Chapter 1625
On Breezecrest Peak, near Frosthaven Lake, a young man with a lean physique sat shirtless on the water's surface. His body moved gently with the flowing ripples, resembling a light boat.

Overhead, a few birds flew around, carrying twigs and straw in their beaks, preparing to build nests.

Under the surface, a group of fish playfully swam around the young man, creating patterns of movement. At that moment, he seemed completely in tune with nature, resonating with the world around him.

Out of nowhere, a dark figure descended from the sky, landing gracefully on the lake's surface. The resulting ripples scattered the fish below and startled a few birds into flight.

"Hey, time's up. Master wants you down the mountain immediately, no time to dawdle," said the dark-clad figure.

The young man, still meditating, showed no reaction as if he hadn't heard.

The dark figure arched an eyebrow and continued, "You've got a mission to take down Kirin, Logan Rhys. This is your chance to face him."

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