I'm Not the Dessert Anymore?

"I'll try to block the explosions from going forward. Anyone capable of defensive spells stay behind. Everyone else, leave first."

Miller ordered as he turned around. One third of his knights also stopped and took on defensive stance at that moment. The other's were helping the rescued people and took their leave immediately. Ian was amazed Miller's swift decision making skill and leadership as he looked forward to his next words. That's when he felt a tug on his arm.

"Young master.."

"Yeah? Are you also leaving?"

Ian looked behind and it was none other than the protagonist.

"That's not it. The Duke asked you and Miss Rianne to leave first."

"Oh..Looks like she's leaving.. You're here to escort me?"

Ian asked as he glanced at the retreating back of Rianne and her knights. They were only here for the extra credits, so it was

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