The Start

"Why is this happening to me?"

Ian asked himself as he looked at the battlefield in front of him. Arthur had gone out first to offer Rianne a hand after Ian recognised the person inside the dust storm to be 'Rianne', his ex fiance.

The two of them were fighting off the monsters while buying time for the people behind to escape safely. As Ian saw them slowly approach the village, he couldn't help but sigh.

The two people he wanted to avoid in this life of his, one, the ex fiance that the owner of the body had feelings for, two, the protagonist of the story, they were both fighting hand in hand while approaching Ian slowly.


"Are you okay, Mister Ian? That girl..."

While Ash could feel Ian's hesitance to some level, Erza was completely in the dark since she had no clue about the identity of this new person who just appeared.

"It's alright.. I'm okay.. Probably.. yeah.."

Ian's lifeless reply was more than enough to shut down the people around him and ask no further question.
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