
"So you know...?"

Ian asked Arthur, wondering if Arthur already knew everything about his dual identity and all those things he did behind their back.

"Yeah. It was a cool mask."

Arthur replied as he shrugged. The mask that Ian used while he pretended to be Noah, the identity he used to help Arthur and return him his sister, Arthur knew all about it now.


All of Ian's hard work trying to hide his identity and wanting to not get involved went down the drain just like that.

"That's why-"


Arthur wanted to start again, no, he actually wanted to deliver the finishing speech, feeling as if he had successfully manipulated Ian into going back home this time. But sadly, he got interrupted midways.

"I still have work left to do."


Ian's words left no room for discussion. But it also gave them hope. Definite hope. Hope that he'd return back home once he was done with his 'important work'.

"Then let us help."

Arthur offered, looking almost desperate. Another per
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