Chapter 2365
"According to the investigation, Dusk Titan was killed by the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, while the Shadow Prince and The Dust of Angel were taken down by someone named Dustin Rhys." Hank didn't mince words as he detailed the entire incident.

Losing those three elite fighters was a serious blow to the Hall of Gods. They had planned a two-pronged attack.

To claim the championship title in the Combat Tournament and shatter the spirit of Dragonmarsh's martial artists while secretly raiding their treasures to block their fortunes.

But before they could even get started, Plan A was already a bust. They had lost their top elites and suffered a major hit to their reputation.

"I know about the Grand Sorceress of the Mystic Arts Order, but where did this Dustin Rhys come from?" Bailey's expression darkened as he spoke.

He had researched Abigail, the second-ranked master on Dragonmarsh's Legendary List. It wasn't surprising that George had died in her hand.

But Bailey had nev
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