in the far east of the Tomorian Empire, were mountains projects into the ocean, there was a town that was prosperous and famous for being one of the main destinations for trade, training, and hunting, and all because of a special mine that produced high-grade mana stones for the last 40 years without stop.
many mage guilds also built their headquarters around that mine, the power that radiates from the mine alone is enough to improve their mana concentration and cultivation.
several nobles took advantage of that, the long vast forest, the beach, and everywhere around the mine now is full of all types of shops, stalls, inns, markets buildings, squares, and roads, except for one location, no one have dared to approach the watchtower on the mountain.
they say the old man who lived there was crazy, he didn't interact with anyone, and whoever tried to overstep the boundaries of the tower he didn't hesitate to hurt them, yet there were people who knew him well, he was the high visor, the mage of the tower that maintains the protective formation, but no one had ever shown gratitude or respect towards the old man for doing that, except for few who had seen the power of the old man as a capable mage, many nobles were requesting him to teach their promising children, but he always rejected them because he had students already
in the mountains between the trees, a sudden flash followed by a fire explosion landed on distant trees.
" and that's how you make the spell effective with the least consumption of mana, it called spell compression .. ". it was Philips explaining magic-related knowledge to three young students. " woahhh. that's cool ".. " awesome " the students cried in excitement.
they were his first and only students, it been 7 months since he had saved them from a stray Bear in the forest not too far from the tower, and he was involved with them ever since.
Philip was tired of his lonely life, his brother left a long time ago after the funeral of the remaining elders, many years have passed since then. he finally wanted to do something before he passes away and it was giving these orphans a chance to fight, after few months he grew to like them and started teaching them magic. they were two boys and one girl, Alice, zack, and Arthur.
they kept their daily routine to train in the afternoon, then Philip would go attend the formation needs and then read or meditate till the next day.
the strength of the Tomorian empire rose significantly in the last 40 years, to carefree experiment and play with high-grade mana stones is a privilege only exclusive to the humans of the empire, they now have the best gear, knowledge, and tech among all other races, their power and skills have grown several folds over the last decades.
no one knew the war between the kingdom of kolon viel and the empire have long stopped in secret, the empire now is using the fake war situation with the kingdom to justify the massacres they inflict on others.
At the capital of the empire, inside a huge palace, in a room filled with fancy decorations and gold, the emperor was lost in his thoughts. his fingers tapping on his disk looking at several reports. suddenly a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. " come in ". as he continued " it better be something worth it " he said with an impatient voice. as the sound of footsteps echoed in the vast decorative room, it was the reporter from the eastern mana mine, the reporter handed a red envelope to the emperor. bowed and left.
the emperor had a worried look as he checked the content of the report and cursed under his breath " ever since the last year the resources coming from the mine were getting less and less every month ".
as he was lost in his thoughts he heard other knocks with a voice " your grace you called for me ! ". it was one of the empire generals.
" ahh general just in time, come in," the emperor said as he gestured the general to sit. looking at the color of the envelope in the emperor's hand the general knew it was a report from the east.
the emperor noticed the general as he said ". ah this, the mine isn't doing too well general ". the general replied " another bad news about the mine your grace ? ". the emperor replied, " well it will soon be depleted. we can't afford to waste high-grade stones from now on, we expect it to run dry in the next year ".
.." then what should we do next !" the general asked with a worried expression. the emperor replied " your father was a knight, he helped the empire explore the mine 45 years ago, and now I trust you to do the same, we will trade the mine to the dwarves for one of their big gold mines in the south, " the emperor said with a smirk. the general replied " sell, but doesn't that mean we will be throwing whats left of the high-grade stones to the dwarves? will they even accept the mine? ".
it is true. even if the mine was close to run dry. it still had a large number of stones that is worth more than a simple gold mine, the general was confused.
the emperor continued " when we trade it to the dwarves we will make sure they buy our good intentions, after a short period the kolon viel kingdom will raid it, take the mine and kill everyone in the town, then we blame the dwarves for our citizen's death in the town, we still own the mana mine, no one knows we are working with the kolon viel kingdom now for almost a decade, we share the same goal as them, and also a free gold mine general, plus the dwarven compensation for the citizens lives " the emperor said with a big grin. the general looked in surprise with his hand on his chin and asked as if something is worrying him " but don't you think they will have a hard time raiding the town, considering the magic formation, plus the high visor in the tower? I think we shou..." the general was cut short by the emperor ". he might be a level 21 mage but he is still one old man, it doesn't make any difference to the kingdom's troops, we have provided them with the gear and the manpower, I don't care if he dies, we don't need the magic formation anymore ".....
in the following month news of trade negotiations between the empire and the dwarves spread out in the town, some were happy and cheering, some were not.... " hey hey did u hear it seems that the emperor has declared his friendship with the dwarves and he gave them this precious mine for a just a gold mine as a symbol of friendship and trust ". many people are talking about it since dwarves are good craftsmen. and unlike the empire, they have always sold their goods, dwarves getting the high-grade mine means adventurers can buy new better gear made with high-grade stones, everyone was excited, except for one person.
an old man inside his tower, looked out of the window as he frowned at the news, he was confused and worried about the empire's actions. " hmmm why would such a greedy Racist empire do that ". something just for friendship doesn't exist in Philips world, his past was cruel, he lost everything, over the past years he was bullied by the empire noblemen, they took advantage of his hometown for their selfish gains.
after some time, Philip looked again outside of the window and again he looked in his hands, it was something that was gleaming in pure red shine, the mysterious spider gem, as tears were dropping on it, that night Philip remembered everything...
after 2 months of the dwarves taking over the mine, in one of the nights, a fire suddenly was set on many houses, flame arrows were raining on the town, in a moment the silent and peaceful town turned into chaos, knights of the Kolon veil kingdom riding their warhorses through the streets of the town slaughtering everyone on sight, whatever it was humans, dwarves. old or young, everyone was killed on sight
the magic circle was alerting the whole tower, Philip woke up suddenly to the sound of chaos, looking outside the window. his dear hometown was engulfed in flames. sounds of crying, shouting and weapons clanging echoed in the silent night, he was shocked at the sight. and said in anger " this damn empire I KNEW IT, for friendship my ass ".
Philip didn't care that much about the town that was now the property of many greedy nobles, he only cared about his family tower, but in the middle of his thoughts something just hit him, he cried in worry ". the kids ". he quickly went to take everything he needs and while doing so, something reflected in his eyes, it was the mysterious spider gem on the disk, he quickly grabbed it and left quickly running toward the orphanage.
the usually silent and empty town in the night is now all burning in fire everywhere. while running through the familiar streets, Philip didn't believe a day would come when he would witness the roads he crossed since he was a little kid, filled with fire, bodies, and blood. " sometimes I wish it dream " he thought with a sad face as his eyes reflected the flames, after several minutes he finally arrived, it took him a while to arrive at the street where had the orphanage building, it was partially damaged but fortunately the direction of the orphanage was not in flames, as he tried to run toward the building, his next step was interrupted by a flaming arrow. that pierced the ground right next to his feet, Philips quickly made a distance and raised an arcane shield with a fireball ready in his hands. ". that's not good, they're so many ". Philip cursed under his breath, soon suddenly he sensed another stronger presence coming in fast, so
* swishhhhhhh. foooooooooo Buvfffff *
something landed hard, smoke and debris were everywhere. soon a shadow can be seen coming out of the smoke, with a deep and sarcastic voice it said " Oh well well, none of them have arrived here yet, I guess that makes me the winner, haha old mage I'm sorry but you see, you're unlucky haha but I promise I won't make it painfu..." the shadow was cut short as a fireball appeared in his vision.
he managed to dodge but didn't expect the old man's fireball to be this powerful.
" yoo what's the deal, cant we have a civilized conversation? " he said in a puzzled voice as he dodged another two fireballs exploded.
if one looks now, a bulky guy in his mid-twenties, wearing only shorts and a bandanna standing, behind him a large hole of melted ground at where he stood a few seconds ago. " tsk troublesome old man ". the guy said as he clicked his tongue, he jumped over one of the roofs nearby and said out loud in a sarcastic tone " well, you are better than we have expected but still, there's so much a man can do with a single hand, let alone an old fart like you" as he smirked and jumped in a blink for a power Attack, but Philip was ready, as he already had three runes that exploded in a chain of blizzard storms. the kingdom attackers retreated and tried to attack again, but was Philip no were to be seen.
hiding behind the orphanage building Philip was catching his breath as he thought " Damit, they are from the kingdom of kolon veil, but they shouldn't be this strong, the mana level of that guy is too dense..... ...unless "Philip's eyes widened in his conclusion, " but that doesn't matter now, the blizzard will keep their mana sense out for a while, I have to get the kids to safety and worry about this later " Philips nervously thought. he hid his presence as best as he could and entered the orphanage house.
it was empty, but Philip didn't waste any time as he exactly knew where they were hiding, Philip quickly walked down the stairs to the basement, where he saw the old lady of the orphanage and around 10 kids were hiding behind sacks and barrels. Philip assured them in a calm voice and " its fine iam the high visor "
the lady recognized him and asked in worry " Mr high visor, what is happening outside, are we under war ?"
Philip replied hurriedly ". yes, it's not safe. please kids, everyone. let us get out of here "
the moment they exited the orphanage, Philip's face paled at the sight of his family's tower burning in flames, he turned around and saw the fear in the eyes of the kid. Philips main plan was to escape through the tower, but that isn't possible anymore, all the roads are not safe. " there's only one possible direction " Philip narrowed his eyes and decided,
they ran in the direction of the mine...
Related Chapters
Arachnoid Unleashed 4- The sweet taste of revenge
They've been out of the orphanage for several minutes. They had finally arrived at the mine entrance. Philip was relieved that they had gotten out of town without fighting, since it was much peaceful here. That, however, did not endure long. Many dwarf dead were scattered around the shore and the mine entrance as they came closer. The children were exhausted and had difficulty breathing. Philip turned to face them and stated quietly, "As there appears to be no one else in the area, we should proceed south along the beach untill we reach the grey mountains, It'll be a lot safer if we ".. Philip came to a halt in his speech as he sensed a projectile approaching at an incredible speed. Philip rapidly erected numerous arcane shields to protect the party, The projectile, however, shattered them all and lost its magnitude at the final layer. The weapon was a Spear. Philip had no idea how strong whoever threw it was.
Arachnoid Unleashed 5- Ashes to Ashes to Monster
Philip awoke in a large dark throne room, where moonlight pierced through its large windows, thinking he was unconscious. He checked his surroundings but couldn't see anything. It was late at night and very quiet. "But HOW," Philip cried out in shock and confusion as he checked his body, pinching himself, he was perfectly fine with no injuries. "That doesn't make any sense," Philip muttered in confusion, "that's impossible." He was abruptly interrupted by a soft voice. "Is that it?" Philip turned in the direction of the voice, but he can't make any sense of it; all he sees is a figure sitting on the once-empty throne, but no matter how hard he tried, his eyes wouldn't make any sense of it. " w...Who are You?" Philip inquired, concerned. "I'm the one you helped set free," the voice giggled, adding, "well, not entirely free,
Arachnoid Unleashed 6- I am Siphex
<Status> Name: ??????? Race ( Arachnoid: Rare ) Class ( null ) Level ( 1 ) Souls ( 0/5 ) < stats > STR ( 5 ) VIT ( 3 ) WIS ( 4 ) INT ( 9 ) DEX ( 6 ) CHA ( 7) < Skills > Active ( 0/3 ) - - - passive ( 2/3 ) - Arachnoid insight : ( the pure blood of the Ancient Reishalion runs through your veins, you gain the blessing of your ancestors: you are 100% resistant to poison & cold. 25% resistant to illusions ). - Nimble : (your movement is partially muffled, your movement speed is increased up to 25% the closer you are to your target ). < > - - - He was speechless when he saw his new stat
Arachnoid Unleashed 7- Level Up
stepping away from the Portal Most low leveled humans, dwarves, or elves would feel dizziness or other minor effects, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling to go through, but now being something different, Siphex stepped out of the portal with ease, and the first thing that came into his view were rocky dark tunnels with tiny crystals splattered randomly at the ceiling and the walls, giving the dark cave a subtle purplish glow. 'Lord Zurich said I can only get out of the maze if I get stronger, so I guess I'll have to work harder and start leveling up; my only goal right now is power.' 'But I don't see any experience points,' he reflected as he took another look at his level status < level (1) > < Souls (0/5) > "Well, being a sort of something Ancient has its advantages, I guess those souls are required to level up," Siphex said as he began walking through the nearest tunnel. &nbs
Arachnoid Unleashed 8- Predator of the tunnels
Even though Siphex couldn't see the day or night, he understood that a long time had passed in the outside world when he began farming the first floor of the maze trial, but he didn't give it much attention because the only thing he knew during this time was hunting without ceasing. At first, all he encountered were the same low-leveled valaptors who didn't yield enough Souls as his level increased, but as he progressed deeper into the cave, he began to encounter a variety of higher level beasts, which, while still common, provided a larger number of enemies and the number of souls their hearts gave him. Despite the fact that Siphex was killing mobs nonstop, he didn't seem to get tired. Every time he felt tired at the end of a fight, as he devoured a heart out of a corpse, he felt a warm sensation spread through his body, refreshing both his stamina and slightly healing any minor scratches and injuries he developed during the fights, as he later realized there was another si
Arachnoid Unleashed 9- The quite before the change
The enormous continent Grand Mundora is a vast expanse of land that stretches across the vast crystal ocean's body. With a diverse range of climates, landscapes, and scenery, the continent was primarily home to four races. Humans, elves, orcs, and dwarves are among the races. The Tomorian Empire was the largest and most powerful human home, stretching across the entire northeastern quarter of the continent. Its landscape consisted primarily of green plains, vast forests, hills, valleys, small rivers, and lakes, with a typical European climate. Surrounded on the south by a series of grey Mountains, on the west with Elven vegetation, and on the east and north by the ocean. Humans, who lacked any unique racial characteristics, were mainly average in all-around occupations because they could easily pick up skills from other races, but they specialized in herbalism and religion since the paladins were their most cherished unit. They most
Arachnoid Unleashed 10- The Cycles of Rebirth
The sounds of fighting and growling reverberate through the dark, empty passageways. * clap* *swishhhhhhh* *splash* *thud* Siphex murmured as he hacked open the headless body and consumed its heart, "and that would be the 74th." < Heart consumed +1> < Souls+ 14 > As Siphex progressed deeper into the zone 6 tunnels, he encountered additional mobs that were similar to bacats but slightly different and also higher leveled; after killing all of the zone 6 mobs, Siphex was rather happy with the number of souls they yielded. Getting to level 18 and halfway to 19 < Status > Name: Siphex Race ( Arachnoid: Rare ) Class ( null ) Level ( 18 ) Souls ( 431/960) &
Arachnoid Unleashed 11- The Dark Continent
The smoke of a fire can be seen next to a big boulder in the dead of night, amid a wasteland filled with dried grass and decaying trees, with two individuals sitting on top of the boulder clutching longbows, peering around as they kept watch. while four others sat in front of the campfire. *tk* *wood is engulfed with flames* *tk* "We've been here for 5 days and still haven't found what you're searching for," grumbled a middle-aged guy as he tossed a chopped piece of wood into the fire. He was dressed in golden armor with tree-like patterns and four daggers strapped to his back; his blonde hair was neatly done into a ponytail, and he had a big scar over his nose and serious green eyes that reflected the campfire, it was clear that this man had been through many battles. "Patience is key. General Alric, we're getting closer every day; I estimate it's about 2 days east of here, and we should be there without any issues "The wrinkles o
Latest Chapter
41- The chained Maze II
"I'm tired of going through all of these gates and corridors, as well as all of these markings and dents; there has to be something behind this gate; it won't hurt to try," Siphex reasoned as he dug deeper into the wall. Siphex considered using the pickaxe at first, but it snapped in half after a few strokes due to its rustiness. Using his claws and fists to continue digging through the wall, he eventually managed to build a hole the size of a little ball, which could only fit his arm. "These Walls appear to be harder than they appear; what are they built of?" "This isn't an ordinary stone," Siphex grumbled as he peered through the hole to peer behind the wall. "Woahh, there are so many various items strewn about? Who closed the gate in the first place? Isn't there supposed to be a lever or something nearby?" Siphex could see several gold nuggets and mana stones, as well as other things, scattered on the ground, but he could also see that the chamber on the other side was much larg
40- The Chained Maze
in front of his eyes, a big boulder covered in plants and cracks in the distance that looked like the letter L loomed tall between the dense woods up ahead.As he closed the map and jumped down from the tree, Siphex thought, "Now it makes sense."Walking toward the unusual enormous rock, Siphex had to pass through tall shrubs and plants till he reached it; the strange stone was resting on the mountain, and next to it was a trace of faded stone floor with broken stairs leading toward the mountain. A large square stone wall with a massive locked rusted gate that was covered in mud and foliage awaited him at the end.Walking up the stairwell and approaching the rusted gate, Siphex noticed that, despite its rusted and worn appearance, the gate had been opened numerous times recently. as He could see a variety of footsteps dispersed across the stony, fractured ground." This must be the maze's entrance, but strangely, it appears that people arrive here as well; were they sent by the alchem
39- Following the map
* splash" woahhh, I can't get enough of this taste, so few souls yet glad it helps with hunger," mused Siphex as he ate a small fox-like animal body while crouching next to a fallen tree trunk in the midst of the woods; after a while, he rose up and looked about.It was a quiet day, as the sun slipped through the many trees that covered the forest floor, and all Siphex could see in his surroundings were trees, trees, trees." I guess it should be that way, hope I'm on the right track," Siphex said as he shook and wiped his bloodied hands on a nearby tree trunk before pulling out the map the alchemist had given him and opening it."Let's see, it's just next to the river north of the mountain," sphiex grumbled as he studied the map, then he looked to his right and saw a mountain, "that's the mountain, so it should be that way," he determined as he stared in a certain direction, then he put the map aside and continued walking.It had been few days since he had left town, and he was read
38- A battle versus Rifts III
* Guogru *The overseer reached out with all four hands, magic braided between its palms, sending four magic beams in the array direction.Sid and Vrid both went into action as they saw the approaching strike and tried to block it from reaching their teammates.Vrid rushed in with his greatsword, cutting through one of the beams and staggering back in recoil, while sid rushed in with his shield, slamming against the beams and receiving the impact of two further beams.Both men tried their hardest to stop the attack, but they weren't quick enough, and the final fourth beam slipped between their grasp, heading right for the array. Both sid and vrid wanted to run down the attacker and try to stop it, but they both sensed another attack approaching from behind them. Interrupting them and making them both jumpWhen evah noticed the incoming attack, mason simply waved his hand, causing her to hold her action. "Keep powering the array and dont lose your focus," he said, glancing at the incom
37- A battle versus Rifts II
As the humanoid monster blurred and materialized in front of everyone, everyone could tell that this one was different from the rest, not only because of its look, but also because of the amount of aura that everyone could detect.The monster had the same body as the others, but it was slightly taller and larger, with four long arms instead of two and a distinctive shaped skull.*Gurggri*As it reached out with two of its hands, attempting to attack again, magic began to build up, and a second later it blasted two dazzling bluish magic beams at Marcus' direction and the adventures.* Ssssssssssssssssssss *As soon as the attack was launched, Marcus quickly moved forward, shield raised, and established a defensive stance as his shield absorbed the two assaults a split second later. When the attack impacted Marcus's shield, the two beams vanished swiftly after generating a small explosion and several magical sparks. The shield, on the other hand, was left with no scratches and was glowi
36- A battle versus Rifts
A temperate big camp can be seen placed along the shoreline, encircled by many defenses and with hunderds of soliders, campfires, and tents under the silent curtain of night, just outside adjacent to the nourthern shores of Gran Mundora. Three individuals can be seen gathered around a tiny circular table with papers and maps thrown on it inside a larger tent stood above others strongly guarded by soldiers in the center of the camp. "Just as his grace had expected, the s ranked adventurers have sent their report from scouting the eastern part of the continent; you know, it's been a month since they were sent to scout the dark continent, and no one expected that they would be attacked by a group of strange humanoid type monsters at some point during their scouting." "As they struggled with the monsters, their scouting progress was significantly hindered, as the creatures have shown to be rather difficult to deal with. Surprisingly, the monsters worked in tandem, with some defending whi
35- The Alchemist
Siphex was hidden in an alley behind the line of stores as he exited the book store through the window. 'I can't believe that worked, they really went behind that decoy thinking it was me,' Siphex thought, his senses heightened as he checked his surroundings to ensure all was well.As soon as he was free of the stalkers, he quietly returned to the street and proceeded on his way to the alchemist.'How much further do I have to walk to get there?' Siphex, on the other hand, had been going into the same direction for quite some time. After a while, the road came to an end as he was greeted by a small clearing in a garden, with a few buildings facing the garden on all sides, one of which was a mid-sized building made of wood and stones, but there was something odd about it as a large tree was piercing through its roof, and it was also covered with plants and vegetations.'I guess the baron wasn't lying when he claimed i wouldn't miss it,' siphex thought as he reached the clearing and app
34- Am i being followed?
"my kind? By that do you mean a challenger??" As he raised his brows, Siphex said." Oh no no, I already knew you were a challenger, but that wasn't my point, I meant your race," chuckled the baron as he slid a mug of wine in front of Siphex.'So he found out that Iam a monster, is this an ambush, is that why he requested me to follow him here?' siphex thought as he heard the man mention that he knows about his race and looked at the man pooring a cup of wine for himself. 'Was it these two, or was it someone else?' Siphex, on the other hand, cast a quick glance behind him at the two guys on the table and prepared to defend himself and flee at any minute." You seem disturbed, but don't worry, iam not your enemy. that's why I wanted to speak with you alone, dark elf," the man remarked as he smiled at Siphex before taking a sip of wine.'Wait, what?' So he mistook me for a dark elf, rather than a monster? 'How did he come up with that assumption?' Siphex was perplexed, but his gaze rema
33- I know what you are
Siphex rose up from the table and decided to leave the inn, thinking, 'I'm hoping the drake's horns would bring me enough mana stones.'As soon as Siphex had made up his mind about going to the alchemist, he stood up and walked away from the table, heading for the exit. However, as he walked between the tables toward the exit of the inn, he remembered the two suspicious guys from earlier and cast a glance in their direction while he was walking, but they were not there, since their table was empty.'Did they leave as' Siphex's thoughts were interrupted, though. He acidently pumped into one of the servers who was holding a tray of beverages, forcing her to slip and drop the drinks on a nearby table crowded with individuals, as he was not paying attention." Ahhh," shouted the waitress as she leapt to her feet and apologized profusely to the guests at the table as she began to wipe up the spilt beverages.'Sh*t, forgot this place is too packed,' siphex mused as he shifted hi