Speaking Another Language?

The ship was left behind as Ian, his parents and a few selected knights made their way inside the island. 

They landed on a nearby shore and decided to look for traces of civilization. 

Olivia was being carried by Jet as she kept floating on the air right beside Ian. After Jet made a round around the nearby area, she came and information Ian of her discovery.

"Is that so?"

"Did you figure something out, son?"

Miller asked Ian who was talking to Jet. He looked like he had a clue as to where they should go.

"Yeah. It looks like there was road like structures up north."

"North? Then we should depart right away. It won't do good if we still can't find any traces of humans by the end of the day. 

They started walking along the beach towards the north of the island as Jet flew ahead of them. She was acting as

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