Mana depletion


Ian looked down at the scene in front of him with a thoughtful gaze. Although he wasn't particularly thinking anything. 

There were about thirty people in front of him, they had their hands tied and and were sitting on the cold hard floor. 

All of their faces were plastered with expression of terror and fear as they looked up at Ian. 

Their fear was reasonable by the way. They just saw Ian burning and vaporising a big chunk of wall with unbothered expression. It was a wall, made of cement and not wood. 

"Y'all from Dharia village?"

A cold and unbothered tone. They were questioned before as well, about their origin and home. But none of them uttered a word because they didn't want them to loot their home and hurt their family. 

But hearing that name from Ian's mouth made them almost choke as they gasped. A

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