Chapter 159: Into the Seventh Dimension

At the Ironfist family residence, tension filled the large meeting room. Zeke Ironfist, the leader of the Ironfist Hunters, was leading a serious discussion about their preparations to enter the seventh-dimensional gate. Each team member was in their position, preparing their equipment and strategies for this highly dangerous mission.

Zeke stood in the center of the room, surveying his team. "We're entering the seventh-dimensional gate. Our mission is to find Evan and ensure his safety. We don't know what kind of enemies we'll face in there, so we'll avoid combat whenever possible."

The team members, including the newly joined Mousa and Violet, were checking their gear seriously. Mousa, a hand-to-hand fighter with newly acquired earth-controlling abilities, and Violet, who could cast curses on enemies, looked ready to face any challenge.

As they were about to depart, the meeting room door opened, and Aria entered. "I’ve received word from Delfina. They want the Ironfist family to join
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