It's getting cold in here!
"Let's enjoy our lunch, shall we?"

The King exclaimed with a cheerful expression as lunch was served in front of them.

"Umm..but before that.."

He continued his sentence with a troubled look. Ian wondered what else he was going to say as he waited, low-key scared of the King right now.

'I hate energetic people like that.'

His reason was obvious. Our Ian or Noah or whatever his name you preferred, he's a complete introvert afterall. He didn't have the energy to keep up with someone like that. And the King, from his observation, seemed exactly like the type that he would have a hard time dealing with.

"Shouldn't you guys do something else? For example..."

The King continued with a weird tone. Ian waited patiently on the outside, while freaking out on the inside as the King continued his sentence.

"Remove your hood?"


Ian's answer was informal as he couldn't grasp what the King was talking about at first. But then he realised that all of them had hoods pulled up to their
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