Chapter 192
"To tell you the truth, Mr. Rhys is a tight buddy of mine. We'd give our lives up for each other. In fact, I had a night out drinking with him just yesterday! As long as I put a word in for you, he'll definitely do me this favor!" Mr. Marcs assured.

Dustin chuckled lightly at that. What an artful liar!

"Hey! What are you sniggering at?" Mr. Marcs glared at Dustin.

"Ignore him, Harvey. He's just a loser." Julie rolled her eyes.

"Mr. Marcs, if you can get me the company's rights, I'll be sure to repay you handsomely!" Matt promised.

"Haha! No problem! I'll get it done!" Mr. Marcs was beyond elated.

"Thank you, Mr. Marcs!" Matt grinned too. Judging from the high demand for Immortunol, he would soon be filthy rich once he got the company's rights. And then, he would have no difficulty restoring his family to its former glory!

"Mr. Matt, I happen to have another business opportunity apart from the company's rights. Would you be interested?" Mr. Marcs asked sneakily.

"Oh? And what bu
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