Chapter 7 : Benita Is In More Trouble.

In the dimly lit room,the sound of music echoed as loud cheers reverberated across the room.

It was the viagra strip club —a p**n home in disguise.

Known for housing horny and dangerous high end millionaires and billionaires who seek to find pleasure in the comfort of women.

No one dared enter Viagra without a minimum of $20 m in their bank accounts, because $5m out of it, would be used to buy a membership card that takes 3 months to process before allowed full entry.

The viagra strip club was the biggest underground strip club in the whole of ceal villa city, owned by the ruthless and coldblooded loan shark, Mr Lethal.

Most people in the city knew about the Viagra club and the inhumane things that were going on inside but no one dared talk.

Because Mr lethal had bought over all the authorities that could possibly stand in his way.

And for years —he had been striving In his inhumane acts.

As the club bubbled outside, at the backstage, stood a trembling young lady In a skimpy dress that barely covered her fair skin.

Tears rolled down her face, smearing the heavy makeup she was wearing.

“Hey you!” A man barked stomping towards her with a makeup brush in his hands.

“This is the last time I'm going to retouch that makeup, if you use that crocodile tears to

smudge them again, I will report you to Mr lethal” he threatened

And at the mention of that name, Benita froze, as cold chills ran down her spine.

“Now follow me., you have been paid for”

Benita obeyed, naively following the man as they got to a dark hall.

“Now, you have to act your best, if you want to make enough money for Mr lethal and be set free some day” The man said, knowing fully.

There were no such words as “set free” in the viagra club,they work till they die.

Benita walked into a room,the man showed her, her head faced down as her whole body quivered in fear.

“Look what we have here”

Benita snapped her head up at the sound of the voice, but instantly froze.

For a second her heart stopped beating as she stared at the hideous sight before her.

They were about 10 half naked men with lewd smiles on their faces, staring lustfully at her.

“Shit! This is the new kitten?”one of the men spoke up, a smug smile covering his face.

“She's so hot! ” another said, licking his lips.

“Now come here”One of the men walked towards Benita and pushed her to the bed, as she landed with a bounce.

“I can't wait to devour you ” he grinned lewdly at Benita,loosening his belt In a hurry.

Benita opened her mouth to talk, but it felt heavy.

More tears streamed down her face as she closed her eyes, waiting for what was worse than death,

She had pleaded and pleaded to Mr lethal but all to no avail.

Now she was surrounded by 10 men waiting to devour her, —just as they had said.

Cold chills ran down Benita's spine as the men grinned lewdly at her , flashing their 32 and hurriedly loosening their belts. .

“Please don't do this, I beg you ” Benita finally choked out , her voice barely above a whisper.

One of the men cackled “ Beg us?” Did we beg your master when we paid $10k each to have you tonight?”

“I haven't had a woman this hot in awhile, so get ready we going to have some fun tonight”

Benita struggled to breath, but she couldn't move her body.

Where would she run to even if she wanted to?

At this point, she had given up as she watched one of the men climb into the bed with a syringe in his hands.

A syringe containing the sleeping drugs they were about to give her, so they could use her the way they wanted.

“Make sure to give her full dose, I don't want that p***y crying in my ears.”

“Please I beg you, don't do this please, please” Benita curled herself into a ball, her heart thumping aggressively against her chest.

”Don't move, Hoe! Or I will inject this in the wrong vein and you will die instantly”

The man growled , as he drew closer, his eyes gleaming with lust.

He grabbed Benita’s wrist , and placed the syringe close to the supposed vein.


Suddenly, like a flash , a man grabbed his hands, twisting it above his head


The sound of a broken bone echoed across the room

Followed by a loud painful groan “Owww!”

The room fell into a deep, dead silence, as all eyes stayed glued at the man who had just barged in.

Soon enough, one of the men broke the silence, digging out his shiny metal from his pockets.

“Who the fuck are you?! ”

He roared ,flashing his dagger as he stormed towards the man who stood firmly rooted in the same spot.

Undeterred, by the shiny metal coming his way.

“I am Andrew Baron!” the man replied nonchalantly, his lips curling into a smirk.

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