The King's Recovery
"Whoa! My legs gave out!"

Ian spoke to himself with a surprised voice while being supported by Ash and Louis on both sides.

He had practically no mana left in his body at the moment. As a result, he grew momentarily dizzy and lost balance.

"What happened to the poison? Are you okay?"

Louis asked as he checked Ian's condition. Even moments before the explosion, his body was completely purple as an indicator of the severity of the poison. And the mana inside his body was as chaotic as a raging ocean.

But right now, his skin tone was back to normal, and although he looked a little pale, he was fine otherwise. Even the inside situation of his body was as calm as the surface of a frozen lake.

"Blew it away."

Ian replied with a, what looked like somewhat smug expression. He was slowly taking in the pure mana from outside once again and regaining his health.

"Blew what away?"

"The poison?"

The kids kept asking questions one by one but Ian didn't answer anything in detail and just
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