His First Friend


As Ian stood there speechless at the arrival of this unexpected presence, the party on the receiving end of his confusion smiled the sweetest smile when they net eyes with Ian.

"Hey.. Long time no see."

But before that person could even properly greet Ian, someone came and blocked Ian's view completely. As the smell of blood reached Ian's nose, he recognised the red that he saw in front of him as the bloodied back of Arthur's.

"Young master.. Please get away.. That guy is dangerous."


"Who is it?"

While Arthur was busy warning Ian about the danger of the unknown that stood before them, Ash, Louis and the rest had also arrived and stood by Ian's side before he knew it.

Although not as panicked as the rest, even some of Ian's teammates looked fairly creeped out by the presence of something so abominable.

Ian couldn't sense it before, but the aura and presence Rio was giving off was indeed those of a monsters. That twisted mana, and those blood red eyes, it should've
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