Chapter 84
Dr. Ross Leister examined the patient again. However, Henry’s heart was beating rapidly as his body convulsed and trembled out of his control.

At that moment, the doctor was at a loss for words.

“This does not look good…” Ross was puzzled. He sighed and said, “The patient was previously diagnosed with other illnesses. Now that he’s got the Havaska virus, it’s impossible to cure him. It looks like he won’t make it. You should… start preparing for the end.”


Everyone froze at his statement.

“After treating him for so long, this is the outcome? Prepare for the aftermath?!”

“Dr. Leister! Please, you have to save my grandfather. I’m willing to spend every penny I have!” Dahlia begged.

“I…” As the doctor opened his mouth to speak, the door was kicked open with a loud bang.

Dustin entered the room with a gloomy look on his face. Without a word, he swiftly pulled out a silver syringe and stabbed Henry’s chest. The fluids in the needle rushed into the man’s veins with a whoosh.
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