

"That... I can actually use more than one attribute.."

Arthur, who was no longer being blackmailed by the organisation, had no reason to hide his talent anymore. And more than that, the people inside that room were those whom he judged to be trustworthy.

"What? More than one attribute?"

"Is that even possible?"


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