I Hate Spicy Food

"Why are my ears so itchy?"

Ian wondered who was it that kept talking behind his back as he lay flat on the bed. There was a list of people in his previous world that'd be glad now that he was gone.

''No.. It'd be too long even for a list.."

He looked back and wondered what kind of life he was leading to get to this point, but after thinking about it for a while, he concluded that it wasn't too bad of a life either.

Knock knock.

"Young Master, the carriage is ready."

Ian stood up slowly as he let the voice sink in. It was the day when he was going to check the shops that his father had bought for him, at a high price on top of that. He decided to visit the shops in the evening since that'd attract less attention from the public.

He came out of the mansion being escorted by Corner and the other three knights including Arthur and they boarded a very plain and simple looking carriage, unlike any carriage that
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