Chapter 1955
Upon entering the lush oasis, it felt like stepping into paradise, eliciting smiles on nearly everyone's faces as they ventured further.

Grace led the way, with Dustin closely following, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings.

Despite the seemingly serene environment, hidden dangers lurked beneath the surface and within the trees, taking the form of poisonous creatures.

Though currently unseen in the daylight, as night fell, it would be their opportune moment to emerge and hunt.

"Hey, look over there! What's that?"

The excitement in the voice of a Black Scorpion Squad member rang out, drawing everyone's attention as he pointed ahead.

As they turned to look, they discovered three fruit trees nestled amidst dense vegetation. The tree branches were laden with vibrant red fruits that glistened like rubies in the sunlight.

"Are these revitalberries?" someone asked.

"Revitalberries? The ones that boost cultivation and extend life?"

"Wow! Look at all these revitalberries! We
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