Unexpected Surprise

"Sooo... I wasn't supposed to wake up today?"

Ian asked while rubbing his nose. Earlier when he was trying to surprise Ash, it seemed like his tactic worked too well that it almost backfired.

He did manage to save the food that Ash had worked hard to make, but failed to protect his precious face in the process. Bumping into his head which was as hard as a rock, Ian almost teared up.

"That's what we were told.."

"But.. are you sure you're okay?"

Ash explained the whole thing to him, about how he fainted, how someone else appeared and reassured them that everything was okay and that it'd take two days at least for him to wake up.

"Yeah. I'm fine now.."

Ian felt the curious gazes of the people around him directed towards him and started scratching the back of his head. Although everyone was trying not to be too obvious, it was very very obvious.

'They're trying too hard.'

They were trying too hard controlling their curiousity. Nobody had yet asked Ian about the other person but it see
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